(Pretty hot right?)
On Sunday, I was able to catch his finals match at the French Open before going to work. Where he won for the fifth time.

(Right after his win)
This time however, I noticed something different about him. It was his watch. Usually, tennis players won't wear their watch out onto the court. Not the high profile, professional tennis players. Yes, of course they'll have sponsers and put their watch on as soon as their done with their matches. Yet, Nadal was playing in the finals at Rolland Garros wearing a watch. Come to find out it wasn't just any watch.

Turns out he was wearing a watch made my Richard Millie, a man before Sunday I had never heard of even existing. Here's a close up of the watch he had on:

(google images)
Now why isn't it just any watch? Because this watch cost 535,000 dollars. Yep, you read that right. Nope I didn't add any extra zeros. The watch is one of 50 that will be produced. It only weighs the weight of 8 pennies and is made of a carbon composite case and lithium alloys.
A bit expensive even for a billionaire, yes. I think the most expensive watch I've ever had has been my 125.00 dollar Fossil watch, which lasted for 5 years before the glass got cracked during a twirling practice. Don't get me wrong though, if someone gave me this watch, I'd wear it haha!
So my question is, even if you had that much money to spend on a watch would you? OR would you actually spend that money on so many more things and good causes? Because really.... who needs a watch that expensive during these hard economic times?
hell no i wouldn't buy that watch!! But I would wear it if someone gave it to me!! =)
I guess he would want to wear it all the time...but it's not like he can promote it...there's only gonna be 50 of them...
I would not buy that watych. Even when I have extra money I found it difficult to go buy more expensive things. Instead I still shop for my cheap things and just buy more of them.
With that being said that is a gorgeous and awesome watch. I am sure he got that as a gift or like for publicity. Man I wish I was a celebrity at times especially an athlete. They get so much awesome crap.
I would NEVER spend that much on a watch when I could buy a house or something of much better value!
I might buy a watch with the $... but not that one! lol.. I'm like you, I love the Fossil watches. That is the most bizarre flipping watch i've ever seen!
Oh absolutely not! Although if someone gave it to me, I would sell it. Even at half price I could pay off my house, buy a new vehicle, and fatten up my savings.
I just can't fathom spending that much on a watch. I'd much rather travel on money like that. Or buy an island for that matter.
Uhm, WOW! No, never spend that kind of money on something like that!! EVEN IF I had it too spend! That's crazy! LOL, plus I don't actually wear a watch, I always have my phone, and a watch always seems to get in my way, =)
Heck no. Diamonds? Maybe. An Aston Martin Vanquish? Probably. A watch? Not a chance. And if someone gave it to me? I'd sell it and buy the Vanquish AND diamonds.
Nope - I wouldn't spend it on that watch! But I might indulge in a Ferrari and a nice pair of heels.
I probably wouldn't buy the watch if I had the money, that's sooo much money! That's a freaking nice house. But then again, he probably didn't pay for the watch...
That watch gave me a headache just looking at the picture! So I know I wouldn't pay that much for it, even if I had the money! I guess I just like more simple things! I am not a big watch person though. I don't even own one. Guess I am the wrong person to answer this question!
LOVE tennis!
okay, i don't care much how money i had, i would NEVER spend that much on a watch. a diamond? maybe. a watch? never. well, what if it were covered in diamonds? ehhh, no, i still wouldn't. that's insane.
Heck no. I would rather buy a vacation home than a watch.
No. I would NEVER spend that kind of money on a watch! ESPECIALLY not a watch that is so confusing! LoL How do you know what time it is?
I don't watch tennis, but funny thing, I signed up to take lessons this summer. Maybe it will be like golf, I couldn't stand to watch until I started playing myself.
The watch falls into my "even if I had the money" category. Not because I think tough economic times should keep the people that have the money from buying what they want, I just can't imagine a watch meaning that much to me that I'd drop over 1/2 a milly.
I say that about crazy diamond jewelry too but I have a feeling I might change my mind on that if I could afford it!
But really, I think of all the charity that could be done and he could still wear a 250k watch. I'm just sayin'.
I do not even understand that watch! Too much!
And I suck at tennis, but love to watch...haha, get it?
Um, no way. And even if I did, I wouldn't wear it playing tennis, where all those balls are flying around at high speeds! Those 500,000 bucks are about to get cracked!
hell no. i would never ever buy that watch. i may spend that much on a handbag though..
I don't watch much tennis... but if he played with his shirt off, I might watch a bit more.
And that is one expensive watch!! Holy cow!
I would not spend that much on a watch. Maybe on a house. I also had several fossil watches.
He is such a stud!! Did you see the pics of him in Vogue last year? Amazing!!
I....would not be able to tell the time on that watch. haha And no, I most definitely wouldn't buy a watch for that much if I had tons of money. I would feel so guilty. I think I'd first pay off my student loans, give some money away, & then buy a beach house. :)
considering I don't wear watches, definitely not - but even if i did? I prob wouldn't either :)
Nadal regains the french open crown 2010.
I guess this makes me the materialistic one of the bunch, but if it was within my means and according to my standard of living (if I really had that kind of money to blow on watches...) then yeah. I know I would. How do I know this? Because I do it already. We aren't millionaires, or even hundred-thousand-aires, but I don't wear $10 watches from Walmart. I have a nice $100 watch from Fossil and other little luxury items that aren't cheap but aren't out of my means. So, if I had his money, I guess I don't see that there's anything wrong in spending it that way.
I'm shocked that he wore it while he was playing! What if it got broken!?
Now that is one expensive watch. Yes, it is good looking. If I was going to buy a watch that expensive it would be covered in diamonds.
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