Friday, October 22, 2010


The time has finally come! As hard as it's been, I've been keeping a secret for the past two weeks...and now I can finally share. I started my very own travel website! 

That's right! I did it! After months of thinking about it, it's finally became a reality.

If you've been reading for awhile, then you know that I love to travel and frequently am out on the road. So why not write about them and share all of the details! The site just got started and I hope you'll all hop over and join in on the fun! 

Don't worry, I'll still post a few snippets of my travels here as well as my daily Crazy Shenanigans that go on. 


Geezees Custom Canvas Art said...

That's awesome, congrats on the travel company!

JMJE said...

Nice, that's very exciting. I will definitely check it out.

Expat Girl said...

Aw yay good for you I think its a great idea and I cant wait to read it : )

Samantha said...

good for you lady! =)

Selma @ Crazy Little World Of Mine said...

Oh this is exciting!!!! Sounds amazing! Sure gonna check it out. ;)

Steph @ Professors_Wife said...

I was SO excited when i saw this new post in my facebook feed... EEE! Awesome, Jenn!

Krysten @ Why Girls Are Weird said...

Wow, very cool! I'll definitely be checking it out.

Epiphany said...

Good girl!! I'm proud of you. I'm in PR so if you need anything, email and it's done. Happy to do what I can to lead you to success! xoxo

MariahSmile said...

your new site looks awesome! i can't wait for posts!

Meghan said...

What an awesome idea! Congrats!

Anonymous said...


corkyshell said...

What a great idea! Congrats on your website :)

Daddys Duty said...


Anonymous said...

That sounds like a lot of fun!

Anonymous said...

Oh that's exciting news! Can't wait to read more about your travelling adventures.

Stephanie said...

How much fun is that! You will be great at this:)

JAMIE said...

Congrats!! That's so exciting!

Carol {Everyday Delights} said...

That is awesome!!