Let's face it, writing a letter has become a dying art. In today's technology we've progressed past the point of taking pen to paper. We have texting, e-mails and instant messaging, even when it comes to paying our bills we can pay them without ever having to look for a pen.
In my opinion this is sad.
I love getting mail and I love getting e-mails...don't get me wrong. But I just think it means so much more when someone sits down and takes a pen to paper. Maybe it's because it makes me think of another world. It makes me feel like I'm apart of history (think Pride & Prejudice). I just love the idea of it. I love that someone has to take time out of their day to sit and think about what they want to say. There's no backspace, there's no spell check. It's just you, the paper and the pen. It's such an amazing way to communicate feelings.
I've always said it and I'll say it again, someone could never buy me a gift ever if they just gave me a heartfelt letter in it's place.
So I leave you with this:
Henry IV to Gabrielle d'Estrees From the battle field before Dreux |
June 16, 1593
I have waited patiently for one whole day without news of you; I have been counting the time and that's what it must be. But a second day--I can see no reason for it, unless my servants have grown lazy or been captured by the enemy, for I dare not put the blame on you, my beautiful angel: I am too confident of your affection--which is certainly due to me, for my love was never greater, nor my desire more urgent; that is why I repeat this refrain in all my letters: come, come, come, my dear love.
Honor with your presence the man who, if only he were free, would go a thousand miles to throw himself at your feet and never move from there. As for what is happening here, we have drained the water from the moat, but our cannons are not going to be in place until Friday when, God willing, I will dine in town.
The day after you reach Mantes, my sister will arrive at Anet, where I will have the pleasure of seeing you every day. I am sending you a bouquet of orange blossom that I have just received. I kiss the hands of the Vicomtess if she is there, and of my good friend, and as for you, my dear love, I kiss your feet a million times. |
I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who misses the days of snail mail. I truly do. I love getting cards in the mail, and I used to love getting letters in the mail. Anymore, getting emails just annoys me. There's no rush of excitement when I open my in-box, like there used to be when I'd open my mailbox. :(
I feel like back when people used to hand write everything, words and emotions were more carefully and accurately described. Just me, though.
We should be pen pals. We could totally bring it back. ;)
Snail mail should definitley see a revival. :/ I think what makes it so personal, for me anyway, is getting to see the person's handwriting. The letters say a lot about the writers personality. :)
I love hand written letters... my grandma had a bunch of letters saved from WWII- her brother was a soldier and always wrote home. I just love reading them. I know in this crazy busy world email is so convenient, but still... nothing beats a little piece of snail mail waiting for you in the mail box.
I love this post. I am a huge letter writing supporter. There is something very personal about someone's handwriting.
I'm a Jackie Kennedy girl! I love real mail cards!!!
When Mr. Marine left for Iraq, I sent him with a stack of stationary and colored envelopes. Colored envelopes? So I could easily distinguish those precious letters from all other mail. Nothing put a bigger, more authentic smile on my face than seeing a sliver of color sticking out from the rest of the mail. I saved every singe one of those letter and still read them from time to time.
He would send emails from work so those were a bit more impersonal, but the letters...those were from his soul to mine.
That letter is amazing. I agree, it's sad letters like that don't get written much anymore.
Your post reminds me of something I read in a similar vein - what if Lincoln had done the Gettysburg address in power point. It was hilarious. No more "four score..." Just numbers and bullets.
I like your letter writing sentiment.
It is very true. Letter writing is just not a thing anymore. Kinda makes you wonder what will take place of texting an emails in the future!
I miss the days of getting real mail. It was always so exciting to get an actual letter and that never happens anymore. Thanks for the reminder of the good ol' days, haha!
I completely agree with you. One of the bloggers whom I follow started a pen pal project last month for the same reason, and I joined immediately. As much as I enjoy my 'net browsing, there is nothing like getting a letter or a card in the mail.
I love writting letters.
When my husband leaves we always write eachother a few letters to open while we are apart. I feel closer to him knowing he sat down and and this paper in his hand....
I LOVE snail mail! I try to send a card to people every chance I get! My BF gets one every week (we live 4 hours apart)! There is just something about a letter that is so personal! ;) I agree with Ashley, we should exchange addresses and be pen pals!! :)
I love sending and receiving letters. They definitely make you feel so special. And it is true that no one knows how to communicate that way anymore it just seems like it has to be short hand and abrupt. There definitely isn't the same sincerity like that letter from the King to his wife.
I am a huge fan of writing letters and thank you cards. I try to always hand write a thank you card if I am ever given anything. And I have a set of stationary that I use to send out just because notes :)
I love writing letters just for the hell of it :) I don't know if it's a southern thing or what, but I write thank you notes for just about everything too.
i agree.....but you gotta roll with the times I guess.
I definitely agree!
I used to have a pen pal I mailed letters to back in elementary school. But I can't think of the last time I actually mailed a letter to someone
Living overseas, it is so easy to fall into the convenience of e-mailing or skype-ing. Which is so nice, but every once in a while I'll send my Mom a letter - and even though we will talk maybe 5 or 6 times before she gets it, it still makes her day.
I also leave my hubby cards and letters in his suitcase before he leaves for deployment or TDY!
It is so personal.
You are too cute.
I love the convenience that typing allows.
Oh I completely agree. Getting mail is one of my favorite things and I love sending mail to people as well.
I love writing letters and nothing is better than getting a handwritten card or letter! I am also a paper freak who collects cards, notebooks, and pens. Yet, I have no one to write to! I guess that's why I started blogging!
I miss snail mail too! I think it means more when it's a letter rather than an e-mail. I wish more people would get back into it.
I agree! I especially love writing and receiving letters during a deployment.. There is something soooooo romantic about it! My husband & I keep all our letters -- I have a special box that I put all of them in. I hope our future kids and grandkids will cherish them one day. ;)
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