Thursday, October 21, 2010

Traveling Thru...

I thought I'd take a break this week from Theater Thursday, to tell you about my little road trip I took on Tuesday!

I got in the car and headed to Cincinnati! I love that place and since it's only takes about 3 hours to drive there, I thought why not and headed to the Newport Aquarium! 

If you've never been to the Newport Aquarium then you're missing out. They have everything from fish and frogs to birds, penguins and even alligators. Just remember... the Aquarium is actually located across the bridge in Newport, Kentucky so if you're driving downtown aimlessly unable to find it... that's why. 
Inside one of their overhead tunnels & yes there was a diver in there as well.
Sea Turtles are my favorite! 
I thought this guy was pretty cool looking too! 

A great view of Cincinnati
All in all it was a great day at the Aquarium and in Cincinnati with my Mom! We also hit up Jungle Jims and if you know anything about Cincinnati then you know that it's a great market! I even indulged in my love for Big Boy's burger and fries! 


Bri said...

How fun! Just so you know, I'm traveling vicariously through you. My son would LOVE to go there :)

~Mrs. Guru~ said...

Looks like a fun trip!

All the Small Things said...

I'm officially jealous, you take so many fun trips! Can I be your bag carrier on your next trip? hahaha

Steph said...

How cool! I'd love to go to a cool aquarium. That's probably not that far from us either.

Unknown said...

I love aquariums! That one is a little too far for me, but it looks really fun!

~M~ said...

Fun! I have always wanted to go to an aquarium!!

Mrs. Ruby said...

Oh my goodness...I just wanna steal that sea turtle and keep it for a pet. ;) SO CUTE!!!
And looks like you had a fab time.

Tina @ Faith Fitness Fun said...

I love aquariums! That certainly sounds like a fun day.

Jenn @ West Sac Honey said...

Your such the traveler I never know where your at next! Love aquariums!

Smiling is Good for Your Teeth said...

I am your newest follower!! You blog title is great! I love it!

I am deathly afraid of the ocean but I love aquariums! I know I am so weird!

Have a great day! Check out my blog!

Anonymous said...

Oh my! You know you are tugging at my heart strings! Great to see pictures of home! I love the Newport Aquarium. How cool you just visited there! Big Boy totally rocks = )

Krysten @ Why Girls Are Weird said...

Fun, I love that cute sea turtle!

Unknown said...

That's so awesome. It's funny how many states have a city named newport...cali, kentucky, oregon. This makes me want to go to an aquarium.

Samantha said...

great pics lady!

SLM said...

Aaaaaw you're making me miss home :-)

Pamela said...

I love road trips! I love hearing about all your adventures!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE Newport! I have a pic of Scotty & I and the diver has his face pressed against the glass with his thumbs up. LOL...

Sarah Mac said...

You were so close to me!! I work downtown...I can even see my building in your last picture!!

I love the Newport Aquarium. My husband worked there about 5 years ago, so I used to go ALL the time.

Jenni@Story of My Life said...

Looks like a fabulous time!! Hope you have an awesome weekend!! :)

Anonymous said...

That is the cutest turtle ever!! I think aquariums might be my favorite place on earth. I go to the one in myrtle beach as often as I can!!

saucyminx410 said...

lol my first job was as a bagger at Jungle Jim's - it was ... not as much fun when you're there everyday. I still love to shop there though!

jessica lynn said...

yay for cincinnati! i live in cincinnati and juuuust went to jungle jims for the first time a few weeks ago. i've been missing out!!