I just never had them pierced. I've never had anything pierced for that matter. I always thought about getting the upper part of my ear pierced (in like the 90's) but just never went through with it. Lately though, I've really been thinking about going and having my ears pierced. I mean why not? But then I start thinking about what if I don't like them? Then I'll be stuck with that little scar on each ear. What if I rub my ears so much their always blood red? Or what if I can't sleep with them in for the odd number of weeks you can't take them out? Ekk! See what I mean about my dilemma? Haha!
So the question is should I just go out and have it done? I see cute earrings all the time that I'd love to get and wear. I think about how great it would be to have pierced ears on holidays so I could have something festive or pretty hanging from my ears in pictures. Hmmm....maybe I should just bite the bullet and go have it done. I could get to wear all these beauties...
I know one thing is for sure, my bank account is definitely appreciating the fact that I don't have them pierced.
Do it! My mom got my ears pierced when I was a baby and I got my second hole when I was in high school!
I say go do it. It's really not that bad - and this is coming from a girl with a fear of needles and pain. At one point I had 4 holes in one ear and 3 in the other. I have since let all but one hole in each ear close up. But it's funny wearing different earrings!
Personally, I think you should go for it. I think earrings are the perfect way to glam up a boring outfit or even make a pretty outfit even better! I'm obsessed with them. I have probably 30 pairs of cheap ass earrings that I love :) I think you have to keep them in for 3 wks and then you're done...really, you won't even be able to tell they are there. I had mine done when I was in 4th grade!9 years old...so I've had my ears pierced over 20 years :)
Awww, these are cute!!
Your dilemma is quite funny *in a good way*...don't think about it too much girl. Plus, there are quite some fashionable earrings available without having to pierce your ears...but if you truly want it - not because people tell you you should, ok?! - go for it and stop thinking about it. :) haha.
Happy Monday.
I got my ears pierced when I was 12, when I was old enough to decide if I wanted them done and be able to take care of them myself. I got my nose pierced 3 years ago and I love it, although when I switch studs, it still hurts. I'd like to get something else pierced, but probably won't.
I can't wait to hear if you decide to get your ears pierced or not!
i say go for it!! I love wearing earrings and it doesn't really hurt. I had my ears pierced in kindergarten and 2nd hole in second grade, both times I begged my mom until she gave in.
You should do it. If you remind me, I will make you some festive holiday earring next Christmas season. Earrings are fun and easier to change out than necklaces.
I LOVE the peacock earrings! I say for it. I've had my ears pierced more times than I can remember and I still don't wear earrings on a regular basis. Haha! I would if I could though. I'm super allergic to almost all earrings. Even the high quality metal super expensive ones, so I can't wear them for more than a few hours. If I wasn't allergic though I would wear them ALL the time.
you should do it! and if you dont like it let the hole grow closed. I dont think you will be able to see a scar. I had a second hole in college and I let it grow together and now you cant even tell. Earrings are fun!
I thoroughly enjoy having my ears pierced! I got them done when I was 7, and though I have a nickel allergy (and therefore have to pay close attention to what I wear), I have no regrets! Do it! =)
Wow... interesting! I have two holes in each ear - i usually wear hoops in the first holes, diamond studes in the second ones. The only piercings I couldn't deal with were the cartilages near the top - they would not heal! everyone's ears are different, though - Get your ears pierced!!! DO IT!
Do it! Get your ears pierced!
I have two holes in each ear, at the bottom - i usually wear hoops in the first, diamond studs in the second. In college, I had my cartilages pierced, but they wouldn't heal at all! Everyone's ears are different, though. Give 'er a shot! :D
Todd has his ear pierced! LOL! He debated on whether or not to wear the stud on his job interview, but i told him it was either wear it or show your big empty earpierced hole - they'll know you're ear is pierced regardless! He wore the earring ;)
Go for it!! Earrings are wonderful accessories. You won't regret it...
Aww! That is too cute. I say DO IT! There are so many pretty earrings out there!
Definitely do it!! My mom got my ears pierced when I was a baby & I don't wear earrings often but the option is there to wear them! & the holes aren't bad at all!!
If it makes you feel any better, I don't have mine pierced either!
Okay, for all the people saying "Its not really that bad." they lie. It hurts like crap. I'd rather get blood drawn. However, it only last a few seconds (each time) and if you get nice little ball studs, sleeping in them is really easy. It might take a night or two to get used to, but it's pretty much a breeze. It's totally worth it, in my opinion. Do it!!
I love earrings! they are so fun!
I think you should go for it! If you don't like it you can always let it close up. but it's a nice option to have for accessories and such. :)
GO FOR IT girl! :-)
If you want to do it, then do it. I peirced ears for a year at a store in the mall. It's not bad. A pinch and done.
That is the scariest peircing gun I've ever seen that you got a picture of there, though.
mine were pierced as a baby
Go for it! My aunt just got her ears pierced a couple months ago and she is in her 50s. She loves them!
Oh you should totally do it! It definitely hurts, but the real pain only lasts for a little while. Sure, it's inconvenient to sleep in earrings and clean them twice a day but the end result is pretty nice. If you do decide that you don't like them after a few weeks, the hole will grow back and you shouldn't have a scar. I've had my ears pierced 3 separate times because I'm allergic to any metal with nickel in it. We didn't learn this until I was 15, so when I was 5 and then 12, my ears got majorly infected. I got them pierced the last time when I was 16 and had to go to some specialty salon to get it done with hypoallergenic ones. All that to say I don't have noticeable scars from where they were pierced the first two times. =P
I also got my cartilage pierced when I was 21 (you know, what you thought of doing in the 90s...). Bad, bad, BAD idea! It hurt like HELL for weeks! Partially because I was allergic to the earring they used and partially because of where it was pierced. I don't recommend doing that!
I have my ears pierced and I rarely change my earrings at all. I am one of the people who is allergic to metals. And once I found a pair of earrings that didn't cause my ears to get infected, I stuck with 'em.
But I say go do it!
Do it! Do it! Do it! I love having mine pierced (and remember having them pierced the 2nd time when I was 4-very traumatic experience), and I LOVE all the gorgeous earrings I can wear!
Get them ears pierced girl! I have had mine peirced since I was a baby! I love earring!!
I didn't get my ears pierced until I was eleven. Good luck with your decision!
I am also allergic to a lot of metals and didn't get mine pierced until I was about 24... but at 18 I got my belly button pierced. took a long time for it to get healed up and where I could wear a belly ring. Scotty's mom is 50 and has nothing pierced. EVER!
I think you should do it. If you don't like it you can always take them out.
Oh yes! I say go for it:)
I had my ears done as an adult. I actually had my belly pierced first in Russia. I REALLY enjoy how my earrings have the ability to make an outfit OR my face pop! I've really enjoyed it but AM glad that I waited unti I was 25 to do it.
Okay, so I TOTALLY relate! I didnt get mine done til I was 22! I was in law school and was in a wedding. I'd always wanted to have them done and just...well..didnt. Anyway, I was in a wedding and I found out the girl had gotten us all earrings to wear in the ceremony. I thought "eff.. .I can't be the ONLY one not wearing them." So, I just did it. BUT, I didn't go with the gun. I went to an actual piercing studio. Here's my two cents...go to a piercing studio. They don't use a gun and there's less chance of infection or scar tissue b/c it's not jarring. It's just a simple prick through the ear, not a jolt like a staple gun. I mean...that way is totally fine! Totally! But, I was a little paranoid, so I'm glad I did it that way. :)
While I was there, a group of girls aged 13 were having their belly buttons done! ha! I was like "Yeah, this is me....having my ears done... for the first time. Nice." :)
Anyway, I think you should go for it. I am SO glad I did. Now I wear earrings all the time! It's the easiest way to dress up an outfit. A simple sweater and jeans can look so much dressier with some cute earrings! The weirdest part is when you're done with the studs and move into "real" earrings. It's awkward at first...kinda like wearing contacts for the first time...but then it's old hat. No worries!
Go for it!!! :)
Go for it lady! Then you can rock those gorgeous emerald hued drop earrings!
You can do it! We will need a picture for evidence.
I say do it! I love earrings! You can sure go crazy buying earrings, but theyre such a cute accessory! It doesnt really hurt to get them it just the shock. I got my 2nd hole when I was in junior high. I don't even put an earring it anymore.
Let us know how it goes!
I had my ears pierced in 4th grade. Although I so rarely wear earrings it's kind of silly. I keep thinking they're going to close on my, but every time I do decide to wear earrings, I'm still able to
do it! I had mine done when I was 10, for my birthday. I hardly ever wear earrings though. If you don't like it, you can always take it out before the time for the hole to be there determinately. You'll get used to it, they give you studs at first for that reason, so it won't hurt while you're getting used it it. I'm allergic to a lot of earrings and my ears (gross alert) used to bleed and puss up, until I started wearing only real silver, or real gold earrings. In fact, I didn't wear them forever until my husband bought me real diamond earrings, and even then my ears get a little irritated, but it's worth it to have some cute bling.
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