In other news, my favorite new phrase for people who piss me off is, "I hope you get a big glass of Suck It!" Feel free to use it if you like. I don't mind.
Monday I'll be announcing the winner of my Sookie Stackhouse Give Away. Stay tuned for the winner! Also I'll be doing a poll soon so check that out on the sidebar. Plus I've got some big news coming Monday night so more than likely I'll be blogging on Tuesday about it!!! Hope all is well out in blog land!
You crack me up, girl.
Excellent Comeback!
p.s. the word verification for this comment is "buthed" hahaha
I am seriously laugh out loud because of Katie's comment. A few days ago I had the same word verification for your blog! Did you arrange this or set it up?
Haha. Love it!
I cant wait to see who wins! Im crossing my fingers! Cant wait for your exciting news!
ooh that book sounds interesting! i'll have to look it up at the library.. although i have to remember first.
I most defintely will be using that comeback. Fantastic!!
And thanks for the book rec. I will have to check it out!
I am definitely using the big glass of suck it line.
hahahahah@the big glass of suck it!!! I love you, chica!
You are too funny!! I will def. be using that from here on out...The book sounds so good. I really want to read it now and I had never even heard about it. Thanks so much for the rec! :) Can't wait to hear about your Monday night stuff on Tuesday!
Voted ;-);-)
Ohhhh yeah! I will have to put that on my to read list!
That book sounds great! I will definitely have to check that out!
Thanks for sharing ;)
I left you a little something on my blog!
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