To vlog or not to vlog? That is the question. Wait, maybe I should clarify just incase not everyone knows what that term is. Vlog is slang for video blogging. In a video blog you actually get to see and hear the person speak. Usually, they're short video's and often focus on a certain topic.
I keep hearing and seeing everyone do video blogs but I've never done one. When I sit and think about doing one, I never know what to say. I know that sometimes when I see a video blog on someone's page that I follow I get pretty excited because I'll be able to put a voice to their face. Sooo.....
Should I do a video blog and if so what should I talk about? If you have any ideas or want to ask me some questions to answer in a video blog please ask!! If not it'll basically turn into a giant ramble and no one wants that!
You should definitely vlog, although I already know what your voice sounds like ;)
I would talk about maybe a theater thursday? Why don't you do a review? That was my first one...the frosty taste test!
I have always liked v-blogs of people doing things.... like how to's... I have seen ones of how to get a certain hairstyle, how to make a birthday cake, how to decorate a christmas tree...its just fun to see them no matter what they are
DO IT! Maybe you'll push me to do one as well!
I've actually wondered about doing this too, but honestly I have a hard enough time taking a picture of myself that I like, let alone trying to make a video. Yikes. Try it though...if nothing else, it will be entertaining!
Yes I always like hearing what people's voices sound like. Yeah I think a theater thursday would be a good idea as well.
Do it! I've never had the guts to do it!
I can't ever watch Vlogs. Either I'm reading blogs at work, where we aren't allowed to stream, or at home while my husband is watching TV. I personally prefer written blogs.
do it! I love watching vlogs. There was a link up type thing going around recently about dialects, did you see that one? I thought that was fun.
I like the idea of vlogging, vutr like you I don't know what to talk about. Maybe you could do a thearter thursday with you all time favorite movies! You could hold up the movies like Vannah White lol!
Totally should do a vlog! Jen at Starving, Insatiable did one through a vlog of the month type of dealy! & I did the dialect vlog which was simple enough
Um YES you should do a vlog, but I am absolutely of no good use for advice on how to do one. I always feel so awkward, but love hearing them from other people!
I sent you an email. Please see my post today.
I'd be interested in seeing a vlog. I've never seen anyone do it before. :)
Do it! I just rambled on and if you do too, I'm still sure people would watch!
DO IT! :)
I've never vlogged before. A lot of times I am at work where I can't listen to people's vlogs, but if I can I definitely do. You should definitely do one and see what the response is and then decide if you want to do more.
Doooooo it!!! Tell us five completely random facts about yourself. It'll be so fun. :)
oh fun!! cute idea girl!
I have similar feelings about the whole thing - I don't know, my internet connection is so slow I often don't watch vlogs because I don't have the patience to let the video load!
But I definitely think it's something everyone should try...ahem...you first :)
I did one once and it was all kind of fun! My only tip..keep it short or people will not tune in:)
Sounds like a really fun idea! No matter what you talk about it's always neat to hear the voice of someone you've been reading about!
vlog! Your blog is interesting so I'm pretty sure whatever you decide to vlog about will be interesting also ! :)
Do it! You can always delete it later if you change your mind. :)
And I've been considering it too except I have no idea what I'd say to keep people's attention that long. haha
I think you should definitely do one! Although I understand the hesitation because I'm a little wary to try one out myself
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