Monday, February 22, 2010

Tick Tock, Tick Tock

I am slowly going insane. I'm counting down the days until I'm out of here. I think I might have to stop counting. Everyday I get really excited that it's a new day, which brings me one step closer.... yet at the same time I'm getting frustrated because it feels so far away. I mean it's not really that far away but it's still far enough that it's making me cranky. Please, please, please dear month of May get here soon!

In other news, I think I've discovered the greatest thing since sliced bread. I know, I know. You're probably thinking, "WHAT could that be?!" The answer... 
Butterscotch brownies. Where have these been all my life? They are amazing, little pieces of heaven. Secretly, they've come into my life at the right time because I gave up chocolate. Have you ever tried them? I think I've ate 4 in the last day and a half. 

So, how did I spend my weekend? Besides working, I watched the Olympics of course! Other than that not a lot....just a lot of dreaming of this place...

Ahh..I can't wait till the end of May. 


Abbie said...

Umm those brownies look awesome...and so does the place you're moving to!

Anonymous said...

Butterscotch brownies sounds delish! And I think I may know where you are moving to, very beautiful picture.

Dollface said...

I am dreaming of butterscotch brownies, hahahah xxxoo

~Mrs. Guru~ said...

Those brownies look good!

JAMIE said...

Any kind of brownie sounds amazing right now!!

Amanda @ It's Blogworthy said...

I wonder if they are healthier or worse for you? They look AMAZING.

May will be here before you even know it! Yay for new wide open spaces!

Pretty Zesty said...

Yum! I love blondies!!

Unknown said...

those look heavenly!!

i must try them very soon :o)

Anonymous said...


JG said...

Wow, you're moving in May, too? Gosh, to me is seems SO close! I'm not ready yet. :)

"Cookie" said...

May will be here before you know it! And those brownies look yummy!! :)

Newlywed Next Door said...

Looks amazing! Post the recipe!

Carrie said...

Oh my gosh, those brownies look amazing! :)

Ashley said...

Those brownies look amazing!!!

Jessie said...

I'm waiting until May for Andrew to get home.. we can be impatient together.

those brownies look fantastic!

JB said...

I'm so excited for you and your move, I'm seriously jealous! I want... *NEED* a change of scenery stat!

I think you should send those who comment some of your brownies haha! Okay, maybe just me since I'm pregnant? Haha just kidding (sort of)!

tootie said...

Oh my goodness...I'm suddenly craving brownies. I may have to try these!!

Lisa said...

How about a recipe for those delicious looking brownies? I don't eat chocolate, so that sounds perfect!

That place where you're moving to looks awesome! :)

GingerSnap said...

Those brownies look DELISH! I have never had butterscotch brownies before, but they really look (and sound) devine!

Karren said...

Those brownies look sooo yummy!!

Katie said...

YAY for MAY!

Anonymous said...

I have done that with him all my life... The pictures isn't the biggest let down with him.

Random Musings said...

uuumm brownies!!

So are you spilling about the move?

Shoshanah said...

I love butterscotch and I love brownies. So I'm pretty sure I need to try these now!

chelsea said...

These sound absolutely divine. They're officially #2 on my baking list. Just after a Bakerella recipe, so you should feel VERY special. :)