Can I just say that my favorite character so far on the show is:

My least favorite character and the person I wanted to punch on an every episode basis:

If you haven't watched this show you really must give it a try. The fashion, the hair styles, the retro furniture and everything is amazing. Plus the plot lines really are unpredictable.
I love Betty Draper! Isn't she so beautiful!
And that has to be C and I's least favorite character as well! I hope you catch up soon, C and I literally were left with our mouths hanging at last weeks episode!
I haven't watched it yet and I've really been wanting to. I think I'm going to request it at the library here.
You mean, you don't like Pete??? hahaha!
Im obviously going to have to watch this! lol.
I have heard sooooo many amazing things about this show. I seriously have to start watching it.
I didn't even know this show existed and all of a sudden over the last two months I've heard it talked about all over the place.
I'm darn near convinced it's time to check it out. I know they have some of the current season on "On Demand" but maybe I should start at the beginning.
Speaking of TV, have you been keeping up on Housewives? Kim is even more crazy than I thought!
I'm out of the mad men loop :(
I love that show and can't wait for Sunday nights. I have a girl crush on Christina Hendricks.
I think I may have to give it a shot! I am always up for a new show now that my soap was taken of air. Thanks for the recommendation!
I've been wanting a new show to Netflix... maybe I will go with this one! :)
I havent even heard of this show!
Now I definitly have to check it out!
Ok I still have a lot to catch up on TV shows, but I think it is so hilarious that you always want to "punch [people] in the face", i use that phrase at LEAST once a day!
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