Friday, October 29, 2010

It's Giveaway Time

I love Christmas and I love giveaways, so why not combine the two? So I'm hosting a GIVEAWAY! I'm giving away this lovely Christmas ornament/decoration. It's about 8 inches tall and can either be hung on your wall or on a tree.
The giveaway is open to EVERYONE no matter where you live, it'll get shipped to you! 
Want to win? Here's how: 
1. Become a follower. 
2. Follow me on twitter.
3. Follow my travel site!
4. Follow my travel site on twitter.
5. Mention my travel site (including a link) on your blog. 

Already follow? Just leave me a separate comment for each entry. So that's 5 separate entries that you can get! 
The giveaway closes on November 6th at 11:59pm est. Good luck!


mrs.mfc said...

I am a follower on this blog!

mrs.mfc said...

I follow you on twitter!

mrs.mfc said...

I am a NEW follower on your travel blog!

mrs.mfc said...

I am a NEW follower on your travel twitter

Steph @ Professors_Wife said...

I'm a follower of Crazy Shenanigans!

Steph @ Professors_Wife said...

I follow you on twitter :)

Steph @ Professors_Wife said...

I follow JMOtravels blog! :D

Steph @ Professors_Wife said...

AND, finally, I follow JMO travels on Twitterland. CUTE giveaway. Ohhh... it's our season, Jenn!!!

Elle Sees said...

i follow!

Steph said...

I want to win! That's cool. I follower you on here. I don't twitter though.

I clicked on the link to go to your travel blog and it wouldn't work. Can you respond to this and I'll follow you there?

krystal said...

i follow your travel blog

krystal said...

im a follower of your travel blog's twitter!

Anonymous said...

I love Christmas and Giveaways too! Cute ornament!

I'm a follower! :)

Anonymous said...

I follow you on Twitter.

Anonymous said...

I follow your Travel Site as well!

Anonymous said...

And I follow your Travel Site On Twitter!

JG said...

That is an adorable ornament! And I am a follower!

Keely said...

Already a follower! Loooove Christmas decorations <3

AuntBT said...

You know I follow!

AuntBT said...

You know we're twitter friends!

Keely said...

I follow you in Twitter!

Single in Shaw said...

I absolutely love that! I'm a follower on this blog

Single in Shaw said...

And I'm a follower on your new blog!

Single in Shaw said...

I follow you on twitter (I'm @saralang)

Single in Shaw said...

And I follow your travel tweets (also from @saralang)

Samantha said...

That's so pretty JMO! =)

Ms. Emmy N said...

So cute ~ I am so excited for the holidays :)

{....and I am a follower!}

Hutch said...

I love that! I'm a follower here

Hutch said...

and on twitter!

Random Musings said...

I follow.. But I do not tweet : (

Shooting Stars Mag said...

i love it! i follow this blog.

lauren51990 at aol dot com

Shooting Stars Mag said...

twitter follow-shootingstarmag

lauren51990 at aol dot com

JMJE said...

I follow this blog.

JMJE said...

I follow you on twitter.

JMJE said...

I just followed JMO Travels on Twitter.

JMJE said...

and I follow the travel blog.

Ashley said...

I'm a gfc follower.

hewella1 at gmail dot com

s. said...

im a follower!

Ashley said...

I follow you on this blog! :)

Ashley said...

I am an avid follower of your twitter.

Ashley said...

I now follow your travel blog. Congrats again!

Ashley said...

I am a @jmotravels follower ;)

Kelli said...

I am a follower and what a lovely give~away!!

tara said...

i'm a follower!!

tara said...

and i follow on twitter!

tara said...

and i follow your travel blog! :)

Anonymous said...

I am a follower!

Anonymous said...

I follow your travel site 8~)

New Girl on Post said...

I thought I'd always been following your blog, but evidently not. So I am now!

Awesome giveaway by the way!

Krysten @ Why Girls Are Weird said...

I follow!

Meghan said...

I totally follow!

Meghan said...

I also follow on Twitter!

Annie said...

what a fun giveaway!! i love all this christmas as well, although maybe not just as much as you ;)
i follow you!

Annie said...

and i follow you on twitter!

Anonymous said...

That ornament is fantastic - I love decorations like that. :)

Kristen said...

I follow and I LOVE Christmas so this is such a fun giveaway!

Kerr said...

I am a follower and could really use a Xmas decoration :)

Everyday Adventures said...

I am in desperate need to christmas decorations as a newlywed with a new home! I am follower of both your blog and travel blog and I follow both your twitter accounts!!:)

Becky said...

How cute! I am a follower!

Becky said...

I follow you on twitter!

Unknown said...

I follow, and every year we get an ornament that is somehow us. This could be mine for this year!

Unknown said...

I also follow your lovely twitter!

jc said...

I follow you on twitter
patjeancarlisle at netscape dot net

Jessie said...

You KNOW I follow :)

Jessie said...

AND on twitter!

hisMrs said...

I am a long time follower :) P.S. I love that you are obsessed with Christmas because I am too. My house is already decorated AND I have been listening to Christmas music at work for the past week! :) Trans Siberian Orchestra = <3!

hisMrs said...

I am two seconds away from following your Travel Blog! Congrats on getting that up! Sooo cool! :)

Unknown said...

I follow you on Twitter!


Ashley said...

I keep forgetting to enter!! I'm a follower!

Ashley said...

I also follow on Twitter!

Ashley said...

And I follow your travel blog! :)

Jules AF said...

I'm a follower! How cute.