Friday, June 11, 2010

What Not to say/do on a date Part 9

That's right folks! It's been a looooong time since I've done one of these BUT yesterday was a dooozie and I couldn't help but share. 

If you've missed out on any of the previous editions of What not to say/do on a date then you can catch up with them here. I might add that yes... all of these awful and horrible things have happened to me while being on dates. 

So this edition is a conversation that has now came back to haunt me! Protect your jaw, because it will be falling towards the floor in a minute....

Him: "I don't like you."
Me: "What do you mean?"
Him: "I do not like you"
Me: "Um, ok."
Him:" I don't even like you as a human being."
Me: "Wow! Tell me how you really feel."

So that lovely conversation took place awhile ago. However, the same person who said such things tried to be nice to me the other day. Um... news flash. By telling someone that you don't even like them as a human being, you burn a bridge. There's no bouncing back from that. Think before you speak....


JB said...

Holy cow! How mean and how very rude! I hope he never gets a date again. Jerk!

Patience said...

Wow!! He sounds like a real a hole. Some people kill me at how rude they are.

Mrs. Mootz said...

O. M. G. Who says that on a date? I hope you threw your drink in his face and then stormed out and made him pay the bill...

Anonymous said...

Oh wow! I'm amazed at what people say and amazed he would then try to talk to you again.

Laura said...

that is shocking, you were much too kind to him! I would have taken another route!

Abbie said...

Are you kidding me?! And that's all he gave you? He didn't even say why? What a loser!

Expat Girl said...

Wow is all I can say to that!

Steph @ Professors_Wife said...

what a total shat head! FYI, you are a terrific human being!

All the Small Things said...

Men are so stupid sometimes! hahaha It is stories like that that also make me wonder "Who raised you to think that saying (or doing) that is OK?"

Nicole said...

Wow! What a weenie! How can he not like you!? You're pretty awesome :) Happy Friday!

Kelli said...

WOW!!! That's unbelievable!! Who says that???

Cole Franke said...

That is horrible. That's when you get up and run!

Libby said...

I think I actually like your response better... "um...OK" But are you supposed to respond to that. Well done!

ens said...

wow, that is really mean! whoooo even says that?!?

Stephanie said...

Oh good grief! WTH? There is no coming back from that one!

Sara said...

I want to know the whole story here. Like did he say this out of the blue or was the date just going terribly? Either way he's an asshole.

These are my favorite that you do.

JMJE said...

Um wow. In what context did he say that. Probably don't be nice to him now or let him talk to you.

Kristie said...

That's horrible!

It does not even deserve a reply... ignoring to the point of insignificance is the best!

Q, La, and Gooner said...

Wow. I can't believe that. I think there are better ways of handling a person you don't like! Can't believe how rude that is. You got it, the bridge is totally burned. Like completely. Bah.

Unknown said...

who says that to somebody?
your response was great...
um, ok!


his loss jennifer!!!

Ashley said...

Oh my gosh, seriously?!?!? I can't believe someone would actually say that to another person. Insane.

Amanda @ It's Blogworthy said...

Still to this day I can't believe he said that to you. I mean that's just cold and cruel!!! And then how, coming back like it didn't happen..BRoTHER!!

Keri said...

Oh my gosh! And they weren't joking? Wow. I have no clue what I'd say to that! What a jerk :P

Unknown said...

WOW, He seems like a, how do you say it...SPECIAL guy. You are way better off walking away from that kind of stupidity now, instead of later.

Katie said...

O.M.G.!!! how freaking ridiculous!

tara said...

hahahaha.. i love this feature! what a loser.

Alyssa said...

wow. who says things like that!! thats crazy.

Nicole said...

what the hell ??
totally speechless. does he think you're just going to 'forget'?

Krysten @ Why Girls Are Weird said...

Wow. How do you say that to someone? Definitely burning a bridge.

Anonymous said...

uh WOW! I am pretty speechless about that!! Thanks for coming to my new blog, I am definitely glad to be back to blogging!!

Unknown said...

why would that ever be an okay thing to say out loud? People are so stupid.

Anonymous said...

Your response = priceless!

Gwen said...


chelsea said...

Oh dear gracious, that is horrible. I hope karma really comes back to bite him.

Unknown said...

amen to that sista! How do they think they can come back from that?