Before she left we were able to get together for one last lunch. During that time I asked her how she was getting all of her furniture, boxes, etc back to Texas. Her answer floored me. She said, "I'm not. I'm cleansing my chi. I gave away and sold most of my furniture and car." She literally was taking back what I considered to be the bare minimum: clothing, books, dvds and photographs.
Since that day, I thought about what she said, I even looked up the meaning of Chi. Chi is the energy that flows within the body. When our Chi is blocked health problems can arise, as well as mood swings, excess stress and fatigue.
When the new year came, I knew it was time for me to cleanse my chi. This week on my days off, I'll be tackling closets, boxes and un-necessary items. It's time I got rid of the clutter and got ride of things I no longer have any use for. Goodwill be on the lookout!

One of my favorite pictures My Phi Mu littles and I
Megan, Myself, Cara
I've heard of that before, but REALLY need to do it.
I'm cleaning chi with you. I'll donate it to the Airman's Attic, where they give everything away for free to families that are E5 and below.
That is a great idea. Thankfully for me every few years the military basically forces you to purge your unnecessary belongings.
HHMMM, I think it is time to cleanse my Chi!
I need to clean and sort through so much as well. I've come to the realization that I have so. much. crap. and it bugs me. Why do I not just get rid of it?
I did that over the holidays...and really, you do feel better after getting rid of all the unnecessary crap!
I have heard of Chi before, but I bet it's so important to keep cleaning out the old things that keep us holding on to the past. Life is about moving forward!
I'm liking the sound of this. Might just have to tackle a few things at the house.
Cute picture! I think you asked me awhile back what sorority I was in. I was a KD. I only lasted a couple of years though. The thought of living in the house longer was not attractive to me... otherwise I would have stayed.
that sounds like the PERFECT way to start off a new year, clutter-less!
Every so often jared and I clean out our closets and donate to good will.. its such a good feeling! xxxoo
I agree, I'm in the midst of cleansing my chi too and detoxing
Good luck getting rid of everything! :)
Sounds like a great plan! Let me know if you find anything interesting. ;o)
I seriously need to be cleansing as well. Our guest bedroom is an absolute disaster!
PLEASE do an update post! I'd love to see your progress!
I think that is such an awesome idea. I would love to do it too if only for the reason that it will make it easier for whenever we move!
I hate clutter. Simple is so much better.
I hope your friend made money off some of her things so she could repurchase the bare basics when she arrived. Every time we move I try to give away or sell what we don't need. It's amazing what I considered important became a major pain on the next move!
that is a great idea!! i love doing stuff like that!! cleaning and organizing makes me feel good.
i don't allow clutter in our house, i tend to just throw everything away! ha! or put stuff in storage bins for a spring garage sale.
have fun cleansing your chi! ;)
I did that before I left for SD, because I can't take anything into the Air Force.
My life fits in two rubber maid boxes, and my clothes in one suitcase. Other than that I just have my pillow and blanket. That's it!
It does feel nice!
Today I'm decluttering and throwing stuff away and donating things..
Its going to feel amazing after! :)
Good Post!
Wow that is great for you friend and what I good idea. I'm pretty sure my chi could use some cleansing!
Good for you girl!
I know people like that, but I can't even imagine doing it. Its so hard for me to get rid of something, after all you might need it again for... something?
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