Friday, January 8, 2010

Holiday Gifts Bring Realizations

For Christmas I got season 1 of Ally McBeal

This week I started watching it. Oh my God.......I am Ally McBeal minus the law degree! Does anyone else love this show as much as I do? Why did I not watch this show back in the day?!?


Selma @ Crazy Little World Of Mine said...

Ally McBeal was my favorite show ever! I never missed an episode. I love her, and her twisted mind. And the dancing baby...yeah! :) No one else watched it but me, so this kind of made me the TV nerd and super dork. :(

J.L.S. said...

Oh my gosh I'm so jealous! I watched Ally McBeal religiously when it was still airing on TV and I saw they came out with the whole series on DVD and I want it so bad. It was seriously my favorite show when it was on and it used to always make me laugh so hard! I've been really wanting to watch some episodes lately and I've always wondered why I never seen any re-runs of it on TV. So just know how jealous I am of you! :)

The Queen of Clearance said...

Ive never seen it, but in that pic her skirt looks to short to be a lawyer! lol. Im gald you are enjoying your christmas gift so much!

Samantha said...

Need. More. Info. I never watched this show either... Why so great?

Anonymous said...

I never got into that show... maybe bc I was too young, but my hubby loves it!

tootie said...

I watched it sporadically when it was on. It's a pretty good show!

And I also remember that I wanted my hair to look like hers, and I asked the hair dresser for an "Ally McBeal" 'do :)

Shoshanah said...

I've never actually watch an episode. I think because when it first came on I wasn't quite old enough to watch it. But now, I'm sure I'd love it.