Monday, March 1, 2010

They Strike Again!

Goodbye February. Hello March! 
Thank goodness another month is finally here. We're one day closer to warm weather, sunny vacations and life changing events! 

Ok....prepare yourself, there was another crazy neighbor incident this weekend. 

As mentioned in past posts, I have some ridiculous and obnoxious neighbors. You can read about the previous incidents here. The latest incident took place over this past weekend....

On Friday, I worked all day and late into the evening, around 9:00pm. I finally get in the car to start my drive home. I'm tired, hungry and getting crankier by the minute. I turn the last corner (because my house is located on the corner of a city block) and I notice a strange car is parked where I park my car every single day. My neighbors know that I park my car there. I know all of my neighbors and in the 2 years that I've lived here, I think we've all parked in the same spots. Let me stress that for you... 2 years of parking my car, then walking the 10 feet into my house.

So I pull up to my house and I realize there's no where to park. I realize that I'm going to have to park on the street and since street parking is limited that I'm going to have to park almost a full block away from my house to avoid blocking driveways which someone has parked in mine. I get pissed off and say Screw that! Then it hits me. I realize that about 3 houses down from mine there's a rental home and that new people have moved into it. The rental home does not have a garage or a driveway. So I realize it must be either them or someone visiting them. 

I don't know if it was because I had worked all day, was tired and hungry or what? But I snapped. This is my own home! I should not have to park a block away and have to hoof it in the freezing cold and snow. I own this joint! I shouldn't be forced to do that! So I came to a conclusion that had 3 options. 1. I could either double park on them and block them into my own driveway so they would have to come knock on my door and face me. 2. Leave a note on their windshield, giving them the 411 on parking in not so many kind words or 3. Lay on my horn until someone came outside. 

What did I do?

I blocked them into my own driveway. I forced them to have to come to my door, knock and explain to me that they did indeed park in a driveway that is not theirs. AND not only is it not theirs, it's not even on their side of the street. I don't think they'll ever park in my driveway again after the speech I gave them. I was pissed! 

And what made my blood boil even more was the fact that they didn't see anything wrong with parking there. Um...hello, it's not your house, which means it's not your driveway, which means you don't get to park there! 


Amanda @ It's Blogworthy said...

NOTHING is worse than terrible neighbors because there's nothing you can do about it but stew. Cause you know they will probably just do it again! Only a couple more months and you wont' have to deal with them again!

Allison said...

When I owned my own home I had this problem several times. There was an elementary school around the corner and people kept parking in MY driveway while walking over to pick up their kid.

Trust me, you call a tow truck on them once and no one in your neighborhood will ever park in your driveway again.

Patience said...

That is so crazy! I would have done the same thing. Oh and I would have taken my sweet ole time moving my car.

Unknown said...

you crack me up with blocking them in.

growing up one halloween there was a house down the street that had a party!
and some teenage kid decides to block our driveway to our house! seriously?

oh i was pissed and my parents were pissed.
we waited at least an hour...then we called the cops ....i have never seen so many kids run away from cops b/c they were drinking and didn't want to get caught!!
but, we got the car moved!!

~Mrs. Guru~ said...

I would have called and had it towed away. That would have made me mad!

J.L.S. said...

Ooo I like the idea of the tow truck! I would have been so pissed... I have no patience for rude/disrespectful people like that!

Dollface said...

I cannot believe they parked in your driveway! wtf.... what was wrong with their own?? xxxoo

Selma @ Crazy Little World Of Mine said...

I would have done the exact same thing. :)

JAMIE said...

I get strangely angry when people park in my space. I used to have a limited parking situation, and it drove me INSANE when people parked there!

"Cookie" said...

Tow their asses!! Do it once and you wont' have to do it again.

Rudeness is the norm in today's society.

And I would have gone with the same option you did. We have a private parking at work... it's our private lot and if the street gets full people don't think twice about pulling in and blocking of our OWN parking places. Me....park behind them so they have to come into the office and ask. My response... "as soon as I can. it might be a few minutes though"

SS said...

Oh my gosh, I did the SAME thing last night.... and on top of it when I knocked on the door of the place I knew was the offending party they lied and said they didn't know who's car it was. That's what made me decide to block them in. Gets even better... their excuse... "well, the other spot I usually park was taken so..." REALLY!?! Because that other spot you usually park in is ALSO MINE. *grrrr*

I don't know what makes people think It's OK to park in places that aren't theirs.

New Girl on Post said...

Good for you! I would have done the same thing!

Katie said...

omg! What a-holes! I would have been so pissed! Good job for giving them an earful!

JG said...

Wow, some people! That's ridiculous. But I'd say that as long as they continue to do that, you continue to do what you just did. Maybe eventually they'll get the message. Do you know the landlords of the rental property? Maybe you should give them a call, as well.

Anonymous said...

High five to you. I would have been pissed off too. People have some major nerve. I would have called a tow truck.

MariahSmile said...

That is all very strange! Why on earth would you park in someone else's driveway!?

JB said...

I'm so proud of you for blocking them in, I would've done the same thing!!! I really hope for their sake (and your sanity) they learn quick, fast and in a hurry about how to be a polite neighbor. That's just ridiculous!

Amber @ A Little Pink in the Cornfields said...

Yikes! That is ridiculous! Pretty soon you won't be dealing with the crazy neighbors at all! I bet you're pumped!

Lisa said...

I would have parked them in too! Tow trucks are also an effective solution too!

Aimee said...

Ok so your neighbors are crazy! I thought I had it bad with super old people who have nothing better to do then enforce the crazy HOA rules but you're neighbors... WOW. I went and read all the past incidents.


I def. think you did the right thing by blocking them in. Idiots.

Tara said...

Hi! Just found your blog and really like it. I too like to make lists and have psychic powers. So we should be best friends. Haha! Okay, so I was lying about the psychic powers, but I wish I had them. =)

Jessie said...

oh my gosh.. that's crazy!!!!

Stephanie said...

Outrageous! I just don't get some people. I would be super ticked!

Anonymous said...

Oh I would've snapped too!

Unknown said...

you've got to be kidding me. some people have no common sense now a days! props to you for making them knock on your door and you confronting them