Since the secret is out about moving to California, I can now share with you a little segment, I like to call.... This week's Top 5 reasons why I'm excited about moving to California!

1. I'll be living in the same state as the Governator. Whether you like his political stand points or not, I'm a major fan of Arnold Schwarzenegger. He's what American dreams are all about. He came from Austria barely speaking english and look at him now. Plus I had a giant crush on him circa True Lies the movie.

2. The off chance that I might run into/meet Jon Favreau. He's funny, talented and kinda cute. Have you seen him in Couples Retreat? hilarious! Who wouldn't wanna bump into him in the club?!? Sadly, I think he's married.

3. Two words: Keanu Reeves. Hi. Yes, you're gorgeous. Can we make out? If you know anything about me, it's that I'm an avid fan of the Reeves. Since I can remember I have loved him. Like had the biggest crush on him. When I first saw Speed, I'm pretty for sure I told everyone I knew I was going to marry him. So watch out Keanu, I'm gonna be looking for you!

4. Swingers. If you've ever been to LA or Santa Monica and not at the Swingers Diner, you are missing out. Both times I've been there, I've had breakfast foods and it's amazing! They offer great organic options and the prices are so reasonable. The food taste great and the atmosphere is perfect. If you wanna know more about Swingers, I featured them on my travel site.
5. In 20 minutes or less you can be at the beach. Sand, water and sun. Ahhh, now that's the life!
Oh California, how I can't wait!!!!
I. am. so. jealous. California is such a wonderful place! I know you're going to love it so much! :)
Sounds awesome, especially the whole beach thing. I just watched Speed again a couple weekends ago.
Did I ever tell you I went on a date with a guy that looked like Keanu? Like EXACTLY like him. Sadly there were no sparks and we never went out again. But he was nice to look at!
How exciting!! I've been to the LA area once...but I was little and don't remember any of it. I'm going to San Francisco this summer and I can't wait!!! I hope you love it!
Oh the beach! That would definitely be my favourite part!
First of all - I got the card, you're so sweet and thank you SO MUCH! I will most certainly visit you in sunny California, and we'll go on a date to one of your favorite diners :) So excited for you!
You should get on LinkedIn, there are tons of Marshall ALumni who live in LA and are seeking other fellow Alumni! :D
CA is great but its pretty rare you run into celebs... Unless you are stalking them and hitting up the real expensive cafes and restaurants. If so all the more power to you. if you do start seeing them I am going to ask to come with you on these trips.
Here are some other great things to be excited about
1) Disneyland!
2) Tons of great food. I really think CA has some of the best food and they are so diverse. You want Thai, indian, japanese, mexican, american, etc? We have it
3) Speaking of Mexican food... WE really have the best (outside of Mexico of course)
4) Beaches (o you already said that)
5) Hot guys. We dont have a shortage of that here
6) Lots of different experiences just a short distance away. Everything is pretty close together here.
7) Warm weather and No snow or super cold weather :)
Oh and its just a 4 hour drive to VEGAS!!
Cali is def fun!! I have been to Napa, San Jose, San Francisco, LA and Santa Barbara... still wanting to go to San Diego.. its on my list!! enhoy!! xxxooo
so exciting you are moving to cali!!!
i'm sure you can't wait for this next journey in your life! so awesome we get to follow you!
Ahhh.. I am so jealous!!! That list could go on, and on!!
ditto!! :) Can't wait to be there- maybe I'll bump into you -- heehee
I love California! I miss it so much! I too am a big Keanu fan, ever sice I watched Speed!
That's so exciting!! And I'm thrilled for anybody that gets access to the beach in an hour or less. :-) I know that it's a saving grace for me; I live at the beach during the summer.
Who wouldn't be excited about CA?
When I was last in LA I was at a bar on The Strip with friends, kind of a whole in the wall, but it's LA, hey, it was fabulous! The booths were high and we had a lot of people with us so I kept putting my hand on the top of the booth because it was crowded. Every time I put my hand up, I hit someone else's hand. After an hour and half we decided to hit the Viper Room, and I scooted out of the booth after everyone else. I peeked around the corner to apologize for "knocking hands" only to see David Schwimmer with his arm perched exactly where I had mine. I smiled and said I'm sorry we kept "knocking hands". He was, despite everything I've heard, quite sweet and friendly. Asked if we were leaving and where I was from. Said Kansas but headed to Chicago. He went nuts "I LOVE Chicago!". He then asked if he could by us all a drink. I graciously said thank you, but no and we left. Since living here I've seen him in several plays but left my meeting story in LA.
I hope you have SO MUCH fun and run into super fun people. That's what I loved most about LA was meeting all kinds of new people from all over the place - at the bar, on the fun!
Safe travels, Sweetie!
PS New post up - Diarrhea, Diarrhea! Don't shit your pants reading! HA!
You should try the restaurant Cafe 50s. It was so cute and the food was really yummy. I hope that you do run into some starts while living out there. And then hopefully dumb guys will stop hitting you up after they already burned that bridge.
:) Love this! And um.. I'm gonna need you to upload a beach photo to blog or twitter at least every other week. at LEAST! ;)
when you said swingers...I thought you meant like couples. I was concerned hahah. SO excited for your move! I know the frustration except opposite - I knew when I was going to move just not WHERE haha
I LOVE SWINGERS! Such a great film!
If you run into Jon Hamm, will you let me know???
Yup Jon Favreau IS married BUT my co worker ran into him in Long Beach & he asked her to take him to buy beer! & then invited her & her friend to party on a boat! & lets just say uhmmm he didn't really behave married like! haha!
I still cannot believe you are REALLY moving here!! Yay!
Swingers is one of my all-time favorite movies! When I visited Cali about seven years ago, we hit three of the bars from that movie. I loved seeing the actual joints!
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