Friday, February 26, 2010

Miss Cleo or Divine Intervention?

Ring ring..... could I be the new Miss Cleo? Anyone remember her? 
I think I've become the new Miss Cleo...minus the 1800 number, lawsuits and jail time. For the past week I've had the most vivid, crazy dreams. For some people this is normal but for me it isn't. I rarely dream and if I do, I never remember them. So when I have a reoccurring dream or an actual dream that I can remember it usually affects me and my day.

I usually don't think anything of the dreams. I shrug them off as nothing and tell myself they were either caused by something I ate, something I've read or something I've seen in a movie or on television. However, this week one dream has profoundly effected me. To explain it, I'm going to have to give a little back story. Bare with me. 

Near the end of 2007, I got extremely sick. I was having serious stomach problems. I became so sick that one night after months of feeling horrible, seeing doctors and never getting answers that I begged God to either just let me die (which I'm extremely afraid of) or to get better. At that point in my life, God and I had had it out multiple times. I was struggling to believe in anything but I was raised in a very religious family so when I got sick, I looked for answers. Months later I finally started getting better and after a year I was basically back to normal days of feeling ok. Yet, this time I felt different. I started saying a nightly pray. AND if you know me, then you know that was a big step for me to take. When I don't understand things, or don't know what to do, or I have a day where I feel sick, I always go address it in my nightly prayer. 

So...this leads me back to the dreams. At the start of this week, I said my nightly prayers and went to bed. I woke up and I could remember the entire dream I'd just had. In the dream someone I knew and had once dated was getting engaged. In the dream I was there, watching it unfold. I shrugged off the dream and went on with me day. A few hours later, I'm at work and I find out that the person in my dream... got engaged. It scared the crap out of me. Why? Because I may or may not have mentioned them in my nightly pow wow with God. Now, why am I talking about this? I seriously believe that God was preparing me for it. I think he knew that I needed the heads up. And I've had 2 other come true dreams this week, hence the miss cleo (seeing the future) reference. 

Now you can laugh or call me crazy or think that I've seriously went off the deep end but I really do think that I was given that dream. And a few years ago, if I would have read this I would have thought, wow that girl is losing it. Now... not so much. I mean do you ever feel like God has intervened in your life problems? 


Mrs EyeCanSee said...

Wow...that's pretty crazy! I'd have a hard time shrugging that one off myself. I'm not a super religious person, but I do believe in God and he does work in mysterious ways sometimes.

Llama said...

I totally remember Miss Cleo. I get so scared sometimes from some of my dreams. Dreams are a bizzarre thing sometimes...

Amanda @ It's Blogworthy said...

I don't want this to come off as really preachy BUT I think that God (the Holy Spirit) talks to us all the time. Have you ever known something was the right thing to do and you didn't do it and then felt really guilty? I like to think It's because the Holy Spirit was telling you to do it and you ignored it! So I 100% believe it was God speaking to you. And I think that's great. Religion isn't about sitting in a pew every S unday, it's about a personal relationship with God and it sounds like you have that! God answers prayers and gives you exactly what you need when you need it....REMEMBER THAT JENNIFER!! :)

Jessie said...

I think I'm in the "God and I duking it out" phase. We're still on speaking terms, but things are a little rough. HOWEVER, I totally believe in God intervening! No matter how irritated I am with him, I DO believe he has our best interests in mind!

Dollface said...

I remember her!!! I remember thinking she would be able to predict the man of my dreams... hahahah xxxxooo

JB said...

You're not the only one, I really do pay attention to my dreams. I think they do in fact, mean something. Even more so I think God has a plan for us and has different ways of talking to each of us.

When I was pregnant with Mason I had a horrible dream that my brother was killed in a car crash. I woke up in a flood of tears, screaming. My husband was freaked out. I called my brother immediately and he was fine, but I ripped into him about his driving. That dream felt so real, it scared the crap out of me. After that dream, I call or text him daily to see how he's doing. I'm deathly afraid of my dream becoming a reality. :( I think this was God's way of getting him and I to talk more (he's on the West Coast and we're both not a phone people) and it worked.

Abbie said...

Right after my Grandpa passed away I had the most vivid dream that he was in my room, at the foot of my bed, telling me that he wasn't sick anymore and that he loved us and we'd all be okay. I absolutely think it was God's way of letting us know that my Gramps would always be with us.

Patience said...

That is crazy. Girl, start the infomercials and let the cash flow in.

tootie said...

I don't think your dreams are coincidental! I think that God definitely helps us and listens to our prayers.

If you start your own 800 number, I hope you'll let us know ;)

Katie said...

That is crazy!! I think some things are meant to be...

and miss cleo was great! haha

Carrie said...

Wow. Our blogs are weirdly in synch today. ;) So no, I don't think you're crazy at all. I'd be freaking out if that happened to me though. Lol.

SS said...

I think that God helps us thru things in the way he knows suits us, so I don't think you are crazy at all.

I've definately felt he has intervened in my life problems, even when it was a super sucky situaiton that makes you wonder if he really is helping at all... I know he was ultimately there giving the strength and lessons needed.

MariahSmile said...

I used to love Miss Cleo! Those commercials are the best!

Pamela said...

I totally remember Miss Cleo! And I think that dream would have unnerved me after you found out it was accurate. Do you keep a dream journal? Maybe you should. I believe dreams are very powerful and have some kind of underlying meaning behind them-whatever you believe-it's God speaking to you or you mind working through issues, I think it's fascinating.

Ashley said...

That's happened to me before! I whole-heartedly agree that dreams are God's way of preparing us for what's ahead. Whether it's a blatant dream like the one you had, or one that you feel leaves you confused, yet it unfolds later, they come from God. Well, in my opinion anyway. I don't think you're crazy at all! The way I see it is that they interpreted dreams in the Bible, so why wouldn't dreams be important now?

Random Musings said...

Its happened to me a few times, scary stuff.....

I do feel like the universe talks to me some times....

Selma @ Crazy Little World Of Mine said...

That's pretty scary but I totally feel you on this. I've had dreams and they all came true. I pretty much saw the future. The earliest I remember was when I was about 10 or so, and I knew what we were going to do and where we're going to go and all...I told my mom and she laughed it off. However, she's learned over the years that certain things I say or dream about do come true. Pretty scary. But I think it's all good. So girl, you're not going nuts. I think it's normal. :D ;)

Happy weekend.


Jennifer Miller said...

Jennifer Millers unite!

Anonymous said...

Thats really interesting. I've had a few of these...and its always kind of freaky!

Stephanie said...

I would never call you never know!
Take strength from where you can.

Juliana said...

WOW this was a very deep blog! I do believe that HE works in mysterious ways--I always wonder about dreams--geesh we could get into the longest tak about this--you and I. I have had dreams where my brother is alive again and I can actually see emails from him--they are so vivid it is freaking. Have you read Sophies CHoice?

rebecca said...

Hahaha, Miss Cleo!

I've never had anything like that happen, I'd be freaked out!