Saturday, June 20, 2009

My Projects

A few days ago I mentioned the quilt I was making by hand. Let me tell you, it's HARD! My poor little fingers, I've probably stabbed them at least 40 times. In addition to the quilt I'm making, I'm also knitting a blanket. It's brown and teal and made with some of the softest yarn I've ever felt. It's going to be a pretty good size but for sure not the full size of the quilt. 
(Please excuse the poor quality of the photo. I only had my cell phone near me at the time)

Besides working on both of my projects and going to work I haven't done that much.. 

Also thank you for your continued support during my personal troubles.


Ashley said...

You are so talented. I cannot sew, knit, or anything like that. All the women in my family can but it stopped with me and my sister!! I have a package that I was supposed to mail out to David today! OOPS, I got busy cleaning out closets instead!! I am thinking about you!!

KK said...

Thats going to be a really cute blanket! I love having projects to keep me busy while my husband is deployed.

Erin said...

Glad you got to talk to him! I am sure that helped during a time like this!

Unknown said...

Knitting is something I cannot manage. I can crochet but the two needles confuses me!

My husband has suprisingly gone through 4 sets of headphones down range... I have no clue how he kept breaking them.

Hope that staying busy is making your time pass faster and I appreciate all the comments you have been leaving on my blog! Have a great weekend!

Mr. and Mrs. Top Gun said...

Thanks for becoming a new follower of my new blog! I love hearing from other military spouses/fiances/girlfriends!

What an incredible blanket that is going to become. I can sew, but Mrs. Top Gun is too high maintenance to ruin her manicure, lol! I hope things are going better for you. I know how hard it is when your loved one is gone, and especially when the s*&^ hits the fan!

Mrs. Top Gun

Unknown said...

Well you just a busy little bee! But you'll get it all done and its going to be beautiful! Can't wait to hear that your doing good?!?

Megan said...

I love knitting!

Yes, both of my dogs are Cavalier King Charles. They are such a great breed, I want a whole pack of them!

Abbie said...

Ok so this is off subject, but I love the little face lift you gave your blog! It's super cute...and so is your quilt!

Jessica said...

you're a better woman than me with all that knitting you have going on! I don't know that i will ever do anything like that with my level of patience..
I'm glad you got to here from Matt! I hope everything is going better for you :)

Mrs. Ruby said...

LOVE the blanket! I'm so jealous!
You'll definitely be in my thoughts and prayers, girl. I've been there...

jlc said...

That's awesome!! I wish I could knit!!