Sunday, September 27, 2009

Two Kinds of Class

In my world I classify people into two different types of categories based on their behavior, dress and overall manner. These categories being Classy and Klassy.

What's the difference you ask? Let me explain.
Classy: Adjective [classier, classiest]: Stylish and sophisticated. Elegant. Select. 
Klassy: Adjective [Klass-less]: Skank and skeezer. Unsophisticated. Dirty. Sluty.

If you ever see any of the follow or become involved in these situations then you know you've fallen from Classy to Klassy: 
Getting a tattoo that says "F*ck Love" on your lower stomach = Klassy
Picking your nose in public = Klassy
Sleeping with every dude that takes you out on a date = Klassy

Am I right or am I wrong? 


Unknown said...

You are soooo right!

Jessie said...

uhhh.. no. I think you've hit it right on the nail. :)

Jessie said...

uhh.. no. I think you've hit it right on the nail. :)

Shannon Dew said...

I love this! You are SO right!

~Mrs. Guru~ said...

haha, love it!

Unknown said...

Brilliant! I think I shall use that in classifying others!

Anonymous said...

Totally right.

Abbie said...

You are right on!

Hopefully an encounter with a klassy person didn't prompt this post!

Bridget said...

You are so right!

Herding Chaos said...

WTF some one actually got that tattoo'd on them?!?!?!?!

Kate said...

Haha! Thank you for making my Monday better. This is funny & true!

Anonymous said...

Another way to explain it for me is classy means having one piece of Funfetti and klassy is eating the whole cake.

I have been known to be klassy a time or two.

What can I say? = )

The Queen of Clearance said...

right right right!

Katie said...


SS said...

Dying to know what you saw that inspired this post!

New Girl on Post said...

Wow..what a klassy tattoo...I can't imagine showing your children that later in life!

silver star said...

I couldn't have said it better myself!

Bri said...

You nailed it! I love it.

Great blog!

amy (metz) walker said...

haha! So right!

Mrs. Mootz said...

The first and third are total Klassy...but the second...I mean, what if it's one of those deals where it is just bothering the ever-loving crap out of you and you feel as if you don't get it out NOW you will just die of depleted air supply? You know what I'm talking about...we've all been there. :)