Do you hear that? Shh...don't you hear it? That's the sound of my angels singing. Finally the dark clouds that have been looping for the last 2 weeks are starting to drift away and the sun is beginning to shine (and no I'm not talking about the real weather).
Recently, the times have been rough but life is just too short to go through it with everything not being sunshine and rainbows. With that being said, I'm making a few changes.
First up....the job. Now, I'm very thankful in these trying times that I have a job at all. There's tons of people out there who would like to have any job. I like my job, I like most of the people, and I like the fact that it's for the government. However, I've started the hunt for a new one. I don't like being under appreciated, under paid and the erratic schedule. So I want to change it.
Second...the location. I don't know if I've ever told the whole story on here but I moved back to my hometown, in my home state awhile ago. For awhile it was great seeing old friends, being around family and just being back in all the old, familiar places. Now...not so much. It's a hassle because people that are super awesome, good jobs and people who hold my heart are not in my home town. Hello...apartmentfinder (dot)com. We're going to become new best friends.
Third...the car payment. I love my car. I have zero regrets about buying it BUT having a car payment is not fun. So I've decided to use a portion of every paycheck to make a 2nd payment each month. It's time to get that sucker paid in full. I hate being in debt. It's time to remedy it.
Fourth...the love life. There is always going to be ups and downs. You have to decide to either ride them out or get off the ride. I'm not getting off the ride anytime soon so you have to make the best of every situation and use it for future situations. Smile through the good and smile even harder through the bad because I've learned one day the sun will come out again.
Finally...the friends. This year I ended a friendship that had lasted over a decade. We had been best friends, more like sisters for as long as I could remember. Over the past year, I noticed that I was the one investing more time, making all the plans, and reaching out. Yet when I took a deeper look I started finding, excuses, lies and saw a whole new person staring back at me. I didn't like what I saw. As hard as it is to not have this person in my life, I cherished the other good friends in my life and have been strengthening those bonds. Now I'm more determined than ever to be the bestest friend that I can be to all of them.
So buckle up readers, cause the road has forked and we're going down a new journey.
Good luck with all of these changes. I hope they all work out how you want them to.
I totally agree with you about the ups and downs of a relationship. It totally sucks but you have to decide if it is all worth it. Glad the sun is back out in your world!
I also want to wish you good luck with your changes.
I've gone through, unfortunately, more loss of friends than I care to count. I know it's hard and it hurts and you miss all the good times. However good for you for recognizing when it was time to sever the ties. I know how hard that can be.
Aw I'm so glad things are looking up for you! Good luck with everything!
Woohooo! I am so happy for you. Good for you for looking at your life and taking control. You should be beyond excited right now. I can't wait to see what life has in store for you - and perfect timing for the new year!
Yay for sunshine and plans! Good luck finding a new job/apartment! I'm so excited for yo!
good luck with all of your changes!!
Life changes can be so scary, but at the same time - they are freeing. Good for you for finding your path and working what is best for you. Great post.
Good luck with all your changes, I know there are great things in store for you :)
Good for you! If they have apartment locators, USE ONE...they are usually free.
Good for you! I think it's so important to realize when you're unhappy and change it. You're very lucky to have a job while you look for a new one, and I know that before you know it, you'll find something that you love and makes you happy :-)
Best of luck with everything! Change isn't always bad. Hope everything works out.
Yay for making an extra payment!
I made the biggest change of my life by moving to Florida and it was the second greatest thing that I've ever done (the first was marrying my husband!) Sometimes home is secure and easy but now where you need to be. You're going to "bloom where you're planted". Your location now just doesn't have good soil or adequate sunlight. Ya know? Weird metaphor but I think you get it. :) Good luck with everything. Gainesville's awesome, look for jobs here :)
Thank you for sharing your heart with us. I will be praying for you with these changes and wishing you nothing but good luck!
I'm digging your new attitude on life and I'm locked in with you for whatever comes next (from this fork in the road)!!!!
Congrats! You are already past the first difficulty of change: Knowing when you need some in your life. The second part?? Making the changes work for you! All my best! I'm looking forward to your posts on the journey! Very Inspiring.
yay!! You go girl.. I hate to say it but your getting old. Yep, these changes happen when you get old...lol
I wish you luck on this fork of the road..
Its great to hear that things are looking better for you. The new year is about to begin and of course you want to enter it with a BANG!
Sorry to hear about your friend. Close friendships aren't supposed to end and when they do, its hard.
Nothing like having a postive attidute and ready to "kick butt". Good luck with the changes and I hope they bring what you're looking for!!
Wow Jen,
Welcome to being a grown up! While this post was full of changes, underneath I saw a mature, responsible, thinking ADULT. And unlike you looking at your ex friend, i LIKE what I see! YOU GO GIRL!
yay for changes! best of luck with everything!
Sounds like you have lots of exciting things coming up for you. Good luck with everything, I'll be looking forward to reading about them.
Change can be so hard...trust me I know. The ability to look back at the choices you make and learn from them is not something everyone can do. Bravo for you! One of the best things about life is that no matter how old you get, you can always re-invent yourself. Good luck!
You go girl! I think all of your realizations are perfect! Why settle when you can do so much better!?
You know... sometimes forks in the road and new journeys are the very best things that could happen to us. I have my feet tattooed with a passage my favorite Robert Frost poem... "And I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference." So true.
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