I'm a big fan of texting. I can text while I'm at work but it's impossible to talk on the phone. If I had my choice though I'd always choose talking over texting though. There's just something about getting to hear the persons voice.
So...do you prefer to text or talk?
TALK all the way! I hate trying to guess the connotation of what the other person said.
totally depends on the person and what I have to say to them... I'd say 7 or 8 times out of 10 I'd prefer texting though. :)
Talking! I almost never send a text!
This is weird, but I absolutely hate talking on the phone-- so it's texting for me.
Definitely talking!
I prefer talking but with spending all my time with Isaac texting is much easier.
Most often than not, I prefer to text. I hate the phone, I hate having to find a way to get off the phone when I don't feel like talking anymore. It's just so awkward.
i always prefer talking....but, texting is a quick way to get an answer w/o having a 10 min. conversation.
i text ALL the time.
I prefer texting. I hate talking on the phone!
I like talking but I text or IM a lot because I'm overseas and it's cheaper/easier on the time zones.
I would rather text. I don't like the awkward silences that occur on the phone. Texting is so much easier because you avoid that, lol. :)
haha LOVE that photo at the beginning. I prefer talking but at times I appreciate the well crafted text message :)
I absolutely detest talking on the phone, except with Scott, so if I can get away with just texting (or e-mailing), that is what I will do!
TALK. Well, unless I'm busy.
It depends, I prefer texting for quick little things, esp if I don't want to get drawn into a long convo. But, if it's something important, definitely talking! :)
I prefer to talk...but my phone statement says otherwise. I've already sent more than 700 texts this month. ;) Texting is just much more convenient.
I would text... I blame being in phone sales for years for my hatred of the phone and talking...
depends. sometimes it's nice to be able to talk to people during the day or during work.. and if I don't want to answer them.. :)
But sometimes it's nice to save the typing time and just say whatever I need to!!
I love to text and will do that over talking any day. I just hate talking on the phone. Whether it's a bad connection or just nothing to say, talking can be so awkward. And plus, sometimes you get stuck on the phone with someone for hours when a text could be a few seconds!
Definitely talking! However, I have some friends who much better at responding to me if I send them a text message...lame I know.
text. I haaaaate talking on the phone.
Test, email - any form of written communication is preferable. Talking on the phone is so awkward to me because I feel like you have to over-emphasize your intonations to get your point across because they can't see your expression. And I always feel like I'm being fake or something. Plus, it also feels a bit like an ambush when someone just calls from out of the blue. Like, they could be calling to just say hi or they could be calling about something major and you could be just sitting watching TV or in the middle of something important and you are supposed to just stop and talk on the phone. Yeah, I've got a whole rant saved up about this ever since a "friend" told me I was awkward on the phone. Gee, thanks.
I've become a texter...and I like it :)
I'm a huge fan of texting too! It certainly can't capture the emotions of a spoken conversation but something about getting a text makes me happy! It's kind of like getting a comment on my blog! Haha!
I love texting. It's an easy way to send a note that I need someone to get right away, and not go with a whole conversation. I wish my mom had it too! It's a necessity for Gunner and I to text a lot because he's always at work and I need him to pick something up, and he has no excuse for forgetting or getting the wrong thing.
I am now a texter more so because i have a phone with a qwerty keyboard.
There are a few people that i will always call though and can never get off the phone to!
i prefer texting, it's much easier at work for me as well. if i text someone and they don't write back quick enough i'll call them though. if it's my parents, i call them. my mom is a big texter these days though.
I'm totally a texter but I love talking too... I like it when people call me but if I need to talk to you, I'm more likely to text
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