Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Big v. Aiden

Come May 27th, whose side are you on? 

Mr. Big

Aiden Shaw
I can't wait to see Sex and the City 2! As much as I loved Aiden, I've always been a Big fan. I was so happy when they finally got together on the show. Then when the first movie came out I was terrified they were going to split Carrie and Big up. Now...I'm biting my nails wondering if she's cheat on him with Aiden. Ek! May 27th needs to get here! 


Dollface said...

Aiden!! always... xxxoo

Jessica said...

She better not!! I did love Aiden, but I hope she doesn't cheat on Big either!
Another movie we could see together!

Heather (Live.Love.Laugh.) said...

I can't wait for this movie. Though I adore Aiden and always routed for them to make it I want Carrie and Big to work out so I guess team Big now!!

JMJE said...

I did like Aiden for awhile but I just think Big is definitely more Carrie's type. She doesn't want to stay at home on Saturday and eat Fried Chicken out of a bucket.

Brittany Ann said...

I can't lie. I am OK with Big, but I always loved Aiden. He's more my type;)

Unknown said...

Aidan is definitely my favourite but I think Carrie needs a jerk (a reason known to herself alone) so will always end up with Big - sorry Big fans but you have to admit he can be one hell of a jerk

rena said...

I can't wait for SaTC 2!!! I'm also a Mr. Big fan!

Samantha said...

This is like the "team edward","team Jacob" thing... to me at least. it's always been BIG just like it's always been edward. there is no reason for jacob's "team"... all the same I'll go with BIG even though it being Sex in the City I'm sure she'll cheat on BIG one way or the other. You know wouldn't be SITC without a scandal! ;)

Mrs EyeCanSee said...

I loved Aiden, he would have been a perfect husband....for me. Haha. But Mr Big was defintely better suited for Carrie. I haven't seen many previews for this movie...is Aiden supposed to be in it??

Justine said...

I loved Aiden, but she belongs with Big!!!

MariahSmile said...

I can't wait for the movie too! I love Aiden but I can't see them splitting up Carrie and Big again.

Nicole said...

I have no idea what's going on here but that Aiden is a cutie! Lol he's from my big fat greek wedding right?! Anyway Happy Tuesday lady :)

Drew said...


I was so upset when I saw Aiden in the preview!

LawGirl said...

I think I'm more an Aidan fan, but not necessarily a Carrie and Aidan fan. I'm thrilled that he's back, but don't want Carrie and big to split up. Can't she just have a husband AND a boyfriend? Haha.

Laura said...

I've always loved AIden, but she needs to NOT cheat on Mr. Big! I mean... c'mon! That would make me so angry!

Libby said...

Ok here's my prediction...
no cheating per say. Like she did with Big on Aiden. Maybe a kiss though. Also Aiden has a kid!
And I'm totally team Big. Mainly because, lets face it, Aiden is too good for her. I love Carrie, but her and Big are perfect for each other while Aiden is just...perfect.
Plus I don't think SATC fans can take much more Big drama. Been there, done that for ten years now.
And I think the new trailer which shows the watch saying "Just us two" is a hint that Carrie is going to be saying "Just us three" at the end. Just saying.
GAH SO EXCITED!!! And it comes out the same day here!
Ok...I think that's all I have to say on this subject. :-D

Jenna said...

I can't wait for the movie either.. I am definitely team BIG! :)

Aimee said...

Aiden all the way!

Mrs. Mootz said...

Aiden all the way.

Erin said...

I am totally on Team Big. He is the one! Now you made me want to go watch the movie!

Jessica Lynn said...

WHOA! Is Aiden coming back??? I've always been a HUGE Aiden fan, and never a fan of Big. But if she cheats on Big...uh uh...NOT okay with me.

Pretty Zesty said...

For ME, I chose Aiden. Therefor Carrie can have Big! LOL!

Anonymous said...

Personally, I would want Aiden. For Carrie, I vote for Big. :O)HOPEFULLY there will be NO cheating!

Stephanie said...

I'm embarassed to say I have not sen the first one yet!

Cassandra said...

I just don't want her to cheat eeeek! Can't wait for it to come out :D

Jax said...

BIG! I've always been a Big fan! :)

Katie said...

ugh such a tough call!! I love carrie with big, but Aiden is so sweet!

Leah said...

Never watched the show, & haven't watched the first movie, but I want to!

Laura and Ryan said...

I agree...I don't want her to cheat! I like Big...

carissa said...

i'm way out of the loop on this one. hopefully you don't think i'm lame! : )

Karren said...

I can't wait to see this movie! I was always a fan of Aiden, but I don't want her to cheat on Big

Unknown said...

I just saw my first preview for this movie last night. I can't wait to see it - and then try the fashions on myself!

AuntBT said...

I'll run away with Aiden, and she can have Big!!

Shoshanah said...

I do like Aiden, but I definitely want her to stay with Big

Paige said...

Team Aiden all the way!