Friday, December 6, 2013

Five on Friday

1. My old roommate from when I lived in Alabama got engaged. I'm so excited for her and so happy to help in any way that I can when it comes to the wedding planning. However, it makes me a little sad because my single pool just got a little smaller.

2. I got the bulk of my Christmas cards out this week in the mail. I had three different Christmas cards this year. Next week I'll show them off but for right now I want my friends to get them in the mail. I don't want to ruin the surprise!

3. This is one of my biggest fears when I go out to places...

4. Each week when Scandal comes on television, I get completely engrossed into the show. I even tell people to stop talking when I'm watching it. Apparently my focus gets intense.
The Scandal trance.

5. I watched The Sound of Music Live on NBC last night. I wanted to like it. I really did BUT I thought it wasn't good. I think it's because I love the movie so much. There can never be another Julia Andrews. Never.


Ashley said...

Scandal is one of my favorite shows! It's so addicting!

Tracy said...

I'm stopping by from Five on Friday. I thought the same thing about The Sound of Music. I really wanted to like it too.

Hope you have a great weekend!

Why Girls Are Weird said...

Scandal is the best show EVAH. For serious. I keep trying to get everyone to watch it because I love it so much!

Shoshanah said...

I really liked The Sound of Music! Although a lot of that is because I was in the play in middle school, so the songs were exactly where I expected them to be. Although did learn that Carrie can't really act, but still, overall, had a lot of fun watching it.

alicia said...

#3 made me burst out laughing. also, I love scandal!

Unknown said...

Scandal is one of two of the most amazing shows on TV right now...Homeland being the other in my opinion. Also, I totally freak out if I think there won't be a bathroom when I go out. Real fear!

Megan said...

I'm the same way with Scandal.