Monday, February 14, 2011

A Rock n' Roll Night & Giveaway Winners

This past weekend was a rocking good time! Saturday night, I went out and saw an Elvis Tribute Show featuring Dwight Icenhower. He gave a really great performance and I got the chance to meet him after the show. 
He surprised me in the fact that his voice sounded so much like Elvis! Check him out on youtube! I tried uploading one of mine but blogger is having some issues apparently. After the show, when I got to meet him, I realized that even his normal speaking voice sounded a lot like Elvis as well. 

Sunday my giveaway ended. Thank you to everyone who entered! I used to pick the winners and they are...
will be receiving A Connecticut Christmas and Brides of the Empire

will be receiving Florida Weddings and Maine Brides. Congrats ladies! Please send me your mailing information so I can get them shipped out! 

I have some pretty awesome information to share but I can't until tomorrow! Ahhhh! Happy Valentines Day everyone!


Krysten @ Why Girls Are Weird said...

Oh gosh, looks like a fun time!

Happy Valentine's Day!

tara said...

I won!?

Kelly said...

SO FUN!! Congrats to the winners!!

Selma @ Crazy Little World Of Mine said...

Haha, this looks like such a fun time!

Happy Valentine's Day girl.

Tina L. Hook said...

Sounds like fun. And you got to meet him? Cool.

Courtney said...

Sounds like fun!

Unknown said...

YAY!! I'm so excited. I saw your twitter post about posting the winners and I was still hoping it was me. I'm super excited because literally I have run out of books in my house to read and was hoping to get some on hold at the library, but now I'll have more to read!

Anonymous said...

I will have to look him up. Congrats Winner

Cole said...

It sounds like you had a blast at the show!

Congrats to the winners, and Happy Valentine's Day!!

Kassie said...

Fun night!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like such a fun event!

Ashley said...

What a fun night! I love Elvis!