I mean really who could forget this scene last season?

I find these ladies so much entertaining, that I follow 4 out of 5 of them on twitter. I'll give you a guess as to the one that I don't follow, haha!
In other news, I feel frazzled. I have so much to do before the end of May gets here. I feel like the days are getting shorter and that there just isn't enough time for everything that I need to get done. I did however find my way to Sephora, where I spent an obscene amount of money on make up. I can't help it... in addition to reading books, I'm addicted to make up. I did actually need some of it though.
Speaking of make up, does anyone have a good recommendation for a face lotion that can be worn under make up? My face has been dry lately and I need something I can put on in the mornings and put my make up over top of. PS: I have really sensitive skin. Have a wonderful Friday!
Oh yes yes yes! Books and makeup, my loves in life. : D It's funny though I have to keep my makeup "natural and classy" *gag me* for work but I love buying all the crazy colors and putting them on my friends and family. : D
As for Real Housewives .. I only ever watched Orange County when it first began but my big tough Marine LOVES IT! L O L I have got to stop making fun of him. ; )
Face lotion ... I use Olay Complete it's a moisturizer and has SPF 15 (woohoo). It works soooo good! I breakout if I use actual lotion on my face so this has been wonderful. I even have Tony using it because he loves lotion on his face.
Now that I've written two very terrible girly things about my boyfriend I have to say ... he is big and tough and so not a pretty boy and he can kick butt. : D There now I've evened it back out. ; )
i have not seen this show but i need to start watching! and I am sorry you are feeling frazzled! hang in there!
as for moisturizer? i have incredibly sensitive skin as well, i but this kind that target makes..i think it is part of their "up" brand or whatever its called? its only like $5 and it is a white square shaped bottle with a turquoise lid! i love it because it has SPF 15 in it, and it doesn't irritate my skin! ( i might buy the sensitive skin one, i can't be sure but i know there is one!) I get dry skin as well! i hate it!
good luck!have a great friday!
Oh I love rthe suggestions by your commenters! I am going to try that target brand the olay one is like 10 bucks. Anyway I haven't had the pleasure to watch any of those real housewives shows! From the pics looks like I should! Lol Happy Friday! :)
I have uber sensitive skin too and really like Oil of Olay products. They make several moisturizers for us sensitive gals but they're still lightweight not all heavy and greasy. Plus they don't break the bank!
Ah Sephora. Just tying the word makes me feel better. lol.
I've been searching for the perfect face lotion all my life, can't say I've found it. They are either too much and clog my pores or not enough to help with the dry. Booo!
Time flies, but you will get it all together. I'm jealous, I need an adventure like that!
I love Sephora - it's one of my favorite stops. I adore peter thomas roth's moisturizer - it's a bit pricy but the bottle lasts for a good 6 months, and doesn't make my skin break out like a teenager's.
Hey Lady! It's okay we all need to splurge on makeup.. I use Neutrogena's tinted face moisturizer although I want to switch back to use Purpose moisturizer.
I LOVEEE Housewives of New Jersey!
I've used clinique forever..just the regular old yellow moisturizer except the gel not the lotion. I have really oily skin and that seems to keep it under control! As far as real housewives, I've never seen the NJ one..can you believe it? I need to partake.
I can only use Eucerin on my face b/c it's thick and not oily. I have super dry skin and I love this cream.
I love the housewives!
I absolutely have a recommendation! :) I use Mary Kay oil-free hydrating gel, which works well for my oily skin. They also have a cream version for really dry skin. Both are MAJOR moisturizers and work deep but go on lightly, drying quickly and working well under both cream and powder foundation.
I have sensitive skin as well and I use Aveeno face lotion before I put on makeup. It works for me.
My fav housewives are OC and NYC, the other two intimidate me with their feistiness. I may try and watch the Jersey one this time around and see how that goes.
I hope you feel less frazzled soon, I hate that feeling!
I am also thrilled Real Housewives is starting again. I'm slightly addicted to the NJ show.
As for face lotion, I use Aveeno Daily Brightening. Its gentle enough for my sensitive skin.
As far as face lotions go, I really like Purpose. (I think it's by Johnson and Johnson.) It's pretty cheap at the drug store, and it works well on my skin (plus, it has SPF 15 in it).
Happy Friday!
I cannot WAIT for NJ to come back!!!
I have super sensitive skin and Bare Minerals rocks girlie! You will loooove it! oooh and I can't wait for Real Housewives either love that series love it....
have a great weekend
Summer :0)
i like oil of olay's sensitive skin moisturizer. i know clinique's sensitive skin moisturizer works really well for dryness (it makes me break out, though!). hope you find something great! have a great weekend!!!
As far as face lotion goes, I really love Neutrogena's line. Maybe that'll help?
right now I'm loving Real World Road Rules challenge, Im a sucker for those shows
I'm a new follower of your blog so I wanted to say hi and also tell you I too cannot wait for RHofNJ to come back on!
love LOVE this show. it's just too good.
try this moisturizer, it's great under makeup or without!
I know! Me too! I can't wait for the NJ ladies!
And as for face lotion...I use clinique.
I have combination skin, so I have to be very selective with my lotions/moisturizers. There is only two that I have used in my entire life that I have actually considered worth keeping around (for me) One I forget the name of LOL but the one I have been using recently is Mary Kay moisturizer.
Energizing Multi-Protection Fluid SPF 15 - Healthy Glow by Chanel
A MUST have!
Me too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's just the best and makes me feel classy since they're so crazy!
The last episode of this show had me falling out of my chair!
I have super sensitive skin and I have recently settled on Burt Bee's all natural moisturizer products. (there are a few to choose from.)
I've been using Clean&Clear Morning Glow Moisturizer ever since we had this terrible winter and it has worked really well for me! Can't wait to go to Sephora!!!
I have never watched this show, but I watched a few episodes of the Atlanta "ladies." I just can't IMAGINE being on TV acting all crazy like that! Are they NOT embarrassed? LoL
I LOVE the ladies from Jersey! Well at least 4 of them;)
I use Aveeno Pure Radiance. It's super gentle and goes on well underneath makeup! It's a little pricier than other moisturizers, but it's worth it!
Umm yeah. My brother in law works for mac :) Greatest thing ever. Mac makeup, not the comptuer. Although that would be awesome too. He just brought me makeup last week when he came into town. Love it. He said he made his own face lotion. If I remember to ask him for the recipe I will pass it along.
I know I'm late commenting on this, but just in case the ones you purchased don't work out for you, I thought I'd throw in my two cents. I have eczema so I get REALLY dry skin and it is also very sensitive to chemicals so I have to be very careful what I use on my face. My dermatologist told me to use Purpose every day (I have some sun damage and it has SPF15) back when I was maybe 7. I've used it since then and it has never given me problems. It's incredibly lightweight and I'm pretty sure it's oil free. There are times that I have to double up on lotions because my face is that dry. During one of those times I came across Burts Bees Daily Radiance cream (I'm pretty sure that's the name). It's a little thicker and a little on the oily side (but not for long) but still 90 something percent all natural. I've never had problems breaking out while using it and my face has stayed so incredibly soft and smooth. Hope that helps!
I am sending you something in the mail.. Its the MOST fabulous line you will ever try.
I have the most sensitive skin EVER too... Tell me what you think when you get it! ; )
I can't wait for the new season to start!!
Kiehl's abyssine cream. Hands down. I have super sensitive, combination skin that loves to dry out like a champ in the desert, and this is my must-have. It's SPF 17, and when my Olay all-day hydrating cream doesn't cut it, this is my knight in shining armor. Well worth the $$. Hope this helps!
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