We're adults. When did that happen? And how do we make it stop?
I'm not gonna lie, summer months make me really miss the days of being in school and getting summer breaks, not working 40 hours a week, spring breaks and easy schedules with friends! I wouldn't give up the knowledge that I have now but man... I kinda wanna go back to those care free days of no bills and easy, uncomplicated relationships.
This weekend I was finally able to hit the theater and see The Hangover 2. I have to say that I liked it but it was in fact almost a carbon copy of the first one. Maybe I was an idiot but I couldn't figure out what happened to Teddy until the end. I'll buy it when it comes out on dvd.

Besides seeing The Hangover 2, the only other thing I did this weekend was hang out in the pool and get errands done. I've been working on that tan and I'm glad to say that I'm getting darker! I feel everyone looks a better with some sun.
What I've been using is, Australian Gold with Instant Bronzer with SPF 15.

Seriously, this stuff is amazing. Get it. I noticed a difference the first time I used it. Plus helped me to actually get sun without burning. I had been using a Banana Boat product but it wasn't help keeping me from burning.
Enjoy your Monday peeps!
Yeah I totally miss summer vacation =-(
If I quit going to baby birthday parties and wedding showers, I'd totally be poolside! Jealous. (Seriously, I've been to FIVE wedding showers/baby things in the past 3 weeks. *crazy eyes inserted here*). I still wanna see the hangover but I'd heard it was the same thing... Oh well. I laughed the first time, so hopefully I'll laugh this time. haha.. :) And I love that quote from Meredith on Grey's. So true. So so true.
That pic of Grey is funny to me because I just watched 4 tivo'd episodes this weekend and the hubs forgot to tivo the last part of the season finale ugggg LOL...I have heard lots of peeps say tat the Hangover 2 was just like the first one...the first one was really funny though! I am like you it would be nice as adults to get 3 mths to just chill and not have to worry about adult stuff LOL....
Glad you are loving your pool. LOL at the ballgame pic...that was a bit before the game started so it was bare but then again when people actually sat down it still was kinda bare ha!
So maybe we could go see a funny movie next month
I thought The Hangover 2 was funny, but raunchy as hell! Hehe.
I miss summer vacation too. Very jealous of my teacher friends right about now.
The sun would laugh at me if I put on SPF 15 expecting not to get burned. I'm such a whitie.
Miss summer vacation too...jus those days when you slept in, and didn't do much but stay outside and enjoy the occasional breeze and the water, and of course the sun! :(
I want to see The Hangover too! One of my sorority sisters is in it (Jamie Chung), but I haven't had a chance to line up a babysitter.
I have to agree with you. I miss the laying in the sun, with a drink in hand and not a care in the world except for what we should do the rest of the day. I took college for granted. Being an adult sucks sometimes, but I have to say I don't miss studying and pulling all nighters.
Even though I am a teacher and get the summers off...its not half as carefree as I'd like and NO where near as fun as when I was little. Ahh i miss those days!!:)
alright. going out and buying australian gold now. i needed a good tanning lotion thing.
I would looove to be carefree and have summers off too :(g
I long for summer breaks... I tell you when I'm 70 I'm going to live it up again... sleep late, party later, take my dentures out as a party trick. Adults - yikes.
I really had know idea where Teddy was until the very end either, so you're definitely not alone there
Sometimes I wonder if I am an adult, and why I have to be one. Being a kid can be so awesome sometimes.
I need that stuff! Since I basically can't sit in the sun when I'm holding a baby.
Your subject line is one of my favorite email quotes - I use it at least once a week! I definitely miss being outside and relaxing in the sun.
One of the greatest perks of being a teacher! :O)
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