Saturday, June 27, 2009

My Giveaway!

Hello ladies! In honor of my upcoming 100th post, I'm doing a giveaway! This is my first giveaway and I racked my brain on what to give away. Well, after much thought and from comments made on my blog I've decided to give away..... 

I noticed from a lot of your comments you wanted to learn how to knit so...I'm giving away: 1 pair of size 8 knitting needles, a Learn How To Knit Guidebook, 1- 5 ounce skeen of Lavender yarn. 1 -5 ounce skeen of Heather Grey yarn. 

The giveaway ends at 8:00pm Friday, July 3rd. Here's how to enter: 
1. Leave a comment on this post (1 entry)
2. Let me know if you're a follower or become a follower (1 entry)
3. Mention my giveaway on your blog & come back to this post letting me know. (1 entry). 
So in total you can get 3 entries! 
Everyone is welcome to enter no matter what country you are in. 


Katie said...

how neat!!! This is a great idea!

I'm def. a follower, so sign me up twice :)

Happy Saturday!

hmb said...

That's a great giveaway! Very you!! I'm a follower!! Your best one...

Anonymous said...

Sweet! Sign me up are the first person who didn't know me to follow my blog and you are the first blog of someone I've never met that I began following!

Unknown said...

That is great!!! What an awesome giveaway! I would love to learn! i am a follerer so count me in twice!

Mrs. Mootz said...

What a fun giveaway! I've always wanted to learn to knit! I'm also a follower!

Deborah said...

Wow! I've been wanting to learn how to knit and was beginning to think it'd never happen. Thanks for the chance!

I'm also a follower.

asthenight at gmail dot com

Doreen said...

Yes, I've been wanting to learn how to knit! :)

Doreen said...

I'm following your bloggy!

~Mrs. Guru~ said...


KK said...

How fun! I'm a follower!!!

jessica said...

You are making me want to learn how to knit!!! hahah :)

I'm a follower.

Lisette said...

I love knitting even though I'm not very good at it and this would just the thing to help me out. :)

Congrats on your almost 100th post :D


babalisme said...

I really wish I can knit, but I'm terrible with all things thread-like, sigh, I wish this kit will help me learn.

babalisme said...

I'm a follower too!

GUAMtastic said...

Pick me pick me!! You know I need projects in Guam....

The Queen of Clearance said...

oooo I always wanted to learn how to knit! I tried it once and It left me feel like a failure! Hope I win!

The Queen of Clearance said...

Also I am a follower now!

nfmgirl said...

I've always wanted to learn to knit. I had a friend start teaching me many years ago, but she moved away before I got very far.


nfmgirl AT gmail DOT com

Lindsay said...

Very cool! I'd love to learn how to knit! :)

frugalfab at gmail dot com

Pretty Zesty said...

Hello! I am a follower and will post a blurb on my blog too. I always wanted to learn how to do this! Thanks!

My Army Brats and Me said...

Hey there enter me too:)

Anonymous said...

What a nifty contest! My mom has tried to teach me to crochet, and my sister's tried to teach me to knit... The only problem is that they're both right-handed, and I'm left, and apparently that puts me in a whole different world when it comes to learning, haha. Hope the book has a "For Lefties" section!

And congratulations on getting to 100 posts! I just passed that mark myself and made a contest for it, so I know how exciting it is. :-D


Shaina said...

What a fun giveaway! I'd really like to learn how to knit, so this is perfect. Please count me in, I am a follower and I have posted about your giveaway on my sidebar!

Carolyn G said...

I love this because I want to learn to knit

rubynreba said...

Congratulations on your 100th post and first giveaway! I've been wanting to learn to knit and this would be perfect. Thanks!

A Military Wife said...

ok ok...i'm entering!! knitting something, anything really is on my bucket list. i'm already a follower!!

Norberto Kurrle said...

What an excellent giveaway. Ever since becoming a mommy, I've wanted to learn how to knit!

Amber @ A Little Pink in the Cornfields said...

OH my gosh! I have always wanted to learn to knit! I always saw women in the airport knitting (of all ages) and I thought it looked so relaxing. What a great giveaway! Good idea! :)
And I'm a follower of your blog! I will let you know if I write a blogpost about your fab giveaway!

wendy wallach said...

I know how to crochet but not knit, but I always wanted to learn!

madamerkf at aol dot com

Unknown said...

My mom has always wanted to learn to knit.....
This would be perfect!