The tour doesn't accept reservations and we'd been warned that the line forms early and can get very long. The tour is free so a lot of people want to partake in the tour. They give tour participants free jelly beans so that's a plus!
And their all real jelly beans! How crazy is that? They said each one take thousands of beans and hours to make. I'm pretty crafty and patient but wow! I don't know if I could ever make one of these.
After the tour, you can taste test three flavors from their many flavor list.
I tried the crème soda, root beer and buttered popcorn. Yum, yum and yum!
Clearly I like the buttered popcorn flavor. It's also celebrating it's 25th anniversary of being a flavor! Sadly, no photos are allowed of the actual tour. I may have snuck and took a few but if you want to experience Jelly Belly take the tour! You get to see how the jelly beans are made, polished, packaged and boxed. You get to see real factory workers making the product and other things that Jelly Belly makes besides jelly beans.
Looks so cool.
I Think I only ever tried Jelly Bellys once and that was many a year ago. Maybe I should go and try them again.
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