Monday, June 14, 2010

Who knew?!?

(That's right, I climb mountains and carry a purse)

Today I'm guest blogging over on It's Blogworthy. Amanda is one of my favorite bloggers and real life friends, she's cruising in the Bahamas this week so she asked me to do a guest post. Hop on over there. I'm talking about something I normally wouldn't.

In other news, apparently you guys like my segments of, "What Not to Do/Say on a Date" because I found my e-mail inbox full of messages about it. Don't worry, I still have a few more bad dates that I can share. Someone also posed this question to me, "I thought you said you didn't talk about your personal dating life on your blog." My answer- I normally don't, I use to but not for about a year. Every now and then I'll mention or refer to my love life. The dates that I talk about in the "what not to..." segments is basically it for right now. Maybe one day I'll start talking about who's in my life. 

In the meantime, I've been thinking of opening the dating segment up to other people to share a story of a bad date. Any thoughts? Anyone interested in talking about a bad date? If so e-mail me. My e-mail is located on the sidebar. Have a great Monday! 


Mrs EyeCanSee said...

I missed last weekes post. Oh.My.Gosh....what a d-bag! And if you have more stories keep 'em coming! I'd participate, but sadly except for a few really boooring dates I don' have any fun stories to share!

Justine said...

I think it would be fun if you opened up the stories to other people!! Dates are so awkward!

Samantha said...

I'll have to go check you out...

The Random Blogette said...

Ia m now following you because Amanda said so! You have a great blog too!

Tina L. Hook said...

I will run over and check it out.

PS If you are still open to doing the field trip post I am wide open.

PSS I think a dating segment is a fantastic idea. I've got some dish.

Kelly Marie said...

Hey lady!! Yayy for the guest post :) & for climbing mountains :)

Katie said...

dating segment would be fun!

Libby said...

I love that all it shows in my blog feed is "i climb mountains and wear a purse" and yet this post had nothing to do with that!
I for one look forward to more bad dates stories. From you and others. So bring 'em on!!

Unknown said...

I love bad date stories. I don't really have too many myself, but I love hearing about other peoples. Open it up if you're running out, because I want it to keep going.

Hutch said...

Here from Amanda's and I'm most definitely taking a look around!

KLZ said...

Oh, yes. Everyone's got a good bad date story. Hmmm...let me figure out which of mine was worst.

Nicole said...

I LOVE that idea!! I need to put some together! I love reading other peoples disasters =D

Unknown said...

I think it'd be fun to open up the date horror stories to everyone. I'm sure there are some doozies out there!