(image found at Weheartit.com)
Today I come here with a heavy heart. I have so much I want to say, yet I don't know how to say it because I can't give serious details. I guess I should start at the beginning. Back in November I wrote this post. At the time I was happy and super excited about the future and making some big changes. Since then things have not gone as planned. I guess they never really do. However, one good thing is, that I've been paying off debt hardcore! Which is going to enable me to do some things I've been wanting to do.
So...what am I rambling about? Here's the deal: I got myself into a situation that started off great. I thought, "Oh my goodness! This is amazing, how did I get so lucky?!?" As time has passed, the situation that was great has went to horrible. Ok, not horrible...just...I want to scream everyday from the top of my lungs, about how bad it actually sucks. So basically, yeah... it's not good.
Do I keep going on the way things are, hoping they'll get better? All the while being miserable. OR Do I take the harder road and hope for a better outcome knowing that I may not be any happier at the end? Life really does have some tough choices....
Sounds like a tough crossroads!! I don't know, I wish I could give you advice, but you are being awfully vague missy :)
Hope it works out for the best!
Hmm, I'm not sure. What on earth are you even talking about???
I don't think there is enough information there for me to give any advice... but...
Follow your heart. And your mind. Hopefully they are together on this choice.
Oh dear. It would help if we knew the circumstances, but I understand that sometimes things are too close to the heart to share.
My advice:
If this is a decision that is purely about you, not involving ANYONE else, then do what is in your best interests. Taking things on hope alone doesn't get you far in the career, house plans, travel, or investment areas.
If this has to do with a friend, then have a little faith, talk to the person, and go from there. But ultimately do what's best for you.
If this is a love thing...heaven help you. Love takes precedence over everything in my life, sometimes including my happiness. If it's a love issue, then go with your heart. It usually works out in the end, one way or another.
And no matter what kind of predicament you're in, remember that each day is a learning experience, and that every moment in your life shapes the person you'll become. Don't look back. Always push on. :)
Luck, dear. We're all here for you.
Im just going to remind you of your own words a while back... "Smile through the good and smile even harder through the bad because I've learned one day the sun will come out again" so whatever you decide friend, keep smiling through it and hope for the best. I dont know what situation your talking about either so I cant solicit my advice(not that you would want it :)) Keep you head up and your face smiling!!!
I really hope things work out for you... you deserve to be happy! Hang in there girlie, we are all here for you!
I agree with the others, it is hard to really help you out without knowing any more than you are saying. I hope you can make a decision that brings you peace.
Oh and my captch was "balsiest". So maybe you should take a chance? :) Just kidding!
I'm sorry things haven't turned out the way you hoped. It's kind of hard to give advice with such vague details, but....
I guess I feel that if you don't do anything and things get better, great! If they don't though, well, (to be blunt and honest) throw yourself a pity party, but it's your own damn fault because you didn't do anything about it. However, if you take the harder road and really try to improve your situation and things get better, you really accomplished something you can be proud of. If things don't get better, at least you tried to change your situation and you can proud of your efforts.
And in my experience, things are much more likely to get better and have a much better outcome when you work to make them better. I think that's because you generally have a better attitude when you're working towards a goal and it's easier to work through the setbacks.
I think you should really think before you act... I have that problem of jumoping into situations without thinking... but I hope that whatever you decide is the best decision!! xxxoo
Since I don't know the details, I would say follow your gut instinct.
If only we had those magical crystal balls to consult....
Of course I'm curious about what it is exactly, the big cracked heart does lead me to a general idea.
Sounds like some very tough decisions. You know what you can tollerate, let your instincts and experience tell you which road you can handle. Then try not to do the "in hindsight" thing and second guess yourself down the line. You will make the best of which ever route you take!
If you're unhappy, make a change. Life is too short to be miserable...
Hmm this is hard. I've done both - I've stayed at a job where it wasn't working and tried to fix things, but eventually ended up leaving and found that I felt 100 pounds lighter emotionally when it was over. I've left relationships that weren't working and questioned myself every step of the way, only to look back and say "yeah leaving this bad situation was a good idea". I hope whatever you decide, it makes you feel better!
shitty situation, but you and strong and I think you can take the high road and come out on top!
Let's scream together!!!! We sort of in the same boat!!! Maybe we feel better afterwards? Or worse. We shall see. ;)
I'm with the other girls, I guess I would need a little bit more background information. But I will say that whatever it is, follow your instincts.
I'm sorry you're so down in the dumps!
Sometimes the unknown road is the path to happiness. You may wander and feel lost, but it is that quiet peace that changes your perspective and ultimately changes your life.
Hmm.. well, I think you already know in your heart what the best or right choice to make is. & I completely agree with the person that said "if you're unhappy, make a change.. Life is too short to be miserable."
I hope things work out for the best!
I wish I had some good advice! I really think it all depends on the situation, and what the payoff is in the end. If the payoff is worth the risk, then I say go for it!
well, it's hard to give advice without any details...
my dad always said 'when in doubt --- don't' and he was always right :o)
keep smiling....praying you make the right decision :o)
I wish I could give you more help, but vagueness is killing me! I'm sure there are some things that you just have to keep to yourself, and this decision is ultimately yours alone. Whatever you decide I'm sure that something positive will occur.
wow... You are one tough cookie... Go with your heart...
Trust in yourself... lead with your heart but check your path with your head! You know the best decision... you just have to fight off the others! Just remember there is no white picket fence but there are some beautiful roses!
oh hun :( i'm sorry to hear this.
i hope you can make a decision. go with your heart sweet girl.
i'm glad you are getting debt paid off though!
wishing you the best hun!
I hate making decisions. I hope things turn out alright. You can email me and vent if you need to, friend!!
I guess you'd have to give more info for us to really know. But if you're that upset, why stick with it? You should be happy... do whatever it takes to be happy. Even if it means being selfish. You only live once.
To me it would depend on what it is.
I would never stay in a relationship that I wasn't happy in. I'm the type that needs to be happy. A bump here or there is one thing but being truly unhappy is another.
Not sure what the situation is, but I'll leave you with one of my favorite quotes that might apply in this situation--"If you keep on doing what you've always done, you'll keep on getting what you've always gotten." Life's too short to settle--don't sell yourself short. If it's a love thing, I promise that there really are good fish in the sea.
What state is your friend taking the bar in? I totally know how he feels..bc I truly did SOOOO bad. A 45% to be exact. You can tell him that if it will make him feel better.
I think you have to go with your gut. Often I know it's the right decision by it being the harder of the two to make...does that make sense?
I hope it all works out for you :)
Tough decision, but my heart says you have to do whats going to make you happy, even if its the harder choice of the two.
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