I also recieved my first birthday present today. I was sitting on my couch watching "The Real Housewives of O.C." and UPS hit the doorbell. This is what I found....
He's the best! I open it up to find.....
The Anne Rice Collection of Vampire novels. He knows that I love the Twilight series and the Sookie Stackhouse books. He's been on me for awhile now to read this so I guess he figured I would if he bought them all for me haha. When he called me this afternoon, I told him I got it. Apparently he said there should be a 2nd thing coming!!! Pretty excited!!!!
Oh, in addition to the quilt I'm making...I'm also knitting a blanket. My poor wrists and fingers are KILLING me right now. I knitted almost all day. Yay for no work today or tomorrow!
What an awesome present!! Let me know how they are! I loved Twilight!! I will be 30 in Feb, now that is eeekkkk!!
I am not sure that Skype is going to work for us after all!! :-( He tried to download it and their server keeps blocking it. I am so disappointed!!
Happy birthday!!! And I am dreading the 2-5 as well. Ick. It just feels...old. Haha!
I promise it's okay to turn 25 ;) I'll be 26 in a month. Like you, I thought my life would be different. I couldn't be happier though, I know God has a plan for everyone and everything happens for a reason!
I'm wishing you an early HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! :)
Your man is so sweet!! I love reading! Let me know how the books are! I'm reading James Paterson right now. Have you read any of his series?
Happy Birthday! You were such a cute little girl:p And how exciting is TWO packages from your man..HA HA...I'm impressed because he just left! I too turn 25 this year and I can hardly believe it...Not sure how I feel about it yet:p
Happy early birthday!!
25 isn't all that bad :) I'm actually getting to the point where I'm kinda excited for 30. My 20s are getting kinda old.
How sweet!!! What a great gift! :)
Love the new look of your blog!
yay happy birthday!!
"This your birthday song... and it's not very long!!!"
I love unexcepted mail/packages!! =) it's great.
awww! How cute! I can't wait to see what is in box # 2!
Happy 25th! Don't worry, 25 isn't so bad. Take it from me, now that I'm looking back from the ripe old age of 27. Whew. It is seriously all downhill from here. :)
bah...25 is nothing! Hope your second gift is super exciting! Happy Birthday!
What a thoughtful gift.
Ha ha... guess what, when you are 35 you are going to be thinking the same thing. But that's not bad! How boring life would be if everything turned out like we expected.
If you don't have a post tomorrow, I'm going to say it early. Happy Birthday!
that's so thoughtful! :)
Happy birthday!
Happy early Birthday!!! Hope its a great one!
Happy Happy Birthday!!!
I've been wanting to read those books! I've already read Twilight and am reading the 4th Sookie Stackhouse! Definitely let us know how you like them.
I hope you have a wonderful day on your birthday!
It is officially your birthday now!!! :) Happy happy birthday! Live it up, girl! :) I hope you have an amazing one!!!
I am turning 24 this Sunday and it is officially the last birthday that I'm looking forward to. Can't we all just be 24 for the rest of our lives?
Oh you're such a young'n. I turn 26 this year! :)
Happy Birthday! What a wonderful present you got from Matt!
Happy Birthday! :)
Happy birthday!!
What a great gift! :)
Hey, next time you're in Columbus, send me an email first and we'll get together for lunch or something. :)
Happy Birthday! I hit 25 next week. Ack.
Love the new blog look too!
Happy Birthday! I'll be 25 in October too. It's crazy to think... but you're officially a quarter century old now! :)
Like you, i thought my life would be totally different when i turned 25
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