Ok, I have a confession to make. I'm addicted to reality television, especially The Bachelor and the Bachelorette.

I'm so excited for the new season of the bachelorette with Jillian starting in a week, I think. Jason was such a tool!
I'm also excited for The Real Housewives of New Jersey. These women scare me!

No joke. I think these women would cut a bitch and not think twice about it....
Is anyone else addicted to a reality show?
I love reality shows, Robert however does not so I have to get them in when he is not around:p
I am all about Real Housewives! I can't wait for tomorrow evening!
Biggest Loser for me. I just recently got into it but I am addicted. I hope you feel better tomorrow.
I think my fave reality show is Dancing with the Stars! :)
I don't have anything more than basic cable, so that's about as far as I get. I will, however, be watching the bachelorette (yay ABC!)
I LOVE The Bachelor(ette)! I am so excited for Jillian's season to start next week too!
I'm not really big into reality shows. But I literally laughed out loud (lol) when I read your comment about "cut a bitch and not think twice..." HILARIOUS!
Ohhh no! I KNEW Jersey would get an even worse rep from this show.
Not happy. :(
I'm totally addicted to the Real Housewives series too! The OC ladies are my favorite, the Atlanta ladies were the funniest and these Jersey ladies...well, you're right. They will tear a bitch up and not think twice about it!
I think that must be a Jersey law, you have to be a badass to live there.
Project Runway, Biggest Loser, Idol, Real Housewives (and sorry, but Jersey totally got a worse reputation), you name it I will watch and love it. Top Chef? Check. Hell's Kitchen? Yep. Seriously, it's BAD!! My new fave is Barefoot Contessa... she used to write Energy policy for the White House (back in the day) and I just really want to be friends with her -- isn't it horrible when you start considering these people "your people?" Maybe it's an island thing...
And P.S... congrats for calling in sick. I actually threw up on my boss once, so I understand what a huge deal this is for you :)
Oh gosh, I hope you feel better soon, I hate being sick!!
Sorry you are sick! I hope you feel better soon. I'm addicted to reality tv, but on AFN it's usually at least a couple days after it airs in the US or it's a season behind. Sucks!
I prefer the OC Housewives. I think the NY ladies were biatches, and I haven't seen anything on the NJ ladies. I am a loser for all girly (aka. stupid) reality shows: the Hills, Bad Girls Club, Real World, etc.
Btw, I have read the Sookie Stackhouse books, and I love em! I have the whole series, minus the latest one. How come you didn't like em?
I'm a huge Real Housewives fan!!! My husband complains about it then usaully sits with me and watches while complaining the whol etime. Cracks me up!!
Yay Housewives! The NY reunion shows are on this week as well. I think I mentioned this in another comment somewhere, but one of the NJ couples had their wedding on a VHI show "Big Fat Fabulous Wedding" or something like that. It was like Liberace threw up in a reception hall. And you will love this, the guy had cheated on her thru their relationship but he thought it was OK for her to put up with it because of the $$ he spent on her. *gag*
Oh...and hope you feel better soon!
Nope, nothing. I emailed you.
LOOOOOVE Real Housewives. I just started watching the NYC one this season and I was addicted. Can't wait for Jersey!
Reality TV is my weakness and Mr.'s biggest fear!!! Dancing With The Stars, The Bachelorette, Reall Housewives! Anything that makes me feel like I'm not nearly as crazy as some people!!
I'm so excited for The Bachelorette too!! Mainly because of Jillian, I think she's going to be great!!!! Isn't it sad that the biggest thing I am looking forward to in my life right now is Monday night television for DWTS and The Bachelorette?! Ha!
I can't wait for the new bachelorette, too!!
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