Tuesday, June 1, 2010

We Make Plans, God Laughs

The past 16 days have been amazing. I've traveled across the country to Los Angeles and back, slept in 3 different time zones within a 3 day period and then landed in New Mexico. I've been off work. I've felt the sun on my face and the wind in my hair. I've said goodbye to old friends and hello to new ones. To say that the past few weeks have been amazing is an understatement yet... it's also been an eye opening time. 

It's been over these last few days that I've been in New Mexico that I realized what I do and do not want in and out of my life. I'm pretty sure that moment came when I was sitting here...
It became crystal clear. I've always known that I'm ok with doing my own thing. I'm not afraid to travel the world or be on my own, to not know a soul in a town or to even just pick up and move. I've always been someone who can take that leap of faith and don't get me wrong, I'm still that person. However, this time I just know who I do and do not want to jump with. I know what I'm looking for in life and I've learned/been told that the best way to find what you're looking for is to stop looking. 

So that's what I'm doing. I've closed a chapter and let go. I'm ready to start a new one and for now I'm going to sit and wait for it to find me. It's amazing what can bring you happiness in life. I thought I had found it before and after these weeks of traveling, I know now what really makes me happy. Here's some photos from how I spent the last 4 days in New Mexico. Just your normal stuff really... Haha!

PS: Remember all the vintage stuff that I got while in California? Well the bag that I'm carrying in the photo above is a piece of it. It's a tan leather bag and I love it! I'll have to do a full post on all the great stuff I got from there!


Brittany Ann said...

Good for you for deciding what you should and should not allow into your life! You are so strong, and so worthy of living a happy, fulfilled life!

rena said...

sounds like that is a good motto to have :)

Juliana said...

Great pictures honey!

Lisa said...

Looks like you had a great time! I'm glad you had your moment of clarity. :)

Unknown said...

Awesome pics - looks like you had a fantastic time. Wanted to let you know that I've tagged you in '25 Things' at http://emptydreamsdisplayed.blogspot.com :D

Unknown said...

Good for you! I hope this next chapter in your life is the best yet!

Amanda @ It's Blogworthy said...

Love your pics...that pizza looks phenomenal!!

Can't wait to hear more..your life coach is waiting!

Jules AF said...

I'm glad you had such a good time!

Krysten @ Why Girls Are Weird said...

Such a great motto to live by!

JG said...

Wow. Talk about an epiphany. Sounds like you are on the right path. Can't wait to see where you go from here!

tootie said...

Glad you had such a great time - and a few epiphanies, too! :) Hope that all is going well in your new place!!

Erin said...

Good for you!!

Unknown said...

i'm so glad you had your ah-ha moment =)

love those!!

those are some great pictures!!!

love the bag!

Steph @ Professors_Wife said...

Good for you, Jenn! I love the title of your blog - so true. I haven't always been the way I am now - but I'm much happier now. Planning things - big things - isn't a real good way to go about life, IMO. The little things (like trips to Cold Stone Creamery), sure. But if things don't work out as planned, what a disappointment! (I could never spell that word correctly...) I've found through experience that it's truly best if you are content with yourself, trust in yourself, and just enjoy every day for what it is. I had some eye-opening time while visiting the fam this weekend... I spend a lot of time stressing about "what they will think" about when/where we move, when we will have kids, etc. etc. The fact is, I do what I want in the end anyway - and they just have to enjoy the ride with me. So no point in stressing over the fam! Just take care of thyself, and make sure to live and love a lot, lol. You go, girl. Glad you had a fab-O time on your travels :) P.S. starting to explore the world of Etsy... still not sure about it yet! I would also like to get my work into Tamarack in WV, so checking into that, too. Thanks for all the positive comments about my projects, I appreciate it!

Nicole said...

I am the same way! Heck a few years ago I decided in December I wanted to Move half way across the country to Chicago! And by April I was there!! Now I have to think about the BF but I am pretty sure he would do the same! You just have to find someone who shares your spontinaiety(sp?) But I am happy your happy! And how gorgeous is NM?! Thanls for sharing your pics!

Jessica Lynn said...

I'm glad you had a good time out here, but I'm confused! Haha are you still moving out here (saw your tweet earlier today...)? Email me!

MariahSmile said...

Glad you are figuring everything out! I might be halfway there... maybe! haha

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great trip! Good for you for knowing what you do and don't want to do.

Random Musings said...

yay! You warmed my heart reading this! I am so HAPPY for you, this is the best things that could have ever happened to such a great girl! Some people spend a life time trying to learn who they are and what they want!


krystal said...

I loved this positive post ;) Keep your head up! :)

Pretty Zesty said...

What a view. Love that picture with you and the fish. Cute!

meredith said...

love these pictures, and love your new outlook!

Annie said...

so many great pictures!!
your outlook and positive attitude are wonderful girly!! :)

Anonymous said...

I am so excited for you! I am also extremely jealous of your zeal and independence. I can rely on myself in certain areas, but I have to admit that it is difficult for me to do things alone. I am always in need of family, friends or a man.

Congrats to you on your decision and determination!

Unknown said...

That seriously is a leap of faith to just pick up and move like that, it can be really eye opening. I'm glad that you seem to be really happy with your decisions though. That's awesome!

~Mrs. Guru~ said...

Love all these photos! Looks like you guys had so much fun!

letterstobetsy said...

what a fun trip! Great pictures! I agree making lines for yourself in life is super important. I am just starting to do this myself :)
Great blog..just stumbled upon it.

Q, La, and Gooner said...

I was totally there! I just packed up my life and moved to Russia and then Turkey and then DC... It was hard for me to "let go" once I got married. It's different to wait on what the Lord has in store!

tara said...

love the pictures! and love your new outlook on life!! :)

Jennifer Miller said...

Wonderful photos, I would love to travel as much as you do.

Mrs. Ruby said...

I am SO jealous - sounds and looks like you had a pretty phenomenal time. Happy for you!!! :)

Pursuit of Matching Accessories said...

That's an awesome realization--so happy for you!

Katie said...

1. I love that view, how amazing
2. Yay for getting clarity
3. that bag is SO cute!

Nicole said...

love all those photos! and i totally agree with the 'when we make plans, god laughs' ... because it's totally 100% true.

SurferWife said...

Well look at you! This is the makings of one of the best and most memorable years of your life!

That picture in NM is fab!

Tina L. Hook said...

I find that traveling always provides me with the best soul searching. I look forward to hearing what life brings you.

The Adventures of Maverick & the Mrs. said...

Good for you! So glad to see you had a WONDERFUL time!

chelsea said...

So glad you had such an amazing moment of clarity ANNNNDDD a fantastic trip! :)

hisMrs said...

Good for you! You absolutely deserve the BEST! Don't settle for anything else!

SS said...

I LOVE that you are making yoru life such an adventure! I've been feeling rather stale, I need to use you as inspiration... the kick in the pants that I need to get moving.

Enjoy... let the fun begin!

Tamara said...

Great photos and a GREAT way to live your life!