I also got asked what were some of the books I've read over the past 2 days. Ask and you shall receive ladies...
1st I read: Loitering With Intent by Stuart Woods (He's by far my favorite author). It's a stone Barrington Novel which I believe is his best character (His books follow the lives of about 5 different people). 2nd read: Mounting Fears by Stuart Woods. A Will Lee Novel (another one of his characters). 3rd read: sTori Telling by Tori Spelling. Finally my 4th read that I'm currently still reading: 7th Heaven by James Patterson. It's the 7th (who would have guessed?!?) book in the Women's Murder Club Series.

So I'm not going to lie. I think Tori Spellings book has changed my life. If you've read the book then you know she talks about her past relationships with me. Tori mentions a book that a friend gave her called Men Who Can't Love, she also discusses a lot of "red flags" that she should have seen. When I read this in the book. It all clicked for me. I thank you Tori Spelling (the last person I thought I would ever thank).
PS: I read a blog the other day by Sara over at When In Rome about cleansing people from your life that don't really need to be in your life. This blog came to me at a point in the day that I felt like it was a sign. Thank you as well!
I'm so glad you posted these books! I have been stuck with the dullest audiobooks lately and have been looking for a new series to get into. Luckily the library has the first two of Patterson's available. Still waiting for Tori's though...
Glad you found encouragement from books and bloggin'! Tell Tori "Hi" next time you see her and that although I haven't read her book yet, I would like to as soon as I get through my list! I shall add it to my list infact.
Love The Ghostbusters shirt...might just have to get one! lol and of course I told you in your previous post about the Tori book(s)! I can't wait to read them!
"Stimulate the economy!" Hilarious quote.
Glad you could find your inner strength via Tori Spelling! Put that one down as a first in the history books!!
I love the ghostbusters shirt too. I have a few random shirts like this. The brand junk food, makes a good variety of pop culture shirts.
I am so glad you are starting to feel better about certain things in your life. Glad to hear that Tori's book has helped, I will have to take a look at it.
I'm so in love with Tori Spelling :)
Now you'll have to check out the Mommywood one... right? Didn't she do more than one? Or am I off my nut?
I really want to read Tori's book! And who wouldn't pay $30 for a GB shirt! So sweet!
I LOVE James Patterson, hes my favorite and also Stuart Woods. I think thats so funny we read a lot of the same books
I recently started watching Home Sweet Hollywood and I was STUNNED to realize that I actually like Tori and Dean. I mean, she's not totally dumb and he's not trying to impress anyone but her. I want to read her books now just b/c I liked her show.
I have heard more people say how awesome Tori Spelling's books are. I'm going to have to read them!
I want to read stori telling! I have...3 ghost buster shirts! I love them and adore them, and they sit in my closet next to my 5 teenage mutant nija turtle shirts, that I love just as much!
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