I don't know about you, but I'm glad to see a new week. Last week was a rough one for me. I still feel emotionally drained. Let's just say last week involved a breakdown and there was no automobile involved. I think everything that's been going on for the last few months finally hit me. I've been working a lot recently and since my job can get really stressful at times it can take a lot out of a person. BUT I'm very happy to have a job in these hard economic times. Plus the fact that I can transfer to basically anywhere and keep working! Major plus.
I'm also still recovering from a work related accident. Hence me having to go to the doctor 3 times a week for the past two weeks. It's slowly getting better though and for that I'm grateful. I'm sure you remember the massage incident story lol. I have another appointment tomorrow...let's hope that massage goes over without incident.
I think what's been the most stressful though, and this is the breaking news announcement here...is the fact that I'm in the process of trying to move. I'm not talking about a down the block kind of move either. I'm talking east coast meets west coast kind of move. Where you call up movers and they quote you a 5 figure number as to what it'll cost you for them to haul your junk across the good ol' USA. Once, hearing those prices, it's amazing how fast you're willing to part with useless belongings. Maybe they should quote moving prices to people on the show Hoarders. That would definitely help them get over it.
Now that I've given you a glimpse as to what's been going on, hopefully this helps explain some of my crazy posts recently. Oh, btw: So a few of you that I know, are already aware of exactly where I'm moving to but I'd really appreciate you not spilling the beans on here yet. Thanks!
very exciting!!!!
How fun! I can relate to how expensive it is to move across the country. Although the Army moved us from TX to SC, we had to pay for the move from SC to NY and it ate up our savings like you wouldn't believe! We just barely had enough to find a place to live and pay the first and last month's rent! And we didn't even take half of our stuff! So, I wish you the best of luck and I hope you will be so incredibly happy with your decision!
Congrats on the move!! I know how exciting, yet exhausting it can all be.
Doesn't it feel great to get rid of stuff? I'm starting some early spring cleaning, and I'm already enjoying the extra space in my drawers!
You go girl!!! Sometimes all you need is a breath of fresh air to feel like you're on the right track with life!
Moving can be stressful but hopefully in the end it will help solve some problems. ;)
I want to know where you are going!
I can't imagine doing a major cross-country move without the military doing it all for me :) That is stressful enough as it is!!
Good luck!
I'm not a good mover, so I can only imagine how difficult a big move would be to plan and execute.
Ohh this is exciting! I hope you can work something out on that price, but once you get there, I'm sure it'll be so nice to make a brand new start. Sometimes a change of scenery is all we need!
How exciting! Can't wait to hear the details!!!
Sorry you had such a rough week. Moving can be so exciting! I definitely remember getting quoted some startling figures on my move from Houston, and that was just 200 miles. Good luck finding someone that works for you!
How exciting! I know moving is a bummer, we had I don't know how much money in excess baggage and I still have so much back in Texas. Good luck with everything!
congrats on moving! I just did my major move across the country so I know exactly how stressful and costly the whole experience can be!
So I'm guessing that means you are NOT moving closer to me :(
Hope things continue to get better!
I wouldn't spill your BEANS ever!! :) they yours to spill!! Good luck and if you wanna stop through colo springs and visit you just holler!! :)
Moving can be very stressful, but it is always a new start! Best wishes!
Wow... HUGE news!! Exciting stuff!!
Wow! That is big news! Hopefully everything goes smoothly :)
HOly cow, a move across the county has got to be extremely stressful!!! Good luck!!!!
Sounds very exciting. Hope it all works out for you and it doesn't cost as much as they are quoting.
YAY! I can't wait to have you a bit closer!
VERY fun! Seeing that we just did a BIG move like that- let me say its SUCH an adventure and its SO fun!!! the moving part itself is crazy but so fun to get rid of old stuff and buy some new!
YOU go girl. GO FOR IT!
I'm excited to hear about your big move and even more excited to find out where you'll be moving! Hopefully someplace warm:)
Oh my gosh, we so need to catch up!
big change a coming, i'm so happy you took the leap of faith! and vegas is just right around the corner :)
you have an exciting crazy future to look forward to hun!! i'm looking forward to following your journey!! :)
Very exciting. But soooo stressful. :)
That is SOOOO exciting!!! I'm so happy for you and hope it all works out!
Moving that far is soo expensive. When I moved from IA to SC I got rid of so much stuff and rented a furnished place so I wouldn't have to move furniture. If it was a permanent move I probably would have just sold my stuff and bought new stuff once I was there!
Love you girl. I'm always in your corner. Do whatever you need to do, for YOU--I'm behind you all the way!
Sounds like a big exciting change! Good luck packing and making the long trek!
Good for you lady! Change is always healthy (as much as we dislike it) and I'm glad you're taking the leap. I grew up on the west coast, it's not nearly as superficial as some believe so don't worry, you'll love it!!
Best of luck on your big move!
yay!! yay!!!
btw...i just watched hoarders for the first time...it's disgusting & sad!!!
those ppl need major help!!
i'm excited about the 'move' :o)
still praying for you...
How exciting! Good luck with everything. These types of changes are the ones that make our lives what they are. I wish you nothing but the best. Keep us updated!
That is so exciting!! Where are you looking to move?
Oh that is so exciting! I am dying to know where you are moving too! Ahhh!!! :) It will be such a great time in your life though. You will have to tell us asap where you are headed...
How exciting! Hope the move goes smoothly for ya!
Wowzers! You are going for it big time.
Welcome to the West Coast!
I hope it goes as smoothly as a coast to coast move can go.
I've been feeling the moving bug myself, if I were able to get a job lined up I'd so make the same kind of leap that you are.
Oh wow, that is a really big move. Hopefully you like where you're moving too. I've lived in multiple states here on the western half and I love it over here. Seriously though, good idea about the hoarders thing.
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