Wednesday, July 7, 2010

And I'm back!

I disappeared yesterday, did you notice that? Where did I go? Well late Monday night, we decided to road trip it. We went down to Tennessee, spent the night and then hung out Tuesday. It was fun. I love going to Gaitlinburg, if you've never been, GO! The only down part to the trip, was on the car ride back, when a rock flew up and cracked the entire passenger side part of my windshield. That'll be getting fixed ASAP.

On Monday, I mentioned that my friend Chad is getting married in August. Well I bought two dress this past weekend and I can't decide which one to wear to his wedding next month. This is where you all come in! Which one do you like best? Remember, this wedding is taking place at a church on a Saturday at 4pm.
First option....
Second has pockets & is more of a teal color than what came across in the photo...
From what I've been told the wedding isn't going to be super formal so either of these dresses would work. I just can't decide! 

Also, lately... I've really been thinking about opening up more on here about certain subjects. With the summer and all of my traveling, it's been hard to tell the amazing stories and share the fun times having to leave out key people. Hmm... maybe I'll open up soon and use a surname for them. Now if I could just think of a good nickname. Have a great Wednesday!


tootie said...

Bummer about the windshield! :(

Cute dresses! I like them both, but I'd pick the blue one. (That's only because blue is my favorite color :)

Unknown said...

I vote for the second one!

Mrs EyeCanSee said...

I hear people talk about Gatlinburg all the time but I've never been. Perhaps I will have to add it to my to-go list! I vote for the first dress...the second one seems a little "fallish."

krystal said...

Ohhhh the teal with cute gold shoes and sparkly jewelry! =)

Steph said...

I like the teal one because pockets are good.

rena said...

I like the first one, feels more summery

Draea Lael (Rose) said...

Hey girl! Glad you also got a chance to relax and have some fun! You weren't too far from me! I really like both. I think they'd look amazing with your coloring. What are the colors of the wedding?

Anonymous said...

I vote for #1

Anonymous said...

I love Gatlinburg! I used to live not to far from there. I love the second dress. You could pair it with some chuncky jewelry and it would be great! Have a great week.

Jessica said...

Dress #2 gets my vote. You can lighten it up a bit with some light accessories!
I also vote for opening up a bit more ;)

JAMIE said...

Solids always look better in pictures - and everyone loves pockets, but the other one is extremely adorable too!!! I'm no help!

Random Musings said...

AKK about the windshield...

I love them both.. I think I would pick the first one.. and wear fun accessories..

About the annon thing, I always give people fake names and hopes they never find It may be hard with the link to your facebook though...

Random Musings said...

PS. I love that they are not black either I was told that you NEVER wear black to a wedding, yet EVERY wedding I have been to its the going color.
Maybe I am just old school, and even still I would NEVER wear black to a wedding..I would not want to get into trouble with my grandma!

chelsea said...

I like #2, but I have a slight obsession with teal. :)

Llama said...

Dress 2 is really cute!

Steph @ Professors_Wife said...

I'm thinking the first... only because it's got lovely summer colors in it, and the wedding is in August. :)

love jenny xoxo said...

I like the first one, seems more summery to me! but they are both cute!

Amanda @ It's Blogworthy said...

I love that second dress...gorgeous!

furygirl3132 said...

Glad you had a great roadtrip for the most part. I really like the first dress, something about it really stands out.
I am a new follower from Welcome Wednesday, so glad to have found your blog. Hope you have a wonderful day!


Unknown said...

I say the second one. Just make sure one of their wedding colors isn't teal. I have made the mistake twice of wearing a dress that was the right, or wrong color and ended up looking like I could be a bridesmaid. Woops. I think you should open up about...a certain someone. Maybe ask him...or they feel about it first.

JG said...

Hmm...I think the teal one. I love them both, but that seems more appropriate for the occasion, you know?

Unknown said...

I love the first one - the pattern is so unique, you'd look great in it!

I've never been to Gatlinburg - but my boyfriend had the best fried chicken there once!

Ashley said...

I agree, that is a unique pattern!! I love it! It would look great with some nude patent leather heels :-D

MariahSmile said...

I like the first one for the wedding! It seems very summery plus the sleeves look like they wouldn't be as restrictive on a hot summer day like the second one would!

ens said...

i usually love solids but i really love the first one!

L A C E Y said...

i think the first dress is so unique! i would probably go with that one. :)

Jamie Bishop said...

Found you on Welcome Wednesday. New follower!

Hutch said...

Open up...just let it out!!! :)

I love the first one for a fun summer wedding. I love patterns in the warm months and solids during the winter, but that's a personal thing :)

Brittany Ann said...

Get jazzy shoes and really flashy accessories and go with number 2!

tara said...

both dresses are fab! but my vote is for dress #2!

Until Death do us Party said...

Hey hun, it's Cassandra from Life as an Army Duck. I've moved my blog over to and will be posting there from now on :-)

I like dress one I think. But they are both super cute!

Candace said...

I've always wanted to go to Gatlinburg. Someday....maybe I'll even visit it when there's snow. ha!

Super cute dresses! I think the blue one is my favorite for the wedding.

Have fun~!

Katie said...

love them both! but I think the first is my favorite!!

Design It Chic said...

I'd take the first dress for the church ceremony and the other one paired with high heel straps sandals for the after party:) Oh and also I am now following you thanks to Welcome Wednesday and it would be nice if you could share back the love here on my blog! Also Technical Support is up for grabs!Yesterday's topic was No Titles In The Sidebar Widget and today we talk about Centering the sidebar buttons. Make sure you don\t miss any of this!
Happy Welcome Wednesday!

Jenna said...

both dresses are cute, but I vote for the first one! :)

Kassie said...

I love the second one!!

Jessica Lynn said...

Wow! So many comments! I'd go with the second dress for sure!

Tamara said...

I like both dresses but vote for #2because since it's solid you can really fancy it up with accessories and shoes!

I love Gatlinburg, I grew up going there but traded it in for the mountains of WV when I met my hubby!