Sunday, January 31, 2010

Four Letter Words: Snow, Debt & Gift

Remember on Friday when I mentioned that we might be getting hit by a snowstorm? Ohh....we got hit by it, that's for sure. I'd say we got hit with a good 8-10 inches at least. Did I have to go into work though? Oh, you betcha! My position is considered emergency personnel essential. What does that mean? That basically means, even if the world is coming to an end, I still have/need to go into work. I'm just hoping the weather doesn't get worse because my days off aren't until Tuesday. Ekk!

A little update on my 2010 goals: Out of 4 credit cards...I now have 2 of them paid off. Now I'm only 2 cards and a car loan away from being debt free!

So.....I've got some BIG, BIG, BIG news! I can't tell you till Monday though... I guess you'll have to come back then to find out what it is. Trust me, it'll be worth it. Let's just say more than one of you will be walking away with something (wink wink)!


Julie Danielle said...

That is great about paying off the cards. Such a great feeling!!!

~Jewel said...

drive safely, be careful, and bring on the news!!!

SARAH said...

Congrats about getting one step closer to financial freedom (as my sister calls it)!

Allison said...

Bleh for being emergency personnel. There isn't much better than a snow day from work.

Hooray for paying off debt! YAY.

Selma @ Crazy Little World Of Mine said...

Good job!! Doesn't it feel great have less to pay off??? I think it feels amazing. :D And yes girl, be careful out there. It's been insane over the fresh snow but don't and obviously won't drive in it. So be careful!!!

And excited about Monday. haha. ;)

Laura and Ryan said...

Good job on the credit cards! I hope the weather stays mild until your next day off!

Ashley said...

The snow is crazy here in the Carolinas! I love it though, but I hate that you are not getting to enjoy it by going to work! Sorry!

But a huge congrats for paying off your credit cards..I know you must feel relieved!

Can't wait to find out the big news on Monday!

Shannon Dew said...

YAY for paying debt! We are working on paying all of ours off too! I had 6 and I'm down to just one now! WOOHOO!

BSS said...

Good for you about paying off those cards!!

Christine said...

That's great getting those two cards paid off! And I really hope the weather gets better for you.

Ashley said...

That is so amazing that you have already made such great progress paying off your debt! =)

angsamp said...

Glad to hear you've paid off 2 of the cards!!

Jessie said...

So YOU got all my snow!!!!!!! We were supposed to get 2-3 inches, and it was only a dusting!
You lucky duck! :)

DeAnna said...

happy dance for getting 2 cards paid off already - it's just a great feeling!!
can't wait til the news - i wanna walk away with something!
hehe - great price on my bag? that was fate i think!

Steph said...

Yay for paying of the credit cards!

Shoshanah said...

Congrats on getting those two cards paid off!

And I'm guessing its a giveaway of some sorts? Can't wait to see what you have up your sleeve!

Mrs. G.I. Joe said...

That's so awesome about the credit cards!!! You only have 2 more left and its only just about to be February!!!

I'm so proud :)

Abbie said...

Good for you for getting your debt paid down! Not only does your pocketbook feel better but I always feel much less stressed!

Pamela said...

Congrats on paying down your debt!!! I feel your pain about being required to work. My job is one of those were we are ALWAYS open- unless the Governor can't make it in and then we'll shut down operations. It sucks!!! Be careful in with the weather! Can't wait to hear your news!!!

Kelsey @ Seattle Smith's said...

YAY YA YAY!!! Coming back Monday :)

Nat said...

Awesome job on paying of the credit cards!!!!! Can't wait to see the big reveal!

Drew said...

Congrats on paying off the cards! I paid mine off last year and it felt great! Now, I just have to deal with my student loans.

Random Musings said...


Stay safe... Weehoo I love giveaways!

Unknown said...

congrats on paying off the credit cards, i'm working on my own right now, its so empowering!

Katie said...

congrats on kicking those credit cards to the curb!


Anonymous said...

Oh that is great! We just paid off 2 of our 3 and whew I feel so light now!
Be safe driving!

Unknown said...

That's so awesome that you've already paid off 2 credit cards. Good work!