My favorite author Stuart Woods has done it again...
Doing Hard Time. It's the latest Stuart Woods book that I've read. He's got two more out and one of them is sitting on my night stand waiting for me to start. As always though Stuart Woods brought his A game when he sat down to write Doing Hard Time. In this book, his famous character Stone Barrington is back in action.
This time Stone Barrington isn't the one who should be looking over his shoulder. It's his son, Peter who needs to be cautious. Graduating early from college, Peter, Ben (his best pal) and his girlfriend Hattie all make the drive from Yale to Los Angeles to start their careers in the movie business. Along the way an enemy of his father has set his eyes on the group traveling across the country. Unbeknownst to them that they are in any danger. When they get a flat tire in a remote town in the desert they get help from someone who's trying to lay low... Teddy Fay. That's right the man who's escaped the CIA and every federal agency for his killings.
Teddy Fay takes a liking to Peter, Ben and Hattie and decides to help the young kids out. He realizes that dangerous people are following them and takes care of it. Since Peter has shown him so much kindness, he decides to also make his way to the west coast and make sure that the group is safe now. What he finds is that new assassins are on their way. At this point Stone and Dino realize their kids are in real danger and fly out to Los Angeles to make sure their children are OK.
When they run into Teddy Fay they have to make a decision to either turn him in for all his crimes or to finally trust a man they know could kill them and not think twice about it. Can Teddy be trusted? Will Stone and Dino be able to save their kids from danger and figure out who's pulling the strings? Read it and find out!
FYI: All Stone Barrington novels that Stuart Woods has written combine upon each other. You would be smart to start at the beginning of the series... New York Dead.
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