It's the hole down in the ground that water companies use to shut off water, read meters, etc.
So after a week of rain, the grass needed to be mowed. I went outside, started the lawn mower and started getting the grass cut. I was on the last patch of grass and then BAM! The next thing I know I'm down in a manhole.
Outside of my house there's a manhole in the corner of my outer front yard, the part that's near the curb. The last time the water company came to check the meter or who knows what, they apparently didn't replace the cover all the way. So what happens when the cover is somewhat off and you place your foot on it while pushing a lawn mower? It will teeter totter the rest of the cover and you'll fall straight down into the hole.
The manhole was about 3 feet deep. I was taking a step back so my lawn mower was coming at me and then BAM, I was in the disgusting manhole, with it's rusted inside which had cut and scratched up my right leg. Thank GOD that my lawn mower didn't continue to run me over as well and that no cars hit me (since it's so close to the curb).
So once I was able to get out of the manhole, get inside, try to stop the bleeding on my leg and call someone I called the water company. FIRST of all, it took me 2 minutes to get through the automated system before I could even get the option of waiting for a real human being. SECOND once I did get a human being and ask to speak to a supervisor, I was put on hold for another 8 minutes bring this phone call to 10 mins without getting anywhere.
Finally the girl came back on the phone and tells me that since it's Monday, that all of the supervisors were on conference calls with all the other supervisors. Um... excuse me?!? Didn't you just hear me say that I fell into one of YOUR manholes and that I'm bleeding?!? She asks me to hold AGAIN. At this point, all of the niceness that I had left in me went out the window. I was mad, hurting, bleeding and needed to get out the door to seek medical attention.
Then a supervisor named Cindy with customer service skills as a wet rag, asked me what the problem was. Well Cindy, someone from your company neglected to cover a manhole completely and I fell into it and I'm going to need to seek medical attention. Her response, "I can't tell you if you need to go to the doctor or not." Um, I don't need you to tell me, I KNOW. Then she told me that the claims (or some similar department) would be calling me later in the day and that they'd send an emergency crew out to make sure that the hole got covered. Greeeeaaaat. Well I've gotta bounce to the E.R. now.
So I go to the doctors and they are in shock. I tell them what happened and they can't believe the response from the water company. They immediately get back into a room and give me a tetanus shot, clean up my leg, treat it and wrap up the cuts. I get back home and guess what!? No call from the water company and the manhole hasn't changed.
Um....water company, you haven't heard the last from me. I will be calling you and your negligence will not be forgotten or swept under the rug. Have you ever looked into one of those holes? They are NASTY! Rust filled and a cess pool for every bug and or rodent.
Oh my goodness! I hope your leg feels better!
Call the city and raise hell!!! I would own that city!
yikes! I hope you're ok, that's quite an ordeal. Make sure you keep calling the water company to complain, and ask everyone their name - it makes them more accountable. And get a lawyer. Not necessarily to sue, but to get the manhole taken care of, etc. Document EVERYTHING!
Take care of yourself!
Seriously, you GET them! Don't let this rest! What total BS.
Oh my goodness! That is ridiculous and freaky! I'm glad it was only 3 feet deep. Keep us updated on what happens with the water company!
Insane. I hate to say it but sue, sue, sue.
I am in shock. This scares the crap out of me, and I will be walking around these suckers from now on. Secondly, ouch! But I shudder at how badly you could have been hurt. I hope you can sue the water company and get buttloads of money from them. I am so sorry this happened to you. Feel better.
OMG. Your lawnmower could have totally chopped you up!!! I'm glad you are (relatively) ok. Keep at 'em girl!
OH my GOODNESS!!! I would be totally freaking out because I am so claustrophobic!!!! I have to tell you though, I never walk on those things, I avoid them like the plague, keeping a massive distance. My husband (and everyone else) laughs at me and thinks I'm nuts, but I have always been afraid of falling in. While they insist I wouldn't fall in, because well I don't really care why...they are SO WRONG! And you are my proof!! Oh, but seriously, I am so sorry =( I hope you don't get any sort of infection or anything. Do you have to do a follow up at the doc? I hope you can really get things straightened up with the water company!! Maybe you'll never have to pay a water bill the rest of your life, now that would be nice. Still not worth the terrifying fall into the manhole, but nice nonetheless.
OMG! If the water company doesn't take care of this issue by the end of the day I say call one of your local news stations. They will air this story all over the place and I guarantee the water company will take care of the issue.
I am glad you are okay! That is awful.
Ewww gross! I hope you are ok. Make sure you give them an ear full.
OMG, what a crazy story! I'm so glad you were OK and the Drs was great. Stupid water company, I can't believe them. So happy to hear that you aren't backing down. Keep us all posted on the next conversation with them. Get better soon!
I hope everything turns out for the best! Though I laughed when I saw the opening paragraph (because it's not something you read about everyday), I'm glad your injury was relatively minor, considering.
That sucks! I'd be calling them again. And again. And again. Until I'd been named "crazy angry lady who fell into a manhole" by all the call center people. DO IT. That's just not right.
Omg - that sucks! and I can't believe the water company is being such douchebags - i hope you get to talk to them soon and glad you're ok!
Oh my goodness! No wonder you were upset! Hope the water company realizes their error and makes it better!!
OMG. are u okay? This is horrible! it is probably everyone's worst fear!!! I hope you are ok dolly, xxxooo
I'm still shocked! You poor thing! I hope they get on the ball quick.
Seriously - you could own that water company....just like Monopoly!! Hate that you're hurting, feel better friend!
THat is RIDICULOUS! Something like that happened to my friend's daughter but she was driving. It blew her tire and did other damage. They had a hell of a time trying to get the water company to pay for the damages. I am so sorry that happened to you, but very relieved that you only needed shots and bandages. OH MY, that could've been so much worse!! HUGS!
oh goodness...i hope your leg feels better!!!
i also hope you stay ON that water company until they do something!!!!
go get 'em
Yikes! That's pretty scary! And horrible on the part of the water company. I hope things get better from this point on.
Oh. My... Stay on them! And don't let up, either. Glad you're o.k., except for the cuts/bruises! Also, i will add that your bandaged leg looks fabulously tan :)
Feel better soon!
Oh my dear goodness!!!! I am so glad to hear that you are ok! Take care of yourself, and keep at the water co. That's ridiculous! I'll be thinking of you today!!!
Oh my goodness! Thank the lord you are o.k.!! That is so scary and you are so lucky that the lawn mower didn't run over ya....OMG about the water company that is awful how they did you! I would write a formal complaint, keep calling the water company until you speak to a higher up and make sure it is all taken care of....Document EVERYTHING....times, dates, who you spoke with, how many times EVERYTHING....believe me I know I'm a former Paralegal....
Sorry you had to get a Tetnus shot....
Hope you leg gets better soon
I would be so scared.
Did I already comment? I don't remember. I just said that it was scary or something.
Oh my gosh that is RIDICULOUS! Raise hell lady, they need to deal with that!
P.S. There's a giveaway over in my neck of the woods!
i am SO glad to hear you are okay!!
i'm fumming mad for you!! i can not believe the horrible service of the water company!!!
i'm sorry you had to go through that! i hope the water company does something for you to make the situation right/better!!
Oh my, that's HORRIBLE! I'm so upset at the water company for treating you that way. Wow!
OMG you better get some $ out of that company! Thank goodness your okay I would be pissed beyond belief if that happened. We have a bunch of drains in our front yard but they are pretty secure. Keep us updated! Make sure you document everything!!
holy crap! That is so ridiculous! Don't stop! Give em hell!
Ohmygod girl!!!! This is crazy!!! I'd be so totally pissed. Hope you're okay and all. I agree with all the other comments...go complain and let them know about this. This is important!!!!
Truly hope you're doing fine!!! Take tons of care!!
Hugs. xoxo
So sorry! I hope your leg starts to feel better and I cant wait to hear how they plan to take care of you. That is crap!
OH No!! How horrible!! Give us an update!!
OMG I can't believe that! I am sorry that happened and I seriously hope you are able to get a better response out of the water company, it's so wrong they acted that way.. they should be taking care of this issue immediately! Definitely keep calling them!
Wow, that's really, really shitty. I'm glad you're ok though!
I still can't believe you fell down a manhole! That is just so crazy! Hope your leg heals well...and that you can appropriately gripe out the water company.
That's awful! I can't believe that they did that and then didn't try and fix their mistake quickly. What awful customer service. That's such a hazard. A child could have fallen in there and not been able to get out. They were lucky it was you.
SUE SUE SUE!!!! tell them you've contacted an attorney due to their lack of assistance.
Holy crap! I was shocked when I saw your Tweet yesterday, but now this? You stick on 'em girlfriend! And call the Better Business Bureau and call the Health Department, too! And then tell the company you reported them to the Health Department. That will make them act pronto!
I'm so mad for you!
Holy, Holy. Holy Crap.
I can't believe the frickin water company!! I would think they would be doing dances around you to avoid getting their asses sued.
So, when was it exactly that you realized you had a great blog post here. While IN said manhole or after you hung up with the A-Holes?
That is so incredibly crazy! Hopefully they get it taken care of before someone else falls into it. Good luck with dealing with them. It amazes me the lack of empathy companies have these days.
oh my! that is pretty nasty! hope your leg feels better soon, thank goodness for tetanus shots (even though they hurt too)!
I cannot believe this happened to you! And I would've slapped that bitch at the water company! How dare they treat you so rudely! I agree with the others...document everything!!
I really hope your leg feels better!
this is so ridiculous! you need to raise hell with the water company. sue them!!! but glad you're ok!
oh my gosh! That is crazy! I'm glad you're ok!
I still can't believe that happened. How awful!! Hope you're starting to get better, and hopefully you hear back from the water company soon!
Hi :) first off, I hope your feeling much better OUCH! that is crazy shinaniganz !!! and second your blog is really creative and I am enjoying it! so, I would like to follow you xoxox
Oh my goodness! That is absolutely insane! I hope you are ok!! Please call the city and raise you know what!! wow.
Ok, seriously! What was the water company thinking and why didn't they give more attention to me dear friend. Raise some ruckus!
Eww thats so gross!
And you go girl, what if it had been a child? Not to say getting hurt was not bad but I CAN NOT BELIEVE this happened!!
OMG! That is horrible! I'm sorry about your leg. And I hope the water company does something soon, I can't believe they acted as if nothing happened.
omg! That is crazy! You go girl! I hope you feel better soon.
Holy crap.
OMG that is craziness! I hope your leg feels better
Oh my goodness! That is crazy insane! I'm so sorry! Yah, the city needs to know about that!
Oh my gosh!!! I am so glad you didn't get hurt even worse. Take it easy and feel better soon!!
OH MY WOW! I can't even believe that! I am so sorry, but so thankful that it wasn't worse!!
What a bunch of crap! I hate it when they try and tell me there's no supervisors. I have worked at jobs, there is someone above you to speak to. You are not the be all and end all of the water company lady! If there isn't someone who can come to the phone immediately you need to tell me how to contact them. And I don't mean a mailing address! So sorry you had to deal with that. Jesus!
You are freakin' kidding me! I hope your leg gets better...but geez, they better make it right asap!
That just sucks! I hope your leg is feeling better. Any word from the water company yet?
I had a similar experience except it was while I was driving. I ran over a manhole cover and it shot off and destroyed my tire (chrome and all). I actually got really lucky because I just got the edge of the manhole cover and had I hit it straight on I probably would have lost complete control of my car. took like 6 months for the country to accept responsibility for the issue and pay me back for the new tire and wheel.
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