Monday, January 11, 2010


I have a few confessions to make...
-I am a late night eater. I'll eat really healthy all day long but once I get home from work and get cozy in front of the television, I snack non stop. Usually on chips and dip, popcorn or some kind of chocolate covered whatever. I need to break this behavior.

-I have a very important evaluation coming up for work this week and I'm starting to get really nervous about it. It's a pass/fail evaluation. You fail....well you could get fired. I have never been fired. I don't want to be now either.

-Kathy Griffin's book, "Official Book Club Selection: A Memoir by Kathy Griffin." is amazing! I love her and this book makes me love her even more. She's hilarious! I found myself laughing out loud. 

-I let things get to me sometimes. For instance..I was in the car today and I heard a song I hadn't heard for almost a year and it instantly took me back to the last time I heard it. It made me really miss the person that I was with at the time. Will I ever wake up one day and not feel like there's a piece of my heart I'll never get back?


"Cookie" said...

Good luck with the evaluation!!! You'll do great. :)

Kristen said...

That cartoon is a riot... and I am an awful couch/TV watching eater too. Snacks galore... in fact, I had FOUR cupcakes last night while watching my shows. My ass is not happy with me.

Pamela said...

HIlarious cartoon!!!!!

Good luck with the evaluation-I'm sure you'll do fine. Think positive.

I, too, LOVED Kathy Griffin's book. I love her humor!

Kassie said...

Good luck with the evaluation!

Annie said...

i am the exact same way!! i eat perefectly fine all day, eat dinner and then i want junk food the rest of the night! i really wish i could break that habit as well! highly doubt it though.
praying for you that the evaluation, you will do well hun!
i like kathy griffin too! i used to watch her show all the time last year.
with the feelings you still feel about that person, yes i promise you will wake up and not have those feelings some day. your heart will move heal.
i've been there.

Anonymous said...

Songs do that to me, too. I feel like the really painful memories in my life are all tied to some song or another, and every time I hear it, I break down a little. And yesterday, I heard a song that did the same thing to me, too. I quickly changed it though.
Good luck with the eval! :)

Samantha said...

ut-oh on the whole song bit! eeek! Things will get better one day. Eventually you will just see things/this person differently.

I'm right there with you on the whole snacing at night business. ewww it sucks!

Jessica Lynn said...

I'm definitely a night-time snacker, but since I'm trying really hard to lose weight, I've modified some snacks:

Make your own dip using low fat/fat free sour cream and a packet of ranch salad dressing mix. Then dip pretzels and/or bell still gives you the crunch and the saltiness, but without the extra calories!

Another great snack is edemame. Heat it up in the microwave, spritz some butter (the spray butter) over it, sprinkle some salt and add some lemon juice and voila!

Allison said...

You'll do great on the evaluation. No more nail biting over that.

I try to eat healthy too but there always seems to be something in the way. What you're describing sounds like habitual or boredom eating.

Sounds like an excuse to go out and do something at night to me!

Anonymous said...

Good luck with the evaluation! I'm terrible about songs - so many can take me back to a particular moments, both good and bad.

Ashley @ {Let Go, Laughing} said...

yuck.. a pass/fail evaluation? that does not sound pleasant at all but i'm sure you will do great!

love the cartoon!

Katie said...

good luck with the eval, I'm sure you will pass with flying colors!

Amanda @ It's Blogworthy said...

hear you with the snacking. I sat in bed and ate Trix straight out of the box at like, 10 PM. HATE IT. But I can't stop. :( Good luck on the eval!! You'll do great :)

Selma @ Crazy Little World Of Mine said...

The cartoon is freakin' cool. :) I think we should all confess...we all eat alike. ;) haha!!
Good luck with the evaluation!!! Fingers are crossed. And yes, girl, hearing certain songs takes you instantly back to maybe better days, maybe worse ones, too. It'll take time. So hang in there. Been there. :( But one thing's for sure. It'll be alright once it's over...haha. Sound like a cheesy song now, but it's true. ;)

Anonymous said...

I gave you an award on my blog:)

GUAMtastic said...

You'll do great!!! If not, tell them you WILL take them up on their offer to move you to Guam :)

Anonymous said...

i am the same about food! it is just not as fun watching tv or movies while eating healthy food. you gotta pull out the snacks! good luck with the evaluation! i bet you will do great!

SS said...

That cartoon is funny!

The late night eating is what kills me....and my fitness progress. I have no will power so I just can't have much snacky food in the house.

I just started the Kathy Griffin and I can only imagine it's going to get better the more I read.

Stupid songs.

Unknown said...

I am such a late night snacker too. Cookies, cheese, crackers, cupcakes. You name it.

Good luck with the big evaluation this week!

LawGirl said...

Doesn't it feel good to just confess sometimes? Thanks for sharing!

JB said...

Good luck with your eval, you're going to do great! :)

You're not alone. Food looks so much better at night, I swear. During the day that cupcake looks nasty, but once it's 10 PM it looks DELICIOUS. Why?!?!??! It's an awful game and I always lose.

Amber @ A Little Pink in the Cornfields said...

I hope your review goes well! I hate review time too... always so nerve wracking!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

I am SUCH a late night eater. Just had some spaghettios!

Llama said...

THat is me...the late night eater. I can't help it, I can't go to bed hungry...i just can't...i need to stop this NOW!
good luck with everything sweetie, you deserve the very best!