Yesterday, as I was sitting in stopped traffic on the interstate I came to the realization that vanity plates are a waste of money. I sat behind "PTMama" for 45 mins and I kept thinking to myself. This person has to pay an extra 50.00 $ a year to keep that plate. In WV you're also required to pay your taxes and sticker fee each year as well in addition to that 50.00 bucks! So PTMama and many others who have vanity plates are saying, "Yes, state of ______ (insert state name there), please let me give you more of my hard earned money so I can let the world know I want to be called ______ or known as _____ while being in my car.
To me...it's just not worth the money. Do you have vanity plates? What's your take on it?
No I don't have a vanity plate, nor would I pay for one.
My mom has one, she drives the new Thunderbird, and her license is bybybrd. It's cute with her car.
There was a car in the parking lot of Walmart on Sunday that had a vanity plate that said,
That's a hell of a lot of money to pay for a love of Def Leppard!
I don't have one, but several members of my family do. My mom's says "Frst M8" as in First Mate because my family is really into boating. It fits her...and I didn't have to pay for it. I myself would never get one.
There is a Breast Cancer plate in KS though that is cute and has pink numbers/letters. When we switch over our plates once we move, I might get that one. The regular KS plate is UGLY and the extra money goes twds breast cancer research.
I think that the term "vanity plate" is pretty self explanatory.
I borrowed a friend's convertable mustang for a night for some reason...and I kept getting honked at. I thought it was because I looked good or something. His plate said SGL TXN. As in Single Texan. I was mortified....but managed to laugh my butt off at the same time. Ick...I NEVER rode in that car again.
please, I would not spend my money on that...at all. lol. Im cheap. and there is nothing abotu me that I want the whole world to know when I pass them on the highway!
I think it's silly and a waste of money too.
I do like the ones, though, that are for charities/ causes.
I think they are a waste. Although I have one for my University, but the money goes towards scholarships, etc. so it is fun to show support for being an alumni. Roll Tide!
I think it's different here. A vanity plate is only a one-time fee, and it's not so much more than a regular plate. The only reason I don't have one is the same reason I don't get a tattoo (other than my incredibly low freak-out-at-pain tolerance): My tastes change so often that no matter what I got I'd either wind up being embarrassed or bored by it.
I agree with you. I think they are cute and if you want to spend the money then go for it, but they aren't worth it. I used to have a vanity plate but my parents paid for it :) When I had to pay for it myself it was gone!
One thing I do agree with is the plates supporting different things since the money goes to good causes :)
I had a vanity plate when I was in high school and college. It said DixiQt. :) Lol. Aint no way I'm paying for one now, though. Only reason I did then was because my stepdad footed the bill. ;-)
I don't have one, mostly because I think they're incredibly stupid an obnoxiously narcissistic. However, here in Georgia, you can get an SEC plate and I really want the Gators plate. But it costs an extra $20 a year. I guess I'm too cheap to pay that...
Thanks so much for the get well wishes! Doctor gave me meds, so maybe I'll feel better soon. Cross your fingers! And I'm loving all the pink on my blog, too! :)
Well, I'm gonna go ahead and swim upstream on this one....
I HAVE ONE! haha
I drive a Jetta and my plate is "<3TOJETT"
Go ahead, judge me for having a vanity plate, judge me for loving to jett! but honestly, I FREAKING LOVE TO JETT!!! hahaha
We have a specialty plate on the Jeep. It's an Army plate, but when we got it, we didn't give any thought to what it should say, we just wanted the Army plate. So now our plate says "BB22DY" and everyone always asks what it means. It means nothing. The gate guys sometimes think it's a gov vehicle because it says TX Army.
But it's not a total waste of money...my first year of college I received a "license plate scholarship" (no joke) for $400.
I had one while in college, I had a horse named "Up the Down Slide" and so my license plate was DWNSLDE. I would have kept the plate after because it has just become sentimental to me, but when the registration went from my mom's name to mine, I lost the plate and can't ever get it again...
I think that some of them are cute, some don't make any sense, and some are just down right stupid.
I think some Vanity plates are cute, but most are just retarted and egotistical. I dated a guy who drove a blue Dodge Viper and his plate said "DntHate" WTF? The other guy I dated in College was an Attorney, and when he came to pick me up in his brand new Ferrari- yes, a damn Ferrari, his plate said: "TXATTY"
I went on a few dates with each of these guys, and learned that the were just like their cars- douche bags. I have also seen people with very ridiculous plates have their cars keyed or dented- because who wants to read the license plate on a BMW that says "MnyMaker?" Ugh.
the best vanity plate i have ever seen was on a brand new mercedes sl 500 and it said "4theMRS". i dont have one and i have no idea what i would get.
I had one passed to me from my siblings with my first car. I HATED it! Who wants SHWRM 1 on their license plate? When I bought my new car I went with the randoms. However, after starting graduate school, I told my husband the other day that when I graduate from the U of I, I will get the alumni plates just for all of my hard work!
Hubs has vanity plates on his motorcycle but it was only an extra 30 bucks one time fee. And the plates are permanant you never have to to renew them! So for 65 bucks he was able to liscense and register the bike with Vanity plates so I didn't mind!
I am very proud of my Def Lep 1 license plate, thank you very much! I have had it since 1986, it has been transferred to several different cars since then, and I don't plan on ever giving it up! I have been a Def Leppard fan since 1984, and this is my own little way of proclaiming that!
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