Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Stuck on You

Today is the last day to enter my giveaway, if you haven't done so you can do that here. The winner will be announced Thursday.
Ok... let's talk about my latest obsession: Car Ribbon Magnets. 

They are slowly taking over the world. At first you'd see the "Support Our Troops" or the "Breast Cancer Awarness" ones but now there is a ribbon for everything. When I say everything, I mean everything. A few months ago, I saw one on a mini van that said, "Support Strippers" Um...what?!? The last week I saw one that said, "Support lap dances". Wow. Just wow!

You can get one for any cause, sport, country, military branch, job, blank color, saying, etc. Where does it stop? Who knows?

Now, anytime I see one of these magnets on a car, I start to speed up so I can read it. At traffic lights I'm sure people look into their rear view mirror and wonder why I've got my face almost to my glass trying to read their bumper. 

So do you have one or more on your car? Do you love them/hate them? 


Miranda Tucci said...

Girl - You're CRAZY!! But that's why I love you ;-) ha ha!

Anonymous said...

I am one of those people that doesn't put anything on their car. I have one tiny, silver Jesus fish and that's it.

I'm not sure how I feel about there being "Support Strippers" ribbons out there. It almost takes away from the legitimate causes, you know?

I am itching for a "I Drive Like a Cullen" sticker. LoL

Anonymous said...

I am one of those people that doesn't put anything on their car. I have one tiny, silver Jesus fish and that's it.

I'm not sure how I feel about there being "Support Strippers" ribbons out there. It almost takes away from the legitimate causes, you know?

I am itching for a "I Drive Like a Cullen" sticker. LoL

Steph said...

I've seen a "Support Strippers" one before too. I laughed.

I have an "I love my Soldier" one. I like them but I don't chase cars down to read them.

Dollface said...

No car to have magnets for, unless you count the subway, hehe xxxoo

Anonymous said...

I'am the same way... I try to read every ribbon/bumper sticker I see LOL...

I don't have any on my car but I use to have 2. One that said Support your local firefighter because I was a firefighter and then support gamers because my boyfriend LOVES video games

Samantha said...

I don't have any on my car... I have some OCD issues and can't stand clutter. ha!
I'm sick of seeing them though all the different ones. it is kind of out of control.

Amanda @ It's Blogworthy said...

Kelsey has a crap ton of magnets on his car, but not the support ribbons. His are like, his school, UK, MU, St. Augustine, that kind of thing. I agree, these are getting out of control!!

Drew said...

I don't care for those sticker but alot of people around here have them. I think they are a good idea in theory but got out of control!

Anonymous said...

We had them on one of our cars, but they were messing up the paint. So instead we got a ribbon sticker for the back windshield.

Anonymous said...

I had one but it was shaped as a foot and read "I run to cure cancer! Team in Training!" But someone stole it! I was so sad!

JG said...

I'm not big on car magnets or bumper stickers. I have 1 bumper sticker and that's it. No more. I was warned to stay away from some of those car magnets, though. Like the yellow ribbon magnets or Blue Star magnets. Apparently there are people who will follow and target Blue Star houses and cars to be broken into because they assume there's not a guy at home to protect the place, or something. Anyway, one of my weird things that may or may not be true but I can't dismiss outright. :)

JG said...

BTW, left you a surprise on my blog!

Unknown said...

never had a bumper sticker!!!

but, these are seriously getting out of control!

Unknown said...

I have a Marine yellow ribbon magnet and a Giant's one as well! I like them as long as they are not overdone

Carrie said...

Hahaha. I make a fool of myself trying to read those ribbons. ;) Glad to know I'm not the only one overly-interested. I love 'em.

The Mrs. said...

heres what bothers me more or rather confuses me more, when I see a ribbon magnet that is "I love my border collie" or whatever, I thought the ribbon was supposed to be for supporting a legit cause (not that strippers arent legit to some just not to me) so the random asserting of your love on a ribbon confuses me. a lot.

Juliana said...

That is so funny!!!! Strippers ha ha! I have one for cancer awareness.

Ms. Random' wanting a I drive like a Cullen is making me laugh

SCH said...

I have one that's yellow/American flag that has my soldiers rank and name on it. And I love it!

I got ones like it for his parents too when he deployed as a gift.

But it's the only thing I'll put on my car, and it's a magnet.

Ambs said...

I have mixed feelings on these. Part of me doesn't feel like my car is a billboard but sometimes they ARE for good causes! And I've been known to take camera phone pics of particularly funny ones from time to time...

Sara said...

I don't put anything on my car, but do always enjoy a good car magnet. By the way, this is LawGirl, my new blog is created, but I'm not posting until my new layout is done. I hope you'll follow!

❈ Annie - Blonde Glambition ❈ said...'re too funny! My mom has a "I Love My Lab" ribbon on her I suppose they really do have a ribbon for everything :)

Tara said...

I need one! Where do you get it? I need to replace my pink one. I like them because it distinguishes my silver camry with the million out there. Haha.

Shoshanah said...

I've never seen the Support Strippers or Support Lap Dances ribbon. But I think it's really amusing that they exist

Katie said...

hahah!! I don't have one, but I always read them too!

Laura and Ryan said...

LOL. They are getting a little humorous I agree. I will say that every one I had has been pink for breast cancer and all of them have been STOLEN. What the heck? It's like stealing from the offering plate....