Thursday, December 26, 2013

Theater Thursday

Today is the last day to enter the giveaway!
It's Thursday and that only means one thing here at Crazy Shenanigans... it's Theater Thursday! This week's featured Christmas Edition movie is... National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation.
Does this movie need any explaining? I don't think so! This movie is a hilarious, Christmas classic that features Clark Griswold and his family spending the Christmas holiday together in their native Chicago, Illinois. He wanted to get the whole family together and what unfolds is hilarious. I think everyone can relate to it.
No family holiday is what we always hope it would be but the Griswolds are experiencing more than enough for us all. If you've never seen this movie then you really are missing out on some great laughs. Go check it out! Also check your local theater listings because Cinemark movie theaters have this movie featured in their Christmas edition this year so it's been shown on the big screen again in certain theaters on certain nights.

Have the Hap Hap Happiest Christmas since Bing Crosby tap danced with Danny Kaye!


Why Girls Are Weird said...

You know I don't think I've ever seen this movie all the way through? I know I've probably seen the whole thing in bits and pieces but not all in one sitting.

Meghan said...

HECK YES! BEST MOVIE EVER! And I love that you sent me that card, too!

Nicole said...

Love this one! Watched it while wrapping my presents =)