Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Good, Bad & Ugly

I have a 1,001 things going on. I mean really, how does people do it all? I feel like I'm falling behind in everything that I need to and should be doing. Let's have a little catch up session shall we? We shall...
The Bad....
Last Thursday night I got sad, sad news. I've been waiting forever to hear about my transfer and I finally hear something that night. In the 8 months that I've been sitting on the wait list I have moved up 4 spots. Four. I'm in the 4th spot which means 3 people are ahead of me. Which means I have to wait it out. I'm not going to lie... I cried. I cried hard

I don't want to have to sit around for another 8 months or longer before I get to move to California. I feel like I've got so much on hold in my life. And honestly.... that blows. But it is what it is and there's nothing I can do to make it go by faster. 

The Good...
I am just a few days out from a 3 day weekend vacation. Next week I am out of here! I can't wait. It's just what I need right now! Where am I going? Ohhh.... to an undisclosed location! See the photo? That's a hint. If you follow me on twitter, I'll be talking about it but until I get back, I won't be posting it on here. Surprise! 

The Ugly...
I've got so much I want to say on here but I can't really say it right now. Hang in there! I'll all come out eventually. It usually does. Until then, just hang in there. 


tara said...

Sorry you didnt get the news you wanted! :(

Why Girls Are Weird said...

I can't even imagine what the wait must be doing to you. Keep strong lady!

Hutch said...

Ugh, I'm sorry friend! We will gladly take you whenever you can make it out here!

Steph said...

Bummer about the transfer. I would have cried too.

Keep your head up though, things will work out for you.

tootie said...

Agh, that stinks that you have to wait even longer for the transfer :( But I hope you have a wonderful time on your vacation!

Whim Wham Life said...

Blegh. Waiting. I'm not a very patient person when it comes to things like that. Find lots of moments to rest/rejuvenate! You'll conquer everything! xoxo

Stephanie said...

Hoping the good outweighs the ugly :( Hang in there!

Tina L. Hook said...

Are you going on a trip to the smoky mountains? Looks gorgeous. Romantic cabin for two?

lil desiqua said...

That stinks about the wait, but at least you weren't denied completely! (Silver lining?!) And, you have a 3 day weekend coming up! Enjoy it!!

Anonymous said...

im so sorry to hear about your transfer! everything happens for a reason and hang in there!! great things come to those who wait - only awesome things will come because you are being so patient :-) **hugs**

Anonymous said...

Ugh! So sorry to hear that.. I would cry too. I know hate the waiting game! I hope it all works out and you hear something soon :) Good news too!

Jax said...

Ugh. Sorry to hear about the transfer list. Blah. SO glad you have a fun weekend planned ahead.. And I will SO be watching the twitters to see where you're headed! I haven't been so good on twitter lately. I need to get back in gear.

Ashley said...

Girl, I can't even imagine how frustrated and disappointed you feel. Just hang in there. Your time is coming!

Dixie Bell Designs said...

Blahhhh that really stinks to hear about your transfer. That is such a looooong time to wait, I hope something good comes up soon :(

AC Quigley said...

So sorry that you didn't get the news you wanted but perhaps the wait won't be that long. It's so frustrating when you want something to happen and you have to wait. Hang in there, it'll happen!

Nicole said...

I have thought about an anonymous blog VARIOUS times just in this last week alone! I feel overwhelmed to the max! Sorry about your transfer but hang in there! Everything happens for a reason right!? Right!

Unknown said...

4th? Oh boo! I'm sorry. Maybe some people will get real mad all together and all decide to quit and then you get to go?