Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Still A Huge Fan

Did anyone else watch Glee last night? I did! I'm not gonna lie, I didn't watch a single episode last season but once I heard Britney was going to be on I knew I was going to have to tune in. I started last week with the first episode of season 2 so I could figure out the show a little bit and I love it! I'm gonna have to score season 1 to catch up. 

So yes, Britney Spears was the featured music performer last night and it was amazing! I thought the song choices were great. The dancing was fantastic and the way they made all sets look like the music videos made me nostalgic. I remember watching all the videos when they first came out and loving every minute of it. 
Now that I've taken that trip down memory lane. It's back to bed because I'm still sick! I swear that awkward moment will finally be discussed tomorrow because I have a picture to upload with it! Ekk! Let's just say it involves a plumber and a neighbor. 


Amanda @ It's Blogworthy said...

LOVE britney and always will!! Britney fan 4life!

JMJE said...

I loved the Britney Episode. You should definitely get season 1.

Laura said...

agreed. it was amazing, I nearly spit out of my drink when they said "it's a britney spear sex riot!"

Anonymous said...

Hahah, the lead in to your awkward story is priceless. Poor girl! Get some rest and hope you feel better soon.

Steph @ Professors_Wife said...

A plumber and a neighbor... yikes!

Yes, I love miss britney! The show made me realize how much i miss listening to the old stuff - Me against the Music! YEAH! And Stronger... which really cracked me up on the show. Fun times :)

Courtney said...

I didn't watch it last season either, but all of my friends did, 'cause I just thought it looked dumb. UH, I was wrong! I started last week also and I loooooove it!!! :) Last nights episode was amazing! I LOVE Britney, still! :)

Shannon Dew said...

LOVED the BS episode! I am a HUGE Britney fan and I loved the song choices too! I'm glad they chose some that were a little less popular and not all new ones!

JB said...

I didn't watch it, but I still LOVE Britney too! She's still amazing despite all her past issues. Oh and she's still HOT and she's a mom of two!

Krysten @ Why Girls Are Weird said...

I had to tape it because I was working but I'm going to watch sometime today. I'm very excited about the Britney episode!

Carol {Everyday Delights} said...

I agree with you 100%! Last night was amazing!!!

Salt said...

I'm sorry you're still sick! Feel better!
I never watch Glee either and this was no exception BUT I heard it was awesome and I'm so glad that she's finally stopped riding the crazy train.

Queen of the Rant said...

It was amazing-great episode!

Mrs EyeCanSee said...

I haven't had a chance to watch it's on my DVR so hopefully tonight! I've never been a huge Brit fan, but maybe with a Glee spin on it I'll like it! Feel better soon!

Hutch said...

Last nights episode was soooo good!

Brittany Ann said...

I loved it! I thought they did awesome!

Hope you feel better soon!

Unknown said...

I'm not a big britney fan, or a big glee fan, and I'm not home Tuesday nights, but I'd watch that episode just to check it out.

tara said...

last night was my first time to watch glee and i loved it!

MissBrightside said...

I think the most amazing parts of Glee last night were the dance moves of Britney S. Pierce! Sister was shakin' it!

Kristen said...

I left you an award on my blog :)

Anonymous said...

I have something for you over at my blog CLICK HERE

Nicole said...

Last night was the 1st episode I watched, and I changed it after the second fantasy! I was not impressed and I do like Britney's music! But not glee! Feel better lady!

New Girl on Post said...

I love Glee, but can't watch it over here unless I buy them off ITunes and I'm too cheap for that, so I wait until they come out on DVD. I did see some previews for Britney and it looked amazing!

Unknown said...

I was really impressed with the actress who plays the cheerio Brittany, they don't showcase her very often and I was amazed at her dancing.

Also it made me want to make a Brittney playlist so I can jam out.

Anonymous said...

I was AMAZED by this episode. I am personally not a fan of Britney, but that is mostly because I don't believe she is actually talented. Some of her music is KILLER, but I think she is all dubbing. Anyway, this episode was AMAZING! The blonde girl? Are you kidding me? She is 100 times better than the "real" deal!