It's a twin sized, knitted blanket. Pardon the horrible quality picture. It was taken with my camera phone. In case you can't tell it's aqua blue and brown.

I was going through some old photos and I realized that as a child I had a major obsession with squirrels as a child...

See...I told you
the blanket turned out awesome! And those pictures are adorable!
Awesome job!!
The blanket looks wonderful and those are such cute pics :o)
The blanket looks good, waaaaay better than I'd ever make that's for sure. I need some inspiration to be more suzy homemakerish-- got any tips?
hahaha..I had an obsession with raccoons as a child so dont feel alone :) The blanket looks great, I wish I could knit or sew or anything really :).
Hahah. Matt's nickname is squirrel, at least among his military buddies :)
I'm awfully impressed you were able to finish that blanket so quickly
I LOVE the pictures, how funny! Congrats on completing your project. I always manage to start them, just never finish!
Good job! Cute photos!
awww you're adorable! =)
That is quite a feat! Great job!
Wow! Love the blanket! I'm working on crocheting and it's taking a LONG time!
Impressive!! It looks so cozy!
Such cute pics of you with the squirrel! I love that blanket! I totally am in love with the colors you chose!
The balnket looks awesome and the obsession could have easily been the picture taker obsessing about you chasing the squirrels! LOL
Wow great job on the blanket! That looks great!
very cool - i wish i could be this crafty! turned out so well.
And cute pics of you as a tiny tot.
well done on the blanket! I havent got the attention span to do something like that xoxoxo
the blanket looks so cozy!
the pictures of you are so cute ;)
Lovely blanket and I LOVE those pictures!!! Such a cutie!
Wow I can't believe you made that! That is so cool! I wish I could learn to do that!
And those pics of you are too cute!
congrats on finishing the blanket! it looks great. and those pics are adorable!!!
The blanket looks awesome. I don't know how to knit but I do dabble in embordering and my mom hand quilts quilts. (shh... dont tell about me embordering.)
I love squirrels too. I feed them at our house.
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