Tuesday, October 18, 2011

It's All About the Beef

I am addicted to beef jerky. There... I said it. I feel so much better. Shew, that was a load off. 

No really. I love me some beef jerky. For months, I've been eating tons of beef jerky. It all started out in such an innocent way. I was working and a coworker had a bag of this...
I told her I thought it smelled good and since I had never had a piece of beef jerky she insisted that I give it a try. Well... I took a piece, ate it and loved it. A few days later I was out at the grocery store and I saw the same bag that she had. I bought a few bags and that turned into a deep love of beef jerky. 

Fast forward a few months and I've tried tons of different kinds of beef jerky. Two weeks ago, a different coworker was placing an order from a catalog and asked me if I wanted to order some beef jerky in a large quantity at a discount price. Umm... yes! 

20 bucks later and I've got 6 pounds of beef jerky. Do you realize how much beef jerky that is? Yeah... it's a lot of freaking beef jerky. So now I'm 2 pounds in and I'm starting to realize that this kind of beef jerky... well... it upsets my stomach. 

As in gives me the worst farts I've ever had in my life. I mean they smell like death. Anyone want 4 pounds of jerky? 


Anonymous said...

hahahahaha! oh man! i hate it when that happens!! best of luck getting rid of it all!!

Steph said...

Bahaha... that's hilarious. I'm not a big fan of beef jerky. I also think it's pretty expensive. My husband eats deer jerky that my brother makes. Not me though.

AC Quigley said...

Sorry to hear that your favourite treat isn't suiting you!! I'm afraid that I'd never heard of beef jerky (what!) and I've certainly never tasted it so I'm sorry that I can't take it off your hands (also, it looks very similar to the treat sticks I give to my cat....!).

Cole said...

Hahahaha! I'm sooo sorry! Does taking beano or an antacid before you partake in the beef jerky help?

Anonymous said...

I haven't had any beef jerky since I was about 16

Why Girls Are Weird said...

Ugh. My soon to be ex husband LOVES that stuff but the smell just icks me out, sorry!

Adrienne said...

OH my goodness! This is hilarious! I too am an avid beef jerky fan, so it must be really bad if you're offering to give it away! However, if you want to ship some to Arizona... Hehehe! You're too funny!

Stephanie @ Blonde Highlights said...

HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! You crack me up! I've never tried beef jerky... but may I will have to give it a whirl :)

AMY said...

LOL.....too funny!
My son LOVES beef jerky....its so damn expensive though.

JMJE said...

Ha. I think less is more for me in the category of beef jerky! I haven't had any in years though.

Deidre said...

Uh oh! That is so unfortunate. I am not able to take it off your hands.

Meagan said...


Mrs. Pancakes said...

lol...this is perhaps the best confession ever! the hubby loves beef jerky..i don't get it because i find it too salty..hey but as long as you guys like it!

Vanisha @ Vanisha's Life In...Australia said...

I'm sorry, I just can't do it...But I hope we can still be friends ;)

Marina said...

I never ate that :O

shopgirl said...

Don't be too embarrassed...I like beef jerky too and I'm not ashamed to admit it!! Beef jerky rocks! It makes a good snack in between meals.

Wishing you a wonderful weekend sweetie!

Nicole said...

Oh my goodness you are too silly! Yeah beef jerky in moderation is yummy! =D