Tuesday, November 16, 2010

5 Truths

Yesterday was cold and rainy. However, I went out and braved the cold for some Christmas shopping! I can't have a tree up with nothing under it, right? Right! 

I had some set goals of things I wanted to get for people on my list. It was a complete FAIL. The stores that I went to didn't have any of the stuff I was looking for in stock. I mean really, how hard is it? This is Christmas time, stock your stores!! So I came home, called all my friends to say, "Any suggestions on things you want for Christmas?" and started browsing Amazon where I met with success! I can't wait to get the stuff and start wrapping. Fun! Ok... I swear I'll stop being overly excited about Christmas before Thanksgiving even. Maybe.

Over the last few days I've seen this on a few other blogs and since I didn't like the top 2 Tuesday topic, I thought I'd join in on this one....

5 Truths
1. I could literally eat breakfast foods for every meal, every day and never get tired of it. 
2. I will never look at Kelsey Grammer the same way after seeing the train wreck he married from the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. Am I the only one who thinks she's deranged? 
3. The next country I'd love to visit is Australia. 
4. I love stores like TJ Maxx and Marshalls. You never know what you're going to find there!
5. The television is always on if I'm home and awake. I like having the noise. 


Bird Shit said...

At first I sympathized w/ Camille Grammer, but after seeing her on that show I have a whole different opinion

Bri said...

Love treasure hunting in stores like TJ Maxx and Marshalls (Tuesday Morning and Home Goods are also favorites); we love "breakfast for dinner" nights at home; and the Christmas season totally has my 3-year-old in a trance! Great post :)

JMJE said...

I have not been brave enough to attempt Christmas shopping yet. I have been watching a bunch of Fraiser reruns recently and it disturbs me whenever I read stuff about him on the Internet involving his divorce with that lady. I want him to be like the Fraiser on TV.

Krysten @ Why Girls Are Weird said...

I could eat breakfast all day every day too! And I always have the TV on, it's too quiet otherwise!

Expat Girl said...

Oh my gosh I wrapped presents the other day and wow it was an experience with a 5 month old on the floor beside me trying to help.....never again! I too can't believe his wife, shes insane!

Ashley said...

I totally agree with you on the breakfast food! Love it!

I also have my tv on. When I'm cleaning or crafting, I will put in a season of Grey's Anatomy and just let it play while I work. I'm not watching it, but I don't like the silence.

Julie Danielle said...

I never knew the drama Kelsey Grammar lived...lol

And I love a nice big breakfast...even at dinner time.

rena said...

I freaking love breakfast food, ALL THE TIME! And i love Marshall's/TJ Maxx - they have the best stuff!

Pretty Zesty said...

I'm with you regarding TJMaxx and Marshal's. I also LOVE Home Goods...

Steph @ Professors_Wife said...

if i didn't have such high cholesterol, I would eat bacon and eggs (cooked a different way each time), like every day. I love breakfast food, too - my unhealthy obsession with Bob Evans will probably be fatal one day!

Anonymous said...

I have an office joke about picking up and moving to Australia, I so want to go there.

And I think I also share the same love for breakfast foods that you do, especially bacon!

Anonymous said...

I can't stand Camille either. LOL... I think her head spins around sometimes LOL

Random Musings said...

Good list.. I too could eat breakfast for EVERY meal. The hubby will not eat breakfast anything after 9am.. So I LOVE restaurants that serve breakfast all day!

ANd TJ max is my fav.. and Ross too and Marchalls and DSW (I could go on forever)

Brittany Ann said...

I'm the same with the TV when the hubs is gone. I adore the noise.

Also, Camille Grammer? Holy hot mess, Batman! Gah!

SS said...

That woman is a pice of work, narcissist much? I died when they showed that clip with her mom. Unbelieveable. Yes, it's so hard and stressful for you to plan a trip to one of your homes in Hawaii when you have 4 nannies and a "house manager" to do the work for you. I can understand why it would be very hard on you to have your mother going thru cancer treatment while you run off to Hawaii and how kind of you to let her sit and watch you get your nails done becuse you just had to have a mani, but wanted to make sure you got to visit (aka tell your mom how hard it was for you to deal with HER treatment) your mom.

Annie said...

NUM! i love breakfast foods as well!!
and i agree, his wife is a mess. i don't care for her one single bit!!
and i always have our tv on as well! i can't stand it being quiet!

Kerr said...

I love breakfast too and looking at that picture makes me hungry!!

You are not alone, Camille Grammer is a WHACK JOB

Unknown said...

TJ Maxx is the best store EVER and I too could eat breakfast food everyday for every meal.

Hutch said...

I'm dying to go to Australia as well! I've done all my Christmas shopping in my head so I know what I want to get it's just a matter of getting it. The only in-store shopping I have to do is for stocking stuffers though.

tara said...

LOVE tj maxx & marshalls! always have great deals!

Anonymous said...

I was listening to the radio this morning, and they were talking about a poll in which people voted for which actor (that had played a president in a movie) they would choose in real life. Kelsey Grammar got 2% of the votes. I think deranged wife adds a little pizzaz, because how else would he have gotten 2%. lol.

Lindsey said...

I could eat breakfast foods all the time too!! YUMMM!! And funny you said that because guess what I had for dinner tonight . .eggs and bacon!! ha ha ha!

All the Small Things said...

1, 2 and 5 I agree with completely!! Breakfast is definitely my favorite meal of the day. I had cereal for dinner tonight. RHOBH is just nuts, yet I love it. All the women are crazy. Although, I think Camille is ridiculous, I still feel horrible that her marriage fell apart in front of the cameras. And I'm 100% addicted to my TV. It is always on when I'm home. How do you find things at those stores? I have tried and I just can never find stuff. I don't think I have the patience to go often and sift through stuff.

Llama said...

You sound like me! I too tried to get some shopping done...early for once in my life...and ended up with nothing!!!! I too, began to shop online...it really is the best...AND you dont have to deal with all of the crazy people!

jessica lynn said...

i want to go to australia too!! just have to talk the husband into it and find plane tickets under $50,000,000. haha.

Tamara said...

Ahhhh, I caught up on Real Housewives of BH last night (I had only saw the first episode a few weeks ago), Camille is INSANE, I literally cannot STAND HER. I hate how she talks and talks about how difficult her life is and how she's so busy --- SERIOUSLY?? GET REAL!

Anonymous said...

Ha, this was a fabulous post. I LOVE breakfast. SUPER tasty wonderfullness. I haven't seen recent episodes but that lady IS crazy. I don't know quite what is wrong with her, but something is. Do you think it will hurt his career?

Anonymous said...

I'm with you on breakfast food - I love everything about it! Also Australia has been on my wishlist since I was 12 - I'm desperate to go there.

Shoshanah said...

I think it's been really interesting to watch Camille and Kelsey on RHoBH knowing that they've since gotten divorced. They just don't seem to be very happy together or affectionate together. And that guy Nick who she's friends with???

Claire Kiefer said...

TJ Maxx is my favorite of the discount stores, I think. It seems to be a little more well organized than the others or something. And I'm so impressed that you've already started Christmas shopping! That's motivation! :)

Shann said...

I totally agree- Camille is all shades of crazy!