Monday, October 24, 2011

My Weekend Getaway

On Thursday, we hit the ground running. I was able to cut out of work early and I hit the open road to start our weekend getaway. Where did I go, you ask? 

Pigeon Forge/Gaitlinburg, TN

The trip was just what I needed. I've had a lot going on. There's been so much debbie downer stuff going on lately that I haven't posted about. In short, my uncle (the one who's baby is due any day) has kidney failure.  So getting out of town was greatly needed. 

I had our own private cabin. I toured museums, watched funny shows, ate good food and shopped. Plus... hellooooo! It wouldn't be a trip to Tennessee without stopping at the Christmas store! 
Oh... the food! I ate at Mel's, Johnny Rockets and The Happy Days Diner. Yum 
I have tons of photos but sadly, these are the only ones I've got on the computer so far! Gotta love the iphone! 

I toured the Titanic, went through the Star Cars Museum and even hit up a few stores. Where I proceeded to add to my Coach bag collection...
The Coach Patent Leather Signature Logo Gallery Bag
Now it's back to the grindstone and planning our next trip. I'm thinking something overseas?


Elle Sees said...

I'm headed to Philly this weekend!

star said...

Looks like such a fun trip! Any trip that results in buying Coach bags is a great trip!

Heather said...

I loved Gatlinburg/Pigeon Forge when I went! So much fun. :)

AC Quigley said...

Glad that your trip managed to blow the cobwebs away! Looks like you had a great time - did you really eat all that food??!?

Anonymous said...

amazing pics...
I think Scotty & I will go in a few weeks. I wanted to go so bad this past week while he was in Cali but I couldn't find anyone to go with me. We love going to see all the Christmas lights they put up and the Christmas store like you went too.

Why Girls Are Weird said...

How fun, all that food looks AMAZING.

Deidre said...

Sounds like a great weekend away! And it looks like you two had so much fun! :)

Leeann @ Join the Gossip said...

So sorry for all of the negative things that are going on. Sending positive vibes your way :)

Last weekend (as in a week ago) I was supposed to go to Gatlinburg but it didn't happen and I've been SO bummed. Please tell me that the leaves haven't changed yet? Then I won't feel so bad :)

Anonymous said...

the food looks...amazing and i'm glad you had a good weekend :) Love all the pictures!

Stephanie @ Blonde Highlights said...

LOVING THE PICS! I heart Johnny Rockets too... I wish we had one down here... TEAR TEAR!

Glad you had a fun weekend! XOXO

Vanisha @ Vanisha's Life In...Australia said...

Looks like you had a great weekend! The pictures tell such a wonderful story!

Ashley said...

I am so close to Tennessee and I have never really explored it. :-)
How much damage did you do at the Christmas store? haha. I am sure you are just itching to start decorating.

Unknown said...

Oh french toast! Man I miss french toast! Overseas? Wanna come to Cambodia?

ag. said...

Love all the food pics! Seems like a great getaway!

lil desiqua said...

Looks like you had a blast! Good for you! :)

Amber said...

I LOVE Gatlinburg! So glad you had a getaway :)