Wednesday, February 17, 2010

My Little Pony

Yesterday I heard about a grown woman (mid 30's), scream to her husband, "You ruined my life because you didn't buy me a pony!" His response: "We live in the city, on a busy street. How are you going to keep a pony?!?" They're divorced now. Good call dude. 
Did anyone watch last nights coverage of the Olympics? I did. Let's talk about 2 things: Men's Figure Skating and USA snowboarder, Lindsey Jacobellis. 
Now don't get me wrong, I love figure skating. It's one of my favorite events to watch during the games. However, what is up with some of these guys outfits?!? Did you see Johnny Weir and his costume?

If you don't normally watch skating...He's basically the equivalent to Adam Lambert. He pushes the limit of what's appropriate "artistry" on the ice. I personally think he got his outfit inspiration from watching Blades of Glory. And yes..that's a pink tassel hanging from his shoulder. 

Next up, Lindsey Jacobellis. If you watched the 2006 Torino Olympics then you probably remember this girl. 

In 2006 during her snow boarding event, she was clearly in the lead. She was going to win the gold medal. It was obvious to everyone, including her. She took an extra moment to show off and do an extra trick as she was coming down the last hill. Basically....she decided to showboat. What happened next was embarrassing. She fell. Her showboating trip cost her and the USA the gold medal. 

Flash forward to 2010 she's back at the games. She's here for redemption. She's said it more than once that she's here to redeem herself and win the gold medal. Yesterday was the day, it was put up or shut up time. What happened? She fell. In the semi finals. She didn't make it on the podium. Life lesson: When you're in the Olympics, in competition, never showboat. 


Megan said...

I can't belive an adult yelled about not having a pony! Chances are she was to big to ride it anyways,haha!

d.a.r. said...

I actually feel really bad for her. Training all of those years, being humiliated in 2006, and then to must be devastating. Especially with all of the cameras in your face and your name plastered all over the press.

Kristen said...

So... as soon as Weir was on the ice last night... the texts were flying back and forth between my friend and I. A sample...

Me: WTF? What in God's name is our dude wearing...
Friend: Ummmm....
Me: It's a freakin' backwards corset... with a tassle.
Friend: It's pink. And I think I see glitter. What the...
(after he skates)

Me: See... he got low scores cuz they hated the damn costume.
Friend: Not gonna lie, If I was a judge, I would've done the same thing. That thing was hideous.


Allison said...

Yeah that Johnny Weir bizarro.

Jessica Lynn said...

I love watching figure skating, but for some reason seeing the guys wearing those outfits really turned me off....really off. Bring on the girls!

Ugh. And I don't have any words to say about Lindsay.

Shaina said...

Lindsey Jacobellis is an amazing athlete - she definitely was not "showboating" yesterday in the semi-finals. She lost her balance from a jump, something that any accomplished athlete can do, and accidentally hit a gate, therefore automatically being DQed. I'm not sure any of us are qualified to give "Olympic life lessons" as we don't know or understand the pressure of competing in something so big and important.

Dollface said...

Arent the olympics aaaammmaazzzing? xxxooo

Unknown said...

I feel really bad for Lindsay Jacobellis. I mean she was so young in Torino and something simple led to be devesating and everyone has been so hard on her. Yesterday was even worse because the country wanted to see her redeem herself and then with the anouncer half laughing at her she in disqualified for hitting a gate. How aweful... I doubt she will compete in the Olympics again.

Onto the freak show on ice. I thought that flamer was going to melt the ice. OMG you could not have put it any better, it is like Adam Lambert on Ice... it killed me and the boy makes his coach speak Russian to him because he LOVES all things Russian but he skates for USA. OMG BARF... Whata Divo!

Unknown said...



JAMIE said...

I'm a big fan of NEVER showboating! That's so silly! I grew up watching figure skating with my mom and siter. I'm sad I don't have cable right now!

Amanda @ It's Blogworthy said...

We were being lame last night and watched the stupid Kentucky game and recorded the Olympics. Did she showboat during the semis?? That's ridonkulous. I feel a teeny bit sorry for her, but really? This isnt' the time to play.

Johnny Weir is just ridiculous. I feel the same about Lambert. It's not HOW he dresses, it's WHY he does it...attention seeking behavior! It's not about his craft, art, sport -- its' about who he can get to talk about him the next day. Give me a break!

Katie said...

1. his outfit is ridiculous!
2. Never be too sure of yourself, especially in the FREAKING OLYMPICS!!!!

Samantha said...

I'll have to remember that lil tid bit of advice for when I'm in the olympics Thanks! :) lol

I saw that guy too... I just kinda sat there like "ugh.... huh.... ok". I spent more time pondering his outfit than I did paying attention to his performance- which is ok I guess- since you know, i'm not a judge or anything. :)

Annie said...

i really need to be watching more of the olympics, sounds like i'm i'm missing all the good stuff!!

Mrs EyeCanSee said...

Seriously? A pony? That woman is BCS and deserves to be alone....with her nonexistent pony.

SARAH said...

Yikes... to everything you blogged about!

Random Musings said...

lol ok thats funny, the hubs and I are always surprised at how people talk to each other we always sort of just look at each other like "as if"

I wish I had time to watch the olympics! Its in my country too! I saw some of the opening ceremonies though very impressed

Anonymous said...

I was seriously not believing that he wore a corset with hot pink strings! I mean, seriously? I realize male figure skaters typically have a feminine air about them, but I really need the men to skate, and dress, like men.

As for Ms. Jacobellis, I almost cried for her.

Aimee said...

I cant believe that argument you over heard. Ridiculous. And OMG I didnt know the full story of Lindsay. if I had I wouldnt have felt sad when she got disqualified.

O arent the olympics fun?

Stephanie said...

His costumes was WILD!!! (but I have to admit he skated a great progarm)

Seattle Kim D said...

Wow, that pony chick is ridiculous! Even more so than that hideous skating outfit... I think it needs more flair.

Jessie said...

ahaha.. what WAS he wearing?!

Lisa said...

I do feel really bad for her, and I wish that she could have come back and proven herself in the final race. The snow conditions were pretty bad, we've had awful snow in the region (or at least in WA) this season.

Johnny Weir had me going... wtf is he wearing? He did a nice job, but his costume... bizzare.

Ela said...

GAH...that's like Matrix and My Little Pony melded together.
Oh...I think your pony story made me think of that, haha.

emily said...

hahaha that story...people are so rediculous!! cute blog :)

Unknown said...

I totally watched the mens skating. They seriously need some new costume designers. Some of them had the most ridiculous costumes I've ever seen, and his was surely up there. Did you hear them talking about when he wore that to another competition and did well and he said he "rocked the tassel" I thought that was funny.

Anonymous said...

Hey! Love your blog!

I haven't seen any of the Olympics yet, which is super sad, I know:( I do love me some figure skating though!

Laura and Ryan said...

I am loving the Olympics. Lindsey Vonn is awesome!

I think the men's figure skating is so fun!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

I bet it's hard for those extreme sporters not to showboat. How cute are the USA teams unis this year? LOVE the jean pants!

MissBrightside said...

Joan Rivers called Johnny Weir THE Olympic flame! That is kinda mean, but super funny. If you haven't seen his performance in Japan to Lady GaGa's "Poker face" I recommend watching it on YouTube right away.