Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Salt & Pepper

Yesterday was a long day, but who doesn't love a good road trip?!? 
I'd been there before but I didn't have my camera and since the admission charge is only 3 dollars, I thought, "Hey, why not!" and went thru it again. So.... Welcome to the Salt & Pepper Shaker Museum (ps: I think you can click on the pictures to make them bigger).
Once you get inside you literally become surrounded by S&P shakers!
Room after room is filled with them! They've even got them placed in categories!
The categories include things such as: Fruit, animals, countries, color, etc
Every shelf is covered!
You'll never look at them the same way!
And that my friends is just a small sampling. They have over 20,000 sets! If you get down to Gaitlinburg, TN then you should check out the museum. It's amazing! While I was there I tweeted a few photos, if you'd like to see those as well check me out on twitter!


Anonymous said...

OMG! I have been there =} I wanted to go there so bad last year LOL...

my boyfriend is good friends with the owner of one of the biggest cabin rentals in gatlinburg so thats where we stay when we go.

my boyfriend & I go either for a get away or he is playing a show in tn somewhere

Jessica Lynn said...

That place looks like so much fun!! I actually really like salt and pepper shakers- I think they're a unique art-form!

I need to see how far Gaitlinburg is from me!

rena said...

wow! that looks really cool and interesting! i can't believe there are that many S&P shakers

Patience said...

Wowza! Who would have thought there were that many salt and pepper shakers?

Samantha said...

I would have never imagined such a place existed! S&P museum... who'da-thunk-it.

Dollface said...

omg, is that real?! crazy! hahaha xxxooo

JMJE said...

That is kind of awesome. I have some snowman S&P shakers that magnetize together to make it appear as though they are kissing. They are my faves.

JAMIE said...

That is amazing! How fun!!

Jayme said...

I have been to Gatlinburg - it is amazing how much crazy tourist stuff they have there!

Cole Franke said...

How cool! I really want to go on a road trip. cute blog!
nicole visiting from

Anonymous said...

I have something for you over at my blog

Annie said...

WOW there are SO many!!!
kind of a neat place :)

Aimee said...

Wow that's crazy! They have museums for everyhing. When I was growing up my mom collected salt and pepper shakers. I bet she would love this museum.

Glad you had fun:)

gv said...

Holy moly that is insane!!! Which one as your favorite? Thanks for stopping by my blog today.

Anonymous said...

We go to Gatlinburg all the time and I never knew this place existed. I will have to drag hubs there on our next trip.

Carrie said...

I was not aware that this existed. It's going on my to-do list for the next time I'm there.

tootie said...

What a neat museum! Looks like a fun place to explore.

Ashley said...

That is hilarious. Ok, I have been to Gatlinburg several times (I went to college not far from there) and I never even knew the museum existed! That is awesome! Next time I go, this will def. be a place I go and see!

Anonymous said...

Oh em gee!

That is awesome.

JG said...

That's, like, bizarre. Who'd ever have thought of a Salt and Pepper shaker museum??

Brittany Ann said...

Whoa. I'm overwhelmed. I've never seen that many S and P shakers in one place!

Vi said...

That is some serious shaker love! I bet it was really unique to see all the different ones.

Life in the Laney Fast Lane said...

O my goodness! This is just insane :) My sister would love it.

Ps. Thanks for reading & commenting on my blog! You brighten my spirits often :)

Leah said...

that is nuts! where do they get all of those??